Posts Tagged ‘Kulon Progo’

Kulon Progo: Tukijo, the farmer and activist who was jailed for 2,5 years in Jogjakarta is free (Indonesia)

Thursday, October 3rd, 2013

Tukijo is a farmer and activist from Kulon Progo, Jogjakarta, Indonesia. He was kidnapped by the state and jailed for 2 years and 6 months, after the bloom of resistence against the mega-mining project from Australian company backed up by the provincial goverment and police. Tukijo accused as kidnapper of two officers from the mining company and provocateur for disturbing social peace. He faced fake trials with fake witnesses in the court. He was active member of the local struggle and became one the leading figures in Kulon Progo at the time.

While in prison, Tukijo received many solidarity actions. Some early direct actions from Indonesia was mentioned his name in solidarity. Included the action from Long Live Luciano Tortuga Cell – FAI Indonesia, where end up with arrests by police against comrades Billy and Eat. Tukijo spent his time in the prison with dignity and never step back from his struggle to defense his land and community from the mega-mining project. Later, while Tukijo still in the prison, some of his comrades who stay outside start to connecting all the local struggle points which is lead to the establishment of the farmer association named: Forum Komunikasi Masyarakat Agraris (Forum for Communication between Agrarian Communities). Statement of the Second Autonomous Peasant Farmer’s Congress, 10th February 2012 – Forum for Communication between Agrarian Communities – here.

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Excavator and bulldozer torched in Moscow region during the ongoing Khimki forest struggle (Russia)

Wednesday, March 13th, 2013

During the night of 08/03/13 we placed 3 incendiaries on construction vehicles in a sand extraction complex of Solnechnogorsk district (near Moscow).

The sand from this site goes to the highway construction projects in Khimki forest as well as some other regional development projects. Two vehicles were completely destroyed: a tracked dozer and an excavator.

Because of damp weather one of the devices failed to ignite, so we had to backtrack. With ravaging flames from burning excavator at our backs, we approached the bomb and re-wired it.

Wholehearted support to CCF-Russia, Indonesian rebels from Kulon-Progo, ALF/ELF/FAI groups around the world.
Combative solidarity with “ALF lone wolf” Walter Bond, imprisoned members of Greek CCF, Marco Camenisch and Italian anarchist persecuted under the police operations of 2012 like Thor etc.
Felicity Rider: remain free!
Tortuga: we enjoyed reading your letters man!

Wolfpack, ELF/FAI

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Posted in Direct Action

Attack against Talvivaara mining company (Finland)

Saturday, March 9th, 2013

Thursday 8.3.2013 a group of people gathered in front of Finlandia Hall [in Helsinki, Finland] to demonstrate their discontentment against environmental crimes done by Finnish mining company Talvivaara* while the company was having shareholders meeting.

At the same time we did a solidarity action at Talvivaara headquarters in Espoo.

We throw smoke bombs inside the corridor of the building and decorated the wall with anti-Talvivaara slogan.

Our action was in solidarity with all those who have been suffering of the operations of Talvivaara mine and those who are fighting against the company.

Also we want to express our solidarity to smallholder rebellions in Kulon Progon area in Java Island [in Indonesia] and Tukijo that is imprisoned by Indonesian state.

We are deeply sorry about extra heart beats we caused for the worker in the corridor.

* Finnish mining company having a huge open-pit mine in North-East Finland. For years the local people and activists have brought up the fundamental violation of environmental legislation of Talvivaara. In December 2012 the company had major leak of poisonous waste water into lakes around the mining area causing of large scale pollution and it has still serious problems to “clean” the production line – probably never succeed. Talvivaara is mining mainly nickel and zinc, but uranium as well.

source: Takku via contrainfo

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Posted in Direct Action

Kulon Progo: Video Solidarity with Tukijo, imprisoned comrade in struggle (Indonesia)

Sunday, February 24th, 2013

From asimetris:

This video is a contribution to commemorate and honor the spirit of resistance against corporate and state- by Tukijo one of the brave farmers of Kulonprogo who is held hostage inside prison.

This video is dedicated and prepared by our comrades as an active contribution and participation in the horizontal struggle of farmers in Kulonprogo.

Check the video here >> ODE TO TUKIJO

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Posted in Eco Struggle

Series of incendiary attacks by the Earth Liberation Front- Indonesia Fraction

Thursday, January 31st, 2013


Perjuangan kami tidak dapat dibatasi dalam terma-terma peradaban. Kami tak dapat dimengerti. Kami liar dan merupakan musuh peradaban. Tidak hanya negara dan kapital, tapi seluruh peradaban: kami menentang seluruhnya.

Kami adalah mereka yang dengan bangga menanggalkan kedamaian sosial, melangkah keluar dari zona-zona nyaman kami dan melakukan serangan terhadap apa yang kami benci. Kami mendeklarasikan perang terhadap peradaban dan seluruh propertinya dan bergabung dalam perang gerilya urban internasional bersama saudara-saudari seperjuangan kami di Federasi Informal Anarkis dan Front Revolusioner Internasional.

Kami mengklaim dan mengambil tanggung jawab atas aksi pembakaran terhadap mobil dan rumah Wakil Sekretaris DPD Demokrat (partai pemenang pemilu 2009) di Sumatera Selatan, aksi pembakaran terhadap 4 mesin ATM di Makassar, dan serangan terhadap dua gardu listrik di Jakarta selama seminggu terakhir.

Aksi-aksi kami dipersembahkan sebagai solidaritas terhadap perjuangan petani Ogan Kemilir Ilir, kepada pemberontak di Papua: Buktar Tabuni dan Dominikus Sorabut yang ditahan oleh pemerintah Indonesia, kepada seluruh perjuangan anti tambang yang tersebar dan mekar di sepanjang pesisir selatan Jawa, dan kepada masyarakat adat di Kalimantan, Mentawai, Jambi dan Papua.

Kami juga mengirimkan salam revolusioner teruntuk Tukijo: petani pemberani dan terhormat dari Kulon Progo, teruntuk tahanan-tahanan kasus NO TAV, tahanan-tahanan ELF di Amerika Serikat, teruntuk Marco Camenisch dan Gabriel Pombo da Silva, juga teruntuk para tahanan anarkis yang tidak pernah mundur dan tunduk di bawah hukum.

Juga kepada organisasi-organisasi revolusioner: Konspirasi Sel-sel Api (KSA) dan Perjuangan Revolusioner (PR) di Yunani, seluruh seksi dan fraksi dari Front Pembebasan Bumi (FPB) dan Front Pembebasan Hewan (FPH) di seluruh dunia, Individu-individu Yang Liar (IYL) di Meksiko, dan seluruh sel Federasi Informal Anarkis/Front Revolusioner Internasional (FIA/FRI).

Kepada para kamerad Konspirasi Internasional untuk Balas Dendam: mari bakar habis kemeleratan dan perbudakan!

Hingga pada keruntuhan peradaban!
Hingga pada kebebasan utuh dan kehidupan liar!

Front Pembebasan Bumi
Fraksi Indonesia


Our struggle can’t be limited under civilization terms. We out of it. We are wild and we are enemies of civilization. Not only the state and capital (in old terms of anarchism), but all the civilization: we are against it.

We are the ones who proudly throw out the social peace, walk out from our comfort zones and carried an attack actions against what we hate. We are declaring war against civilization and it’s property and join in the international urban guerrilla warfare with all our brothers and sisters in Informal Anarchist Federation and International Revolutionary Front.

We claim and take responsibility for arsons against car and shop belonging to the Vice Secretary of Demokrat in South Sumatera (winning party of 2009 general election), arsons against 4 ATMs in Makassar, and actions against two electrical substations during last week in Jakarta.

Our actions are dedicated to the farmers struggle in Ogan Kemilir Ilir, to the rebels in Papua: Buktar Tabuni and Dominikus Sorabut who are imprisoned by the Indonesian State, to the struggles against mining which spread and blossomed in south coast of Java, and to the natives in Kalimantan, Mentawai, Jambi and Papua.

We also want to send our revolutionary greetings to Tukijo: brave and dignified farmer from Kulon Progo, to the NO TAV prisoners in Italia, to the ELF prisoners in USA, to Marco Camenisch and Gabriel Pombo da Silva and to all anarchist prisoners who never step down and bow under the law.

Also to revolutionary organizations: Conspiracy of Cells of Fire (CCF) and Epasnatatikos Agonas (EA) in Greece, all the sections and fractions of Earth Liberation Front (ELF) and Animal Liberation Front (ALF) around the world, to Individualidades Tendiendo a lo Salvaje (ITS) in Mexico and to all cells of Informal Anarchist Federation/International Revolutionary Front (FAI/IRF).

To our comrades of International Conspiracy for Revenge: let’s burn down this misery and slavery!

Till the collapse of this civilization!
Till to the total freedom and wild life!

Earth Liberation Front
Indonesian Fraction

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Posted in Direct Action

'Long-Live Luciano Tortuga Cell – International Conspiracy for Revenge – FAI / FRI' attack electrical substation with incendiary device in Manado (Indonesia)

Sunday, September 2nd, 2012

From Membakar Senj[a]:

It’s always a reason to say that the lack of numbers is the main reason. But for us the only obstacle is fear. Theories, reasons and situations are the walls of the labyrinth which always became a reason for obstruction and restriction. As well as the accusations that the kidnapping of two members, of our comrades Billy and Eat, is a barrier to the ongoing actions for destruction.

On August 23, at a power plant in Kotamobagu, North Sulawesi, we put an incendiary device that failed to ignite. We were disappointed with ourselves and the ability of each individual who was involved in the attack. But on the other hand, we learned that no one should regret. Tonight August 31, we re-commit to do the same “crimes”. Leaving the device in order to burn an electrical substation in Tuminting, Manado.

The goal is clear. We are angry. Really angry!

This action is also as a response and as an answer to the unlimited solidarity from many rebellion comrades and companer@s.

To the uncontrolled and brave comrades in the darkness of Bolivia, Chile, Mexico, Greece, Argentina, and England as well as to other places that were never mentioned.

To Olga and all the comrades from Conspiracy of Cells of Fire and Tasos Theofilou who was recently arrested because he was an anarchist. Also we do not forget to mention Theofilos Mavropoulos, Gabriel Pombo da Silva, Rami Syrianos, and Marco Camenisch who are undergoing a hunger strike. All of you are rebels who inspired us despite the fact that you are seized behind bars.

To Luciano Tortuga and Mario Lopez, also never forget to mention Ivan Silva and Carla Verdugo in Chile. Henry Zegarrundo, Juan Aliste Vega, Freddy Fuentevilla Saa, Marcelo Villarroel Sepúlveda also are an inspiration. Do not forget to dissidents like Felicity Ryder, Nikos Maziotis and Pola Roupa also lastly to K. The fugitive member of the Long Live Luciano Tortuga Cell, Informal Anarchist Federation / International Revolutionary Front (FAI / FRI).

But with fully of shame in our face we mention our two brothers in struggle, members of Long Live Luciano Tortuga Cell, Informal Anarchist Federation / International Revolutionary Front; Billy Augustan and Reyhard Rumbayan (Eat). Also do not forget the brave one of Kulonprogo; Tukijo. For those we send our greetings with the lights of fire from the street. To them we are sending our love.

These actions are also as a manifestation of anger and disappointment.
Impatience for those rebels who after attacks returned to run and hide and spent long time to keep waiting, including us.

Comrades, it is time to strike back.
Do not wait. Time to light it up!

Long Live Anarchy!

Long Live Luciano Tortuga Cell
International Conspiracy for Revenge
Informal Anarchist Federation / International Revolutionary Front

Adalah sebuah alasan untuk mengatakan bahwa jumlah adalah alasan. Karena bagi kami ternyata satu-satunya halangan adalah ketakutan. Berbagai teori, alasan juga situasi dan kondisi adalah berbagai tembok labirin yang selalu jadi alasan tentang halangan dan pembatasan. Juga seperti tuduhan bahwa tertangkapnya dua orang kamerad anggota kami Billy dan Eat adalah penghalang akan aksi pengrusakan yang berkelanjutan. (more…)

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Posted in Direct Action

Letter from Hidayat, In Prison in Makassar (Indonesia)

Tuesday, March 6th, 2012

Dear comrades,

From the bottom of my heart and an ardent yearning to be with you, I wanted to write this short letter in order to let all my friends know that “a fire still burns in our hearts that cannot be extinguished”.

Being in this place is not something I wished for, but also it should not be a cause for regret. We are aware and we understand that rebellion against the State is vital, but it also entails risks. If anarchists attack something that others hold sacred, then those people will not be able to tolerate anarchism. That is what underlies all our fears. Whenever someone opposes and seeks to destroy something we hold sacred, of course we will resist with all our strength. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

New: Booklet in Solidarity with Kulon Progo, the Yogyakarta 3 and Tukidjo (Indonesia)

Tuesday, November 1st, 2011

New booklet just released from Act for Freedom / Elephant Editions, all about the struggle in Indonesia against the mega-project threatening the coastal farming communities of Kulon Progo, featuring action reports, communiques, international solidarity and more.

Download the booklet from 325

Booklet + Cover

The booklet is designed in a format to be printed out and reproduced. Please distribute.

Background info: 1 & 2

Soli-website for Kulon Progo.


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Posted in Eco Struggle, Library

Freedom for Tukijo and the Yogyakarta 3 rebels (Indonesia)

Saturday, October 15th, 2011

This important call-out for revolutionary solidarity with the struggle in Indonesia has been translated into several languages which can be found on the website Contra-Info, in Greek, Spanish, Italian, French, German and Portuguese.

October 7, 2011. At 2 am, Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI) ATM Bank in Sleman, Yogyakarta, is set on fire. The fire causes an explosion in the unit which destroys the premises. The sabotage is just one more instance of resistance in a country which is destroying it’s trees, mountains and coastlines for profit whilst oppressing its people.

Now 3 people are arrested [2 remain -Eat & Billy-, the third was released]. They are all accused of being involved in damaging the bank. We are not interested in finding out if the prisoners are “guilty” or not, nor of the extent of their “crime”. We will leave such speculation to the inquisitors and their servants in the press. We don’t need to know the details of the entire situation to know that as long as the state and the banks get rich from exploitation, there will always be those who will go against their power and refuse to collaborate. It is enough that these people are imprisoned, to wish that not just their prison, but every prison ceases to exist. “Crime” is no food on the table and the bosses taking the lion’s share. “Crime” is clear-cut forests and mining companies who beat and kill who they like with the help of the police. Freedom is fighting back and reclaiming your life from oppression.

What we know is that Indonesia is a regime which is propped up by western capitalists and militarists. It is a nation which tortures and massacres its opposition, like every state that can get away with it where it can.

Kulon Progo is a farming area near Yogyakarta, and in 2005 Jogja Magasa Mining and Indomines metal industries wanted to take the land for their industry. The farmers there didn’t give their land to the industrial company because they didn’t want nature to be destroyed by them. Many times the farmers tried to solve this without any riots, but it’s not working. Now they are ready to defend their lives.

It started when the company paid 300 people to destroy the houses of farmers and all the plants there.

It made all the farmers get angry and also lots of other people besides. Human dignity and nature just colonized by money, and there will never be any help to let the farmers survive. The police just covered up the people who were attacking the farmers because the company paid off the police. A typical story.

Tukijo was a farmer who was arrested and imprisoned just because he was vocal in the demonstrations against this situation. The people in Indonesia have made many activities around this matter : demonstrations, articles, movies, graffiti and property damage against the profiteering companies.

The farmers and the people of Kulon Progo, Pandang Raya, West Papua, Bima and elsewhere, are appealing for international solidarity and complicity in their struggle alongside the anarchists and anti-capitalists, who are all against the violent terror of the Indonesian bosses, their paid murderers and corporate backers. Don’t let them fight alone!

In accordance with the wishes of the farmers, we demand the land is given back to the farmers and freedom for our friends who are in prison because of this.

The State-Corporations-Military-Police are the Terrorists!

Freedom for Tukijo and those accused of attacking the BRI ATM Bank!

A few anarchists in solidarity.

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Posted in Social Control

Long Live Luciano Tortuga Cell / IRF / FAI Indonesia claims new International Solidarity fire attack against BRI Bank, Yogyakarta (Indonesia)

Monday, October 10th, 2011

2 comrades, Eat and Billy are imprisoned having taken responsibility for this action. There has been a call-out for revolutionary solidarity with the struggle in Indonesia – translated into several languages, which can be found on the website Contra-Info, in Greek, Spanish, Italian, French, German and Portuguese. More details to follow.

7 October 2011


“Pemberontakan sosial akan terus berlanjut karena mentari terus bersinar.”

Kali ini kami mengatakan, bahwa apa yang kami lakukan merupakan puncak dari semua kegelisahan serta kemarahan kami terhadap sistem yang sedang berjalan ini. Sistem yang memberhalakan uang, sistem yang merecoki keseharian masyarakat dengan televisi, agar mereka membeli barang-barang yang tak mereka perlukan agar mereka terus bekerja seperti mesin. Sistem yang mengharuskan kami beserta masyarakat lainnya tidak memiliki kendali atas hidup kita sendiri.

Sistem yang lainnya menguntungkan borjuis, para pebisnis, dan para birokrat negara yang menjadi sekutu setianya. Bagi kami semua, ini bukan saatnya untuk diam, bukan saatnya untuk tenang menonton acara di depan televisi dan berkata bahwa “semua baik-baik saja”.

Untuk setiap penindasan di Papua Barat.

Untuk setiap penindasan di Kulon Progo.

Untuk setiap penindasan bersejarah di Aceh.

Untuk setiap penindasan di Wera, Bima.

Untuk setiap penggusuran dan perampasan lahan di Takalar dan Pandan Raya di Makasar.

Untuk setiap penindasan terhadap kawan-kawan kami yang berjuang.

Untuk Tukijo dan para kombatan sosial yang mendekam di penjara hanya karena berjuang mempertahankan hak hidupnya.

Untuk setiap konsensi hutan yang akan menghancurkan setiap keanekaragaman hayati mengatasnamakan uang dan bisnis!

Dan untuk setiap penjara yang seharusnya terbakar rata dengan tanah.

Maka selama negara dan kapitalisme masih eksis, tak pernah akan ada kata damai antara mereka yang tak berpunya dengan mereka yang berpunya.

Penyerangan terhadap pusat-pusat finansial: ATM, bank, gedung korporat adalah target yang penting, karena mereka adalah salah satu kolaborator yang menyebabkan penderitaan di muka bumi ini. Ini bukanlah terorisme karena kami tidak mengadvokasikan untuk menyerang orang-orang, terorisme adalah peperangan antar negara. Terorisme adalah beras dan pangan di dapurmu yang semakin menipis. Terorisme adalah bajingan berseragam yang membawa senjata ke mana-mana. Terorisme adalah pembantaian orang-orang tak berpunya.

Maka kami mengatakan: sudah cukup!

Dan ini juga untuk kalian! Para kombatan yang tak pernah surut untuk berjuang di luar sana, meski kalian harus mendekam di jeruji besi karena keyakinan kalian akan kebebasan: Conspiracy of Cells of Fire (Yunani), kombatan Chile: Tortuga! Lives on! Gabriel Pombo da Silva, Thomas Meyer Falk (Germany) Polykarpos Georgiades, Revolutionary Struggle! Salut bagi kombatan Manado, Makassar, dan Bandung, kalian adalah inspirasi di tengah ketidakberdayaan masyarakat akan hidup mereka yang semakin tidak menentu dan tak berdaya.

“Biarkan api menyala dalam kegelapan!”

Long Live Luciano Tortuga Cell – International Revolutionary Front – FAI

English Translation:


“Social rebellion will continue as the sun continues to shine.”

This time we say, that what we are doing is the culmination of all our anxieties and anger against a system that is running this. Systems that idolize money, a system that nags the public daily with television, so they buy things they do not need so that they continue to work like a machine. System that required us and other people to not have control over our own lives.

Another system that benefits the bourgeoisie, the businessmen, and state bureaucrats who become loyal allies. For us all, this is not the time to be quiet, not the time to calmly watch the event in front of the television and say that “all is okay”.

For each incident of repression in West Papua.

For each incident of oppression in Kulon Progo.

For every historic repression in Aceh.

For each incident of oppression in Wera, Bima.

For any evictions and land seizures in Takalar and Pandan Raya in Makassar.

For each of the oppression of our comrades who are struggling.

To Tukijo and social combatants languishing in jail just because of fighting for their life right.

For each forest concession that would destroy any biodiversity on behalf of money and business!

And for every prison should have burned to the ground.

So long as the state and capitalism still exist, never will there be words of peace between those dispossessed by those who are propertied.

Attacks on financial centers: ATMs, banks, corporate buildings is an important target, because they are one of the collaborators who cause suffering on this earth.

This is not because we do not advocate terrorism to attack the people, terrorism is a war between countries. Terrorism is rice and food in your kitchen that are running low. Terrorism is a crook in uniform who carries weapons everywhere. Terrorism is the massacre of the dispossessed.

So we say: enough!

Tortuga! The combatants who never stopped to fight out there, although you have to crouch on the bars but you have freedom of thought: Conspiracy of Cells of Fire (Greece), combatants in Chile: Tortuga! Lives on! Gabriel Pombo da Silva, Thomas Meyer Falk (Germany) Polykarpos Georgiades, Revolutionary Struggle! Kudos for the combatants in Manado, Makassar, and Bandung, you are an inspiration in the middle of the powerlessness of their lives that society makes increasingly uncertain and helpless.

“Let the fire burn in the darkness!”

Long Live Luciano Tortuga Cell – International Revolutionary Front – FAI

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Posted in Direct Action

Statement from Revolutionary Organisation – Informal Anarchist Federation, Indonesia Section (Indonesia)

Wednesday, July 6th, 2011

325 receives and transmits:

Bandung, Indonesia – Cells of International Conspiracy for Revenge, a few days ago, have claimed responsibility by spreading leaflets surrounding the ATM BNI firebombings. The leaflet is almost the same tone as in Makassar and Manado:

PT Indomining (Bima) has been brutally repressing the local population, Jogja Magasa International wants to evict 30,000 farmers in Kulon Progo. Farmers in Takalar are facing the threat of land-grabbing. These actions are carried out in a brutal way, including shootings, terror, sexual harassment as well as the various forms of repression that we never hear about in the mainstream media.

That’s not surprising because these capitalist-bureaucratic companies do not care about anything except making their wallet thicker!”

“Our attacking of an ATM (bank) is an important target, because banks are always involved in financing natural resources and the repression of the people in the name of capital! We have no intention of injuring anyone, the destruction of property is not violence! No mercy for the forces of repression! No mercy for the State and Capitalism.”

May the Social War escalate and we forgot to mentioned comrades in Greece, Italy, or anywhere else but you all know our hearts are with you.

Got Ist Tot – Free Association of Individualist-Communists.

Salute to: Revolutionary Organisation – Conspiracy of Cells of Fire. The Revolutionary Struggle. The Chilean insurrectionists. Giannis Dimitrakis and Polykarpos Georgiades, our hearts are with you!

Long Live the Rebellion and stay free. And with this statement we claim to join the RO-FAI, Indonesian Section.

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Posted in Direct Action

Solidarity Molotov Attack against BNI Bank ATM in Bandung (Indonesia)

Thursday, June 30th, 2011

325 receives and transmits:

30 June 2011

A significant molotov attack explodes the ATM BNI in Dipatiukur Street – Bandung. Perpetrators leaves message:

“The State and Capital is the real terrorist. Solidarity with Kulon Progo Peasant Struggle!”

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Posted in Direct Action

About the Kidnapping of Tukidjo, by the Kulon Progo police (Indonesia)

Monday, May 9th, 2011

Chronology and Statement from PPLP Kulon Progo
About the kidnapping of Tukidjo by the Kulon Progo Regional Police

PT JMI’s iron ore mining plans claim a victim again: Tukidjo.

Sunday, 1 May 2011 at 11.00 in the morning : 9 police officers arrived via a single car from the direction of PT JMI’s Pilot Project heading to Tukidjo’s farm in Gupit village in Kulon Progo. Three of them then exited the car and approached Tukidjo, who was taking a break from working on the farm. The police then said that the Head of the Kulon Progo Police Intelligence Force was waiting inside the car, and wanted to speak with him. The police said; “We only want to ask for information”. Out of curiosity and innocence, Tukidjo followed them to the car. When he was standing beside the car he was forced to get in, afterwards the windows were rolled up, and the car quickly sped away from the farm. (more…)

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Posted in Social Control

Free the Hostage Tukijo – Kidnapped by Police (Indonesia)

Wednesday, May 4th, 2011

News from the PPLP – Coastal Farmers Association of Kulon Progo:

Rough edited machine translation of PPLP statement:

Tukijo, one of the peasant resistance fighters against iron sand mining in coastal Kulon Progo, Indonesia has been tricked and abducted by police in a planned manner to meet the industrial interests, on Sunday, May 1st, 2011 at 11:00 pm. (more…)

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Posted in Eco Struggle

To Farm or to Die, Resist the Iron Mine! Indonesian Embassy Visit (UK)

Thursday, April 28th, 2011

21 April 2011

“On the afternoon of Thursday the 21st of April 2011 we visited the Indonesian Embassy in London, UK to deliver a letter to the Indonesian Government in Jakarta. This was done in solidarity with the people of Kulon Progo, whose lives and land are threatened by the Iron Sands Mining Project being carried out by the Australian Mining Company PT Indomine and the Indonesian State. We also visited the London offices of the Anglo Pacific Group round the corner in Mayfair to deliver the same letter to be sent to Indonesia and Australia. Anglo Pacific Group holds royalties in PT Indomine.

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