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    Axe the whole housing Act

    Glynn Robbins reports on the partial victory just won by the movement to defend public housing: The partial U-turn on ‘Pay to Stay’ is very […]
  • Chaotic public transport, communities uprooted, public sector workers without rights – a policy of confrontation

    Sport’s dance with the devil

    Jane Shallice reviews Brazil’s dance with the devil : The World Cup, the Olympics and the fight for democracy by Dave Zirin Haymarket Books $17.95 The Olympics!  […]
  • Fidel's living quarters sierra maestra

    Fidel dies

    Dave Kellaway reflects Images of Fidel fill the newsreel of our lives: Dishevelled and defeated after the bloody attack on the Moncada barracks; walking free […]
Photo: Steve Eason 
Celebrations at  #TWT of Jeremy's election victory

A tale of two parties?

November 23, 2016 admin1 0
Veronica Fagan reports: Being in Liverpool during Labour Party conference was an extraordinary experience which I will struggle to adequately convey. In terms of what […]

Upcoming Events

6:00 pm Marxism for today: Ecosocialism ... @ SOAS, room B103, Brunei Gallery
Marxism for today: Ecosocialism ... @ SOAS, room B103, Brunei Gallery
Dec 1 @ 6:00 pm
Marxism for today: Ecosocialism or Barbarism @ SOAS, room B103, Brunei Gallery | London | England | United Kingdom
Ecosocialism or Barbarism is part of a short series of discussions, organised by Socialist Resistance, on Marxist theory and its relevance to today’s world. It will [...]
12:00 pm Defend democracy – stop the hate! @ Parliament Square
Defend democracy – stop the hate! @ Parliament Square
Dec 5 @ 12:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Defend democracy - stop the hate! @ Parliament Square | London | England | United Kingdom
On December 5th, Nigel Farage is threatening to march on the Supreme Court to demand that the power to implement Article 50 is taken away [...]

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