Self massage techniques for cyclists - neck, shoulders and back

With its hunched-over, head-up position, it’s no surprise that cycling can give you a stiff neck, shoulders and back. 17, 20164:18pm

Incorporate these techniques into your weekly training or riding plan to enjoy huge recovery benefits.

Neck technique

Reach backwards with one arm, and press your fingers firmly into the trapezius muscle, from the base of your skull to your shoulder.

Further the move by tilting your head to the other side while dragging your hand towards the point of the shoulder.

Shoulder technique

This time, use the opposite hand to the side you’re massaging.

Reach backwards and press down on the muscle, rocking back and forth to massage it.

Lower back technique

Lie on the ground with your knees in the air and your pelvis slightly raised, with your feet and shoulders supporting most of your weight.

Put a tennis ball under your back and roll your body gently over it, resting as much weight on the ball as is comfortable.

This technique works equally well for massaging your buttocks.

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