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Protest Against Israeli Aggression


éirígí spokesperson Daithí Mac An Mhaistír has called on people to attend today’s demonstrations in Belfast, Derry and Dublin in response to the Israeli attack on the international aid flotilla bound for Gaza.

Twenty aid workers have been confirmed dead and dozens injured after last night’s attack in international waters when the Israeli navy opened fire on the six boats and commandos stormed the decks and opened fire. At least eight Irish people are among the humanitarians who were bound for the besieged Gaza Strip, which has suffered under a zionist blockade since the democratic election of the Hamas government.

Mac An Mhaistír said: “Yet again, Israel has been exposed as a rogue state in the eyes of the world. Their barbaric treatment of international aid workers seeking to relieve a beleaguered population bears all the hallmarks of a fascistic regime.

“Action must be taken to end these recurring massacres. The Israeli ambassador and all the embassy staff must be expelled by the Twenty-Six County government without delay.

“Trade with Israel should be suspended and the preferential agreements the European Union has negotiated should be cancelled. This apartheid state should be boycotted and shunned by the whole world.”

Mac An Mhaistír continued: “To this end, people should get to today’s demonstrations in Belfast, Derry and Dublin – as an act of solidarity with the Palestinian people and the aid workers, as a display of outrage at the Israeli regime and as an act of protest against western complicity in the ongoing Palestinian nightmare.

“The more people there are on the streets, the more pressure will be brought to bear upon those in Ireland who insist on collaborating with the Israeli regime.”

Today’s protests are as follows: Belfast City Hall, 4pm
Guildhall Square, Derry, 5pm
The Spire, O’Connell Street, Dublin, 6pm, for march to Israeli embassy.


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