Posts Tagged ‘Prison Struggle’

Correspondence address for anarchist prisoner Nikos Maziotis (Greece)

Sunday, August 24th, 2014

Via contra-info:

Here is the new address for comrade Nikos Maziotis:

Sending books to inmates is banned in Diavata prison, where Nikos Maziotis is currently incarcerated. So the comrade can only receive letters (at best some news reports too). It is obligatory to indicate a sender address, otherwise letters are not delivered.

To write to the comrade:

Nikos Maziotis
Geniko Katastima Kratisis Thessalonikis
57008 Diavata,

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Athens: Text concerning the hunger-thirst strike of anarchist hostages of the 4th wing of Koridallos prisons (Greece)

Saturday, February 22nd, 2014

via actforfree:

The following text is a presentation of what followed the incident with and also some general thoughts surrounding the institution of incarceration and how we stand across it as anarchists. Our desire was for it to come out earlier, but our transfer to another wing, the beating of Giannis by the CCF and various other prison matters delayed it.

On 13/12/13, when the yard closed we returned to human-guard Giannis Milonas a small percentage of the violence he applies everyday while holding a key. This specific guy insisted on his quarrelsome behavior when some comrades called him out on the ironic comments he made the day before.

This incident was, for the service, the reason to break up our community which had become a constant thorn for them. In the recent times there have been numerous clashes since we were trying with various ways and for matters we considered nodal, (hunger strike of communists from Turkey, the placing of barbedwire above the yards) to sabotage, to the measure that is possible, the function of the prison. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

'Americanisation of the British criminal justice system' by long-term social prisoner John Bowden (UK)

Monday, February 17th, 2014

From a comrade of ABC Brighton:

A recent Government announcement that it was considering introducing U.S. style prison sentences like a hundred years custody for the most serious offences is on one level a straightforward attempt to undermine a recent European Court of Human Rights ruling that life sentence prisoners should be given some hope that their sentences will be reviewed before they die, and on another level evidence that the Americanisation of the British criminal justice system continues to increase and deepen.

Apart from the probable introduction of prison sentences that are in effect a slow form of capital punishment, an American penology has characterised the treatment of British prisoners for quite some time in the form of the treatment model with its psychology-based programmes and courses designed and inspired by Canadian and U.S. ideologies regarding “offending behaviour”, which is attributed not so much to social and environmental causes but more the individual pathology of the “offender”. So the fact that the prison population is drawn disproportionately from the poorest and most disadvantaged group in society is of absolutely no significance and instead a crude behaviourist notion prevails that providing prisoners can be re-socialised into behaving in a “normal” way then “offending behaviour” can be exorcised from their thinking before they’re released back into the same desperate economic and social circumstances. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Call: Survivors of Sexual Assault/Domestic Violence Writing on Solidarity with Prison Abolition (Canada)

Wednesday, February 29th, 2012

– This call comes out of Canada and parts of Western Europe.

325 receives and transmits:

Working Title: Challenging Convictions: Survivors of Sexual Assault/Domestic Violence Writing on Solidarity with Prison Abolition.

Completed submissions due: April 15, 2012.

Like much prison abolition work, the call for this anthology comes from frustration and hope: frustration with organizers against sexual assault and domestic violence who treat the police as a universally available and as a good solution; frustration with prison abolitionists who only use “domestic violence” and “rape” as provocative examples; and, frustration with academic discussions that use only distanced third-person case studies and statistics to talk about sexual violence and the Prison Industrial Complex (PIC). But, this project also shares the hope and worth of working toward building communities without prisons and without sexual violence. Most importantly, it is anchored in the belief that resisting prisons, domestic violence, and sexual assault are inseparable. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Attempted escape from Korydallos Prison by CCF & P.Vlastos (Greece)

Thursday, December 15th, 2011

Around 6.45 this evening [12/12/11], P.Vlastos (a known underground figure accused of organizing kidnappings of rich industrialists among other things) took some prison guards hostage in his attempt to escape. A few members of the C.C.F. (who are in Koridallos because of the second part of the ‘Halandri’ trial) also participated in the attempt. After the escape attempt failed, they started negotiating, while one of the comrades of the C.C.F. made a statement to the media that they participated in the escape attempt but do not want to negotiate with cops, but want to publicize the horrible conditions in Koridallos prison (See above Youtube video for statement by Michalis Nikolopoulos). (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Stunning Like Marrasi in Flames (Italy)

Tuesday, February 22nd, 2011

This video clip is taken from ‘Detour’, an Italian-made film about the severe disturbances in Genoa, Italy, during the 2001 anti-G8 summit. The summit was marked by extreme pre-planned police brutality with a large number of detainees who were systematically abused and beaten. Some prisoners were made to grovel on the floor like dogs whilst guards simulated sex with them, some made to sing fascist songs and salute pictures of Mussolini. During the riots the Black Bloc attacked the administrative offices of Marrasi prison, attempting to burn down the section of the prison guards.

The overlaid narrative actually describes the liberation of Newgate prison, London, during the ‘Gordon Riots’ of 1780. The riots were the largest municipal insurrection in the 18th Century, in a time that saw several others across the world. It was “a motley crew, and of every colour”, The insurgent masses were working class, multi-racial, and fought for liberty against the slavery and confinement enforced by the rich. The insurrection had the aristocrats besieged and houses destroyed, the bosses and upper-classes armed themselves with military encampments and checkpoints. Parliament and the Bank of England was attacked. Newgate, the largest and most terrible dungeon, was liberated amid such fire and destruction that one spectator felt “as if not only the whole metropolis was burning, but all nations yielding to the final consummation of things.”

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Sodexo Factory Attacked, Montreal PQ, (Kanada)

Monday, December 13th, 2010

On a recent evening the Sodexo factory in Montreal, PQ was attacked with rocks and spraypaint.

Sodexo is a company which manufactures and distributes food to prisons across Canada.

This act is a retaliation against the industry and apparatus of imprisonment but also an expression of solidarity, with all prisoners but especially with Roger Clement, recently sentenced to 3.5 years for an attack on a Royal Bank of Canada, John Graham, an indigenous prisoneragainst the colonial state and Giannis Dimitrakis, jailed in Greece for his activity as an anarchist against the state, serving 25 years.



L’usine Sodexo à Montréal a étés attaqué avec des roches et du graffitti. Sodexo est une compagnie qui fabrique et distibue de la nourriture pour les prisonsà travers le Canada.

Cette action n’est pas seulement une attaque contre l’industrie de l’emprisonnement, mais aussi une expression de notre solidarité avec Roger Clement, qui vient de recevoir 3.5 ans en prison à cause d’une attaque sur une Royal Bank of Canada, avec John Graham, un prisonnier autochtone contre l’état colonial, et avec Giannis Dimitrakis, emprisonne pour 25 ans en Grèce pour son activité contre l’état en tant qu’un anarchiste.

des anarchistes

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Posted in Direct Action

Amadeu Casellas is Free! (Catalunya)

Thursday, March 11th, 2010

Amadeu Casellas has been released today 10th March around noon, after 24 years of imprisonment. Once examined all the charges, the prison director concluded that Amadeu has spent 8 more years in prison than he should have had. Amadeu was first arrested in 1979, for robbing banks to fund raise social and workers’ struggles. During his imprisonment he’s always kept a strong spirit and has fought hard for freedom, justice and prisoners’
rights; only in the past 2 years he’s done 3 hunger strikes. …

Until all are free!

Bristol ABC

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Incomplete list of recent events concerning prisons and revolt (Portugal)

Sunday, March 7th, 2010

26 February, Leiria – the screws in the prison of Leiria beat up a prisoner after he refused to hand them the TV in his cell (as a punishment for coming back a few minutes later). Seeing this, many prisoners demand to talk with the prison director before they re-enter their cells. The director refused, and ordered the guards to beat every prisoner who was causing troubles. (more…)

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Mass Mobilization in Greek Prisons (Round 2)

Friday, November 13th, 2009

One year after the mass mobilization in Greek prisons with the participation of around 10,000 prisoners out of the near 12,000 nothing has changed. Despite the various promises made by politicians and ministers of justice the conditions in these hellholes remain appalling and overcrowding remains the norm.

One year after the prisoners start again with mass mobilizations. In the last two days 3176 prisoners from 7 out of the 36 prisons that exist refuse prison food making demands about improving the prison conditions and their earlier release. The state fears that there will be a domino effect and that soon other prisons will follow. We can only wish that its worst fears become true.

Solidarity with the prisoners’ struggle
Until the destruction of all prisons

Some random anarchists from Athens

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