CrossFit style men's workout

Damien Kelly

A CrossFit style workout with a selection of moves that together give you a great whole-body challenge.

The beauty of a circuit is that you challenge one part of your body and while it’s recovering, you work another part. Have a play with some circuits until you get some challenging combo’s going.

Here’s one I’ve created to get you started:
30 Push-ups
30 Walking lunges (each leg)
30 Pull-ups
30 Squats
30 Sit-ups

Complete all the reps of one exercise before you move to the next. You don’t have to do all reps in one go. The thirty reps might be broken up in 2, 3 or 4 sets. Try to transition quickly between each exercise. Time how long the workout takes.

Move 1 - Push ups

Place your hands on the ground, just wider than shoulder-width. On toes or knees, move your chest so that it is over your hands and your vision is 10-20cm in front of your fingers. Engage your core so that you’re fighting the downwards sag of your hips and tummy. Lower your torso slowly to the ground. Your chest and hips should touch the ground simultaneously. Push back up until your elbows are straight again. Go straight back into your next rep.

Move 2 – Walking lunges

With feet shoulder width apart, imagine you are standing on train tracks. Stride forward with your left foot along the left train track. Land lightly. Once your left foot lands on the ground, allow your right knee to sink towards the ground. Your left shin should finish the movement vertical, with knee over ankle. Your back knee should descend to a point a few inches off the ground. Now push off, swing your right leg past your left and land it out in front ready for another lunge.

Move 3 – Pull-ups

You’ll need to find a horizontal bar at about hip height before you attempt this one (or a TRX or similar). Grab the bar with an overhand grip and raise your pelvis up so that your body is straight from head to toe. Your chest should be below the bar and your elbows straight. Now pull your chest as close to the bar as you can before slowly lowering. Do as many as you can. If you can’t touch the bar try to at least break ninety degrees in your elbows.

Move 4 – Squats

Stand with your feet shoulder width apart. While maintaining good posture, bend at the knees and squat as if you are about to sit on a chair. Keep a steady rhythm with no pause on both the up and down phase. Focus your weight through your heels and keep your vision fixed on a point directly ahead of you. Be conscious also of your knee stability. Any sideways movements of your knees, especially inward at the bottom of the move can cause problems. The lower you go the better. A perfect bodyweight squat has your butt lowering below your knees.

Move 5 – Sit-ups

Lie on the ground with your knees bent to ninety degrees, hands on your thighs and head and shoulders raised off the ground. Squeeze and crunch your abs and sit-up. Touch your ankles with your fingertips and then lower back down to the ground. Lower until your shoulder blades touch and then move straight back into your next rep.