Why Trump's Victory Won't Drastically Change the U.S.-Russia Relationship

Simon Saradzhyan Director, Russia Matters Project
William Tobey Senior Fellow, Belfer Center for Science and International Aff...

The Headscarf, Fear, And Islamophobia

Zainab Salbi Founder of Women for Women International, Media Host of The Za...
Nick Hernandez

Trump Won by Following This Psychological Formula

Michele Gelfand Psychology Professor, University of Maryland; Visiting Scholar...
Joshua Conrad Jackson PhD Candidate, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
AP Photo/Charles Krupa

Welcome to Trump’s New World Disorder

Philippe Legrain Visiting senior fellow, London School of Economics' European I...
Andrew Kelly / Reuters

The Democratic Party Deserved To Die

Krystal Ball Fmr. MSNBC host and Democratic congressional candidate
Bloomberg via Getty Images

The Political Left and Right Are Being Upended by Globalization Politics

Nouriel Roubini Chairman of Roubini Global Economics, Professor of Economics a...

Insight From the Dalai Lama Applied to AI Ethics

Future of Life Institute Research and initiatives for safeguarding life and developing ...

Nobel Laureates: A Trump Presidency = Grave Risks

José Ramos-Horta Former President, East Timor, 1996 Nobel Peace Prize laureate
Oscar Arias Two-time President of Costa Rica and 1987 Nobel Peace Laureate
John Hume 1998 Nobel Peace Prize laureate, Northern Ireland.

View From Brexit Britain: U.S. Can Still Repudiate Hatred

Jennifer Saul Professor of Philosophy, University of Sheffield (Dual US/UK C...
Paul Hackett / Reuters