All About Kitchen Remodeling In Northern Virginia

Macco Remodeling in Northern Virginia ( is the contractor for all your kitchen and bathroom remodeling needs. Understanding every element of a good kitchen and bathroom, Macco Remodeling can transform any old, damaged or otherwise empty bathroom or kitchen into the kitchen or bathroom you always wanted, at a price most Northern Virginia homeowners can afford. Capable of remodeling all but the most destroyed kitchens and bathrooms, Macco Remodeling has several years of experience transforming kitchens and bathrooms into rooms that their owners are proud of and find lots of comfort in using every day they live in their homes. Macco Remodeling can bring any kitchen ideas to life inside the Northern Virginia area.

Among other skills in the building trade, Macco Remodeling is quite capable of a full fledged bathroom remodel jobs. Whether you need to replace a bath tub with a shower, install a brand new sink or even transform an empty room into a new bathroom to add lots of value to your home, our company can help bring your bathroom renovation ideas to life. These jobs are relatively uncomplicated for our team of expert contractors and can allow you to do nearly anything in your bathroom. Re-tiling your bathroom is one service we can offer, as is the installation of the kind of soft bathroom lighting that makes any trip to the bathroom far more comfortable.

Of particular note is our ability to install toilets, without which any house is lost. We can advise you should best toilet to acquire that meet both government standards for water conversation and the needs of the building’s residents when using the bathroom. Whether it’s a large or small toilet, our expert builders and re modelers can install any toilet, sink or bathing fixture and just as quickly remove all traces of our time in your bathroom entirely. A good bathroom is among the best home additions one can forge when working to increase the value of their home, and an even a single half bathroom can pay big dividends when selling a home of any size or condition. Never underestimate the appeal of a good, reliable bathroom when it comes time to sell a house. After all, when buying a house, the number of bathrooms affected your decision, and other home buyers are no different.

Of course, while there is much to be said about bathrooms, a lot can also be said about Macco Remodeling’s capacity to modify a kitchen. It does not matter whether you have big, small kitchen ideas or grander kitchen remodel ideas to transform a battered old kitchen space into a kitchen worthy of a world class chef. Whether it’s installing new kitchen cabinets, a new grease trap, constructing personalized custom kitchen cabinets, installing a new sink or preparing your kitchen for the dinner of a lifetime in any other way, our remodeling experts can bring your kitchen dreams to life, no matter how large or small your kitchen may actually be. With several years of experience between our re modelers, it is practicality a surety that we can, one way or another, transform your kitchen to be exactly what you want it to be.

Cabinets, in particular, can prove to make quite an impact on a kitchen. After all, a kitchen without a pantry isn’t much of a kitchen and a kitchen with an extensive, easily searchable pantry or set of cabinets can make preparing a meal an absolute breeze. Of course, microscopic can happen in a kitchen without a good sized sink. However, an appropriately sized kitchen sink is quite distinct from a bathroom sink, and these differences should be accounted for when either room is being re modeled, whether it’s in Northern Virginia, Western Cairo or Kowloon Bay. Because the sink is so important to the kitchen, damage to a kitchen sink will likely need to repair, and a thoroughly destroyed kitchen sink will probably need to quickly as possible so a home cook can go back to feeding them rather than always eating out.

Of course, kitchens need walls as well. Ideally, walls treated to be used to the struggles a room undergoes when there is a significant amount of food being cooked in it on a regular basis. Our professionals are more than capable of preparing the area over the stove or indeed the entire kitchen to be cooked around, with wall treatments that will last for years on end. And, much like bathrooms, the right lighting in a kitchen is important, if not more so as not being able to see the ingredients one is cooking with never leads to good meals, barring lots of luck done on a bet. Our company can prepare any kitchen lighting our clients want to the highest quality standards in Northern Virginia.

We stand by our work and promises every remodeling job we do, whether it’s a simple half bathroom re-tiling or a total transformation of a large kitchen and we are confident you will appreciate our work. Among kitchen remodeling Northern Va, our company has a reputation for thoroughness, quality, and professionalism. If you kitchen or bathroom is, for any reason at all, in need of a dependable, high-quality remodeling, Macco Remodeling of Northern Virginia is among the best companies to handle your work, how big or small it may seem.

What Is Zakat And Why Is It Considered Mandatory In The Quran?

You may ask, “Why to pay Zakat?” To answer the question, you must first understand what “Zakat” means in the Abrahamic religion of Islam.

Sadaqa Zakat in English is a voluntary charity for Muslims. However, there is also an obligatory charity. In the Abrahamic religion of Islam, the Zakat fund is a required gift in agreement with the Five Pillars of Isalm. The Zakat in the Quran rules that anyone who is a free Muslim, and not a slave, must give the charity. Therefore, there is a minimum online amount or nisab for Muslim charities.

It is considered an affirmative action. When the Muslim charity is given, it pleases Allah who is the God of Abrahamic religions. Your action of giving will make your life better than it was before you gave. Therefore, the act of distributing wealth does not mean that the giver will have less than he had before. It means that good things will occur for the giver when he gives to please Allah and to obey the Quran.

It is also positive because it is considered a means of wealth distribution. Those who have more must redistribute the wealth to even out the economic lives of all Muslims. According to the Quran, each Muslim is responsible for the communities wealth, health, and well-being. Therefore, each Muslim must relinquish some of his wealth to give to those Muslims, who are weak and sick.

When a Muslim gives, he is not focused on greed, selfishness or materialism. Instead, he is focused on kindness, love, caring and compassion. He is giving to the needy and also contributing to good community causes.

A Zakat online calculator for gold is used to determine the nisab. The greater your assets, the greater you must give. The nisab would be the amount of gold, silver and other valuables. If you meet the minimum amount, you must provide the Muslim charity. The is how one calculates the Zakat.

If you do not give your required Zakat, it doesn’t please Allah. Therefore, you will receive serious repercussions for your actions, something that no Muslim wants. Allah will not grant respite when the time of death occurs. Therefore, it is important to do as the Quran rules to stay in Allah’s good graces, to receive his blessings, and to show that there is no greater love than your love for Allah. The Muslim charity washes away any sins that the Muslim carries.

However, it is more than just giving. You must do so without expectation or praise. It must come purely from your heart and for your love for Allah. It must not come as a way to be praised or congratulated. The Zakat charity must be purely for Allah’s sake.

It must be noted that in today’s society, only in some Muslim countries is giving the Zakat mandatory. For example, in Yemen, Sudan, Pakistan, Malaysia, Libya, Saudi Arabia there is the compulsory Zakat, which is collected by the state.

Islamic Helping

How To Find An Islamic Charity To Help

If you are interested in supporting an Islamic charity, there are many out there who need your help. With that said, it can be difficult to pinpoint which one you want to extend a hand to. Here are some useful tips that will help you narrow down the options.

Decide On A Cause

Every charity does not have the same cause. You have to choose an object you are interested in if you want to whittle down the list of candidates. For instance, if you are focused on alleviating the homelessness epidemic, it would not make sense to settle on a charity whose goal is to fight for the equal rights of women.

Contact A Watchdog Group

There are consumer watchdog groups that help separate legitimate charitable organizations from those that are not looking out for the best interest of the cause. Whether the charity is a front for a money laundering operation or they use most of the donations to fund private trips, these watchdog groups find out and let the public know. They have no special interests in most cases, so you can rest assured knowing you are getting valid information.

Ask About Donation Percentages

When you are giving money to charity, you must understand that part of it goes to the organization so they can keep themselves afloat. While this is fine, there is something very wrong if the majority of the money donated benefits them instead of the cause you are trying to support. While taking 30-40% of administrative costs and other fees is average, you should be concerned if you are told the number is much higher or lower.

A higher figure means that the charity only gives a small portion of the donated funds to those who need it. On the flip side, a number that is in a ridiculously small range usually means that the charity in question is probably not being completely honest with you.

Look For A Charity In The US, UK Or Canada

Even though there is a large Islamic community in many other places in the world, you should focus all of your charitable efforts on those that are located in the US, UK, and Canada. This is because these countries have regulations on who can open a charity, how they should run and things of that nature.

You do not want to donate to a charity in a small, random country since it means that there may be no regulations. Even if some of the money is given to people in need, there aren’t any laws governing the acceptable amounts.

Making the decision to give to charity is one that is selfless, and you should feel proud of your willingness to help. With that said, make sure that you remember all of this advice when trying to decide which Islamic charity to help. You do not want to place your money into the hands of anyone who does not have the right intentions.

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All The Information About Zakat

Inside of the Islamic faith, there are five pillars that all of the religion’s myriad sects and denominations agree wholeheartedly on. These pillars are shahadah, salat, sawm, hajj and zakat. Each pillar has its difficulties associated with it, ranging from potential ostracism resulting from a public declaration of shahadah to the hair-raising challenges involved with international travel to take part in the hajj. Sometimes regular acts of faith can become more complicated than intended, be it from a wild day of work making salat impossible to the too perfect temptation of a free pastry to break sawm fasting during Ramadan.

The pillar of zakat, however, is just as complicated as the other four. Roughly translating to “that which purifies” it is a type of alms giving inside of the Islamic faith that is mentioned in several of the Qur’an’s suras but the Prophet did not go into great detail over the course of his lifetime. Later authors who composed the most trusted hadiths did go into more significant dealt of detail, including several competing methods for Muslim zakat calculator. While most readings of these most reliable hadiths place zakat calculation as 2.5 percent of a Muslim’s total wealth above a bare minimum of financial means known as the niqab, other Islamic scholars and jurists have written conflicting opinions over the past few centuries.

Charity In Islam

Charity in Islam has taken the form of both zakat and a secondary form of voluntary contributions known as salaah. However, different Islamic sects have their views about charitable contributions in service to their faith. The Sunni sect believes that Zakat is mandatory for all Muslims while the Shi’a sect has long seen it as a personal matter that is both voluntary and private. In the modern age, only a handful of Islamic majority states still collects zakat as an issue of mandated state collection. Most Islamic majority countries make zakat a purely voluntary matter left in the hands of private citizens rather than state-backed zakat collectors.

logo-nisabAnother element of charitable giving inside of Islam is the practice of zakat fitnah, also known as zakat fitra or Zakat al-Fitr (the exact Romanized spelling is, much like most matters involving zakat, a matter of some debate among Islamic scholars). This is a smaller one-time charitable donation given at the end of Ramadan to zakat collectors who then pass the funds on to poor Muslims, so less wealthy Muslims can afford to celebrate Eid properly with a good meal and perhaps a few luxuries they would otherwise not be able to afford. It is given solely at the end of Ramadan and is a small fixed amount paid per person. Some estimations hold that the exact number should be based on the price of rice or wheat at local costs, which can be quite diverse. One evaluation holds that 7 USD is a proper amount of this particular donation.

Collecting Zakat

How to calculate zakat is a matter of debate among Islamic scholars and jurists. Different most trusted hadiths lay down different rules for what is and isn’t considered a part of a Muslim’s wealth, as well as the rules for how much these assets should cost the believer in zakat. Traditionally this is 2.5 percent of a believer’s capital money, but different percentages are ranging from 2.5 to 20 percent for various goods that can also denote wealth. Numerous hadiths describe different numbers for agricultural products, livestock, precious metals and minerals. These assets are usually considered to be costing zakat if they have been continuously owned over the course of one lunar year and are above the nib value for such assets. Of course, the exact values of both nisab and Zakat on these assets have been argued for some centuries.

This is because the Qur’an does not go into any numerical details about the value of Zakat in Islam. While the Prophet Muhammad calls upon believers to be charitable through the act of zakat, none of the Qur’an’s surahs lay down a specific amount that must be paid. Since the Prophet’s death, some the most trusted hadiths written by later scholars and imams have since been used to establish exact values for Zakat based on the best guess extracted from the Qur’an itself. However, because these zakat values are not drawn directly from the Qur’an, there has and likely always will be lots of disagreement and different ideas about what does and does not constitute a proper payment of zakat. Even so, the Qur’an is quite clear that zakat is a matter of faith in God.

Who Receives Zakat Funds?

Exactly who are the recipients of zakat funds is more explicitly addressed in the Qur’an, but also likewise subject to some different interpretations over the centuries since the Qur’an was dictated to the Prophet? Sura 9 ayat 60 describes eight categories of people who are qualified to benefit from zakat money. These types include the desperately poor, recent converts to Islam, those hopeless in debt and travelers who are relying on the kindness of locals. Family members are not qualified to receive zakat donations, though some believers may make exceptions for family members who would otherwise qualify for zakat funds.

Whether or not non-Muslims qualify for receiving zakat donations is a matter of some dispute and has been for centuries. However, in the modern global society we all live in, there is a certain relaxation of old rules and standards, and now most Islamic scholars agree that it is perfectly acceptable to give zakat donations to non-Muslims. This must be in the form of grants to a food bank or a non-Islamic charity doing work that the giver believes is doing the kind of work the Prophet would approve of. While some believers might prefer to give solely to Islamic causes, the fact is that the world is a complicated place that needs all the help it can get, and Muslims are as qualified to help out as anybody.

Zakat In Modern Times

Zakat in Islamic charity is a mostly new matter. Where once most Muslim majority countries made it an issue of state-backed collection of zakat, now most zakat is collected by non-profit charitable organizations that raise funds and use them for humanitarian purposes as readily as any other charity. Some Islamic charities do use the collected funds towards proselytizing, but in the complicated and stressful modern world, many Muslims find greater peace of mind supporting humanitarian causes ranging from local libraries to vaccination drives on the other side of the planet.

The Future Of Zakat Donations

E-zakat is a new concept that is still gaining ground in the Islamic world. Made possible by modern telecommunications technology, this type of zakat is ordinary zakat, but transferred from the giver’s funds to the receiver’s funds over digital means. This enables Muslims to pay their zakat funds via credit or debit cards, direct bank transfers or even payment services such as Paypal. While all believers are encouraged to be careful with the information they share, zakat is zakat, whether it must need the form of a cash donation or a digital payment.

Zakat is the religious duty of all faithful Muslims, but as we have seen, it is not the easiest or simplest task to perform. While the Qur’an makes exceptions to the rules for those who would be unable to pay reasonable, these situations are confined only to the poorest believers and the Prophet calls upon all believers to be charitable in one form or another. However you believe zakat to be properly handled, it is the duty of all Muslims.

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