Secrets of a bodybuilder

Laura Cencigh-Albulario

Bodybuilding champion Ronnie Coleman reveals how he maintains his shredded physique

Eight-time Mr Olympia Ronnie Coleman drops his weights for a moment to chat with Laura Cencigh-Albulario.

What goes into creating a body like yours?

It has taken over 20 years of complete dedication, eating six to eight times a day and working out at least two hours a day. I eat a lot of eggs, chicken and steak and of course use sport supplements.

How did you get involved in bodybuilding?

I was naturally muscular from a young age, but once I touched a weight at age 13, I got much bigger, quicker than the normal person. I didn't even know bodybuilding was a profession until a gym owner offered me a free membership if I competed at a show.

Describe your lifestyle.

Very structured. It's a 24-hour job. There's no alcohol, parties or junk food. We eat the same meals every day at the same time and train to exhaustion.

What has been the greatest moment in your career?

Definitely winning my first Olympia (in 1998). I love surprises and this was the biggest of my life.

What are your training weaknesses?

I really don't enjoy cardio. I bought two machines for my home gym so I can have a friend train with me.

Are there any practical benefits, or challenges, that come from being a bodybuilder?

Absolutely! At my peak, I helped move a small car out of a parking space.

Clothing has always been an issue. I also have to travel in first class because I can't fit in a regular seat. Sometimes I have to order the same meal three times to get the right amount of protein.

Your tips for people who want to build muscle?

Find a training partner. Eat as much as possible, but no junk food. Eat late at night or wake in the night and have a protein shake.

Can you suggest some simple muscle-building exercises people can try at home?

Push-ups, pull-ups and dips help build strength and size.

What are the main things people get wrong in their workout routines?

They try to lift heavy weights and hurt themselves or don't have a plan when they walk into a gym. Planning your routine maximises your time and you'll get a better workout.