Thriving Families

Guest editor Jamie Oliver joins HuffPost UK for an in-depth look at modern families beyond the 2.4

This summer, The Huffington Post UK is spearheading an initiative around helping families thrive. With Jamie Oliver as our guest editor, we are kicking off proceedings with a look at the important role food plays in families, from cooking with your kids to figuring out what’s nutritious. The Thriving Families project - through features and our powerful blogs platform - will look at modern families beyond 2.4, with a focus on parent wellbeing, friendships, the challenges facing stay-at-home and working mums and dads, as well as solutions for navigating the landscape of modern parenting.

Single Mum's Cancer Struggle Inspired Her To Set Up This Vital Charity For Kids

‘I feel like this was my purpose.’

Single Mum's Cancer Struggle Inspired Her To Set Up This Vital Charity For Kids
When Nicola Dady was diagnosed with kidney cancer back in 2010, her two children were just three and seven years old.

As a single mum, caring for them while undergoing gruelling cancer treatment was a logistical and emotional nightmare. Not only was Dady struggling on a person level, but her main concern was first and foremost for her children.

The Family We Built

It wasn’t the family I had envisaged but she was everything,

The Family We Built
It's Sunday today, usually reserved as a family day. Often all the kids are at home, and we share good times making happy memories together.But this Sunday I'm introspective as I remember this fateful date 11 years ago when my firstborn son died.

Marlon had been born with a mystery illness just 14 weeks earlier but when he died suddenly without a diagnosis for his condition my fledgling family was crushed. Little did I know as I floundered in bewildered devastation that deep within my DNA lay a fault that would also take the life of my second born.

How Home-Schooling Can Help Families To Thrive

Home education is a different kind of lifestyle.

How Home-Schooling Can Help Families To Thrive
Over eight years ago, my family started a new journey: Home Education. It was a journey ahead that felt extremely frightening, as I knew I would be wholly responsibility for my children's learning, and super exciting as I knew that there would be many adventures ahead! Since that first day, we have made so many new friends and had so many amazing experiences as a family, experiences that would never have been the same if my children had been at school.

The Women Who Chose Open Adoption And Why

‘There’s no confusion about who my son’s parents are, which means we’re all free to love him.’

The Women Who Chose Open Adoption And Why
Amy Seek is a birth mother who gave her son up for adoption when she was 23 years old. Her pregnancy was unplanned, she was unable to financially support a child and she didn't think she was ready for the responsibility.

It was a difficult decision to make, but she didn't believe there was any other way.

What Makes A Strong-Mum?

There is no simple recipe for becoming a Strong Mum.

What Makes A Strong-Mum?
Last week saw the close of The Rio Olympic Games and over the last month words such as 'Strong, Powerful and Superhuman' have been splashed across the media. At times being accompanied by images of 'Strong Mums', such as Jessica Ennis Hill and Jo Pavey. It's been a year of true inspiration for any fit-mama's out there.

A Letter To My Little Boy, Whatever The Weather

I knew I’d spend the rest of my life trying my best to be your shelter.

A Letter To My Little Boy, Whatever The Weather

There was a moment when I knew, beyond any doubt, what it meant to be your mother. But it wasn't the day you were born.

It wasn't the first time I knew about you, even - a long-awaited pink line forming in front of my eyes as I sat, perched on the edge of the cold bath, waiting.

Losing A Parent When Pregnant

Surely lightning wouldn’t strike twice. We couldn’t be that unlucky.

Losing A Parent When Pregnant
Never in a million years did I think that becoming pregnant would bring me loss. Of course I worried about the possibility of miscarriage, of things going wrong at the birth- but it simply didn't occur to me that bringing a tiny, precious little person into the world would come at such a high price. And not just the once.

Why I've Stopped Reading Parenting Articles

Do we need that stress in our lives? To be told constantly we’re getting it wrong?

Why I've Stopped Reading Parenting Articles
I, like pretty much every parent out there, want to do the best for my children and I spend far far too much time worrying about what I'm doing wrong. I am a worrier by nature so this does not come as too much of a surprise but I do think that today's society doesn't help. I've always believed in the most fundamental way that knowledge is power so when it comes to the most important task of my life I feel I should arm myself accordingly but there comes a point when it becomes demoralising.

I Am An Older Mum. Get Over It (Everyone)!

At my age now I feel my experiences benefit me as a mum.

I Am An Older Mum. Get Over It (Everyone)!
"How old are you, mummy?" asks my 4 year old son. "42" I reply. "That's a big number" he says. I smile at him and he moves onto the next topic, probably something to do with dinosaurs. Meanwhile my mind flicks quickly across a variety of topics. Will I see him through childhood or will I succumb to a horrible illness? When is Botox a necessity so I don't look like an old freak at the school gates?

How Does My Employer Benefit From Me Looking After My Kids?

Paradoxical as it sounds, not being at work has made me better at work.

How Does My Employer Benefit From Me Looking After My Kids?
Working dads. Boy, they have it hard, away from the kids for all that time. I'm one of the fortunate ones though. I recently returned to work after five months off looking after my youngest daughter.

I was able to do this thanks to the Shared Parental Leave policy that came into force in April 2015. A policy which gave my employer very little say in the matter.

Families Must Adapt To Thrive

Adjustment Number Three - Your mother has cancer.

Families Must Adapt To Thrive
Along with my older sister I grew up with my mam and dad on a 10 house cul-de-sac, in a small coastal town in Cumbria; the perfect 2.4 setup. However, this is as far as the idyllic notion of family stretched. The path of the Harpers never did run smooth; we've had false starts, taken detours, veered completely off course and taken unplanned pit stops, but we have always arrived at where we wanted to be.

QUIZ: Am I A Bad Parent?

We’ve all been there, man.

QUIZ: Am I A Bad Parent?
We've all had a moment when we seriously doubt our parenting capabilities - are my children going to grow up to be terrible human beings? Is it wrong to look forward to gin o'clock?

The truth is, no one is a perfect parent, and we should all cut ourselves some slack from time to time.

Being The University Mum

To say the little pink cross on the pregnancy test was ‘unplanned’ would be an understatement.

Being The University Mum
The life I lead is a true blessed one. I am 21, a mother to an amazing three-year-old, he's bright engaging, hilarious, sensitive and utterly lovable, and a solid 80% of the time, a joy to be with! I am also a full time history undergraduate student, about to start my final year in September. These two very different spheres of life don't often collide in someone as young as myself. It is very difficult, it requires extreme efficiency, preparation and lots of sacrifice to simply exist and just be both people, the committed student and mother.

Why Are Fathers 'Shunning' Shared Parental Leave?

SPL was always going to take time.

Why Are Fathers 'Shunning' Shared Parental Leave?
There are some new figures out from law firm EMW about the low take-up of Shared Parental Leave. Records from HMRC show that take-up is actually about 4% - in the range of the Government's target of men taking it up, but still disappointing and low in the scheme of things. Are the figures accurate?

Where Are Soapland's LGBT Parents?

LGBT parenting is not a radical notion, so it’s surprising it’s taken soaps so long to catch up.

Where Are Soapland's LGBT Parents?
Time and time again, British soaps have not just held up a mirror to changing attitudes in our society, but helped shape them, by bringing hard-hitting and controversial themes to the forefront.

I have to praise soaps for the way that LGBT characters have been put in the spotlight - particularly in the past 15 years, with the clear rise of visibility among queer characters - however, it feels like there's still one notable absence in Soapland, and that's LGBT parents.

I'm A Mother And I Choose To Work

Does that make me a bad mother? I don’t believe so.

I'm A Mother And I Choose To Work
I like being a mum - my son makes me want to be a better person, one that he can be proud of. I enjoy spending quality time with him and I enjoy watching him grow and develop. But would I like to do this all of the time? Unpopular as this declaration might be with others, the answer to this is no way.

A Letter To Parents Who Have A Child With Depression

You are not alone in this.

A Letter To Parents Who Have A Child With Depression
The first thing we want you to know is that your child's depression is absolutely not your fault. There is almost certainly nothing you could have done to prevent it. Depression is an illness and anyone can develop it, even if they have no family history of mental illness and no apparent environmental triggers. It is not your fault.

What's It Like To Be A Single Mother By Choice?

"I can still remember when I first learned of donor conception."

What's It Like To Be A Single Mother By Choice?

The simple answer is, not much different to being any other mother. We all spam our Facebook feed with pictures of adorable newborns, food-covered weaning babies and exuberant toddlers. We all tell tales of sleepless nights and bodies that are never the same again. We all scan the parks and baby groups for the sight of someone else who is barely existing on three hours sleep and whose baby won't eat anything but bread and ice cream on a continuous loop.

Fitting Work Around Fatherhood

"It was absolute bliss. And then I went back to work..."

Fitting Work Around Fatherhood

Trying to fit work commitments around the demands of supporting a new family is probably the biggest challenge I've faced, but I'm still loving every second of it. I've never enjoyed two weeks of my life more than the fortnight of my paternity leave. The immediate love I had for my little boy Sonny, the closeness we felt as a family and the sheer joy of watching that tiny baby turn into a little boy full of personality was the greatest feeling I could ever imagine.

Why 5.30am Is The New 9am For Home Working Parents

"Aside from perhaps the odd week of sun, sea and sand, the majority of home working parents I know dread the summer holidays."

Why 5.30am Is The New 9am For Home Working Parents
Firstly, I can count on the fingers of two hands, the number of sunny days we've had up here in Northumberland this year. The sun, it seems, is for southerners. Secondly, it appears that our house is in some kind of wifi no man's land, and the signal doesn't stretch to the garden.

How Travelling Around The World Helped This Mum Adjust To Parenthood

‘It became normal for her to stay in a different room every night.’

How Travelling Around The World Helped This Mum Adjust To Parenthood

Maternity leave is often a time where new mums succumb to sleep deprivation while adapting to life at home with a newborn. But when Karen Edwards, 31, fell pregnant, she wanted to do things slightly differently. Ten weeks after the birth of her first child, Esmé, Edwards and her partner Shaun Bayes set off on a year-long, around-the-world trip.

Escaping To An Island

This decision changed the way we lived immediately

Escaping To An Island
A seemingly spur of the moment decision, we decided to escape and have an adventure with our four little ones. I knew only too well that life was too short to put it off...

How One Mother Is Challenging The Stereotypes Of 'Dressing Like A Mum'

What’s a mum supposed to look like?

How One Mother Is Challenging The Stereotypes Of 'Dressing Like A Mum'

One woman is determined to change the bad image of what it means to "dress like a mum". Zoë De Pass, from London, believes mums don't lose their sense of style just because they have kids, yet there's an assumption that they do. The mum-of-two launched 'Dress Like A Mum' in 2014 as a way to change the misconceptions many have about a woman's style post-baby.

How The Scummy Mummies Are Uniting Parents Through Laughter

‘Our goal is to entertain parents and show that no one is alone.’

How The Scummy Mummies Are Uniting Parents Through Laughter

Two mums are on a mission to prove that being an "imperfect" parent is nothing to be ashamed of. Ellie Gibson, 38, and Helen Thorn, 37, are the comedy double act known as 'Scummy Mummies' - the opposite of a 'Yummy Mummy'. Through their fortnightly podcasts, live shows and soon-to-be released book, the duo want to remind mums and dads that parenting is hard, but that doesn't mean you can't laugh about it.

8 Words of Advice Before Your Child Takes Their First Mouthful

Helping your child to shape their mindset will affect how they approach and welcome new and old foods into their lives...

8 Words of Advice Before Your Child Takes Their First Mouthful

A good relationship with food and the right mindset can save you from some of the horrors and frustrations that can be seen daily in the accounts of parents. The scale of issues is long and diverse and there is no one size fits all approach type solution.

Here are the most important words that will enrich your family's journey from childhood to adulthood.

Time-Outs And Punishment - The Writing Is On The Wall

I mean. It’s literally all over the walls.

Time-Outs And Punishment - The Writing Is On The Wall
I don't like rules as such. I find them suffocating. I want my children to feel safe, but I don't want to control them. I certainly don't want to 'punish' them, or chip away at their little souls by making them feel small or ashamed. Good communication with children would be my chosen tool in giving them the boundaries that they need. The things you say and do every day, the way you answer the many, many questions, that will instil their moral compass.

Should I Take Our Adopted Kids To See 'Finding Dory'?

'Aren’t you tempted to just let them forget the past?' My answer was ‘No’.

Should I Take Our Adopted Kids To See 'Finding Dory'?
The heartwarming, soft focus story of the daughter finding her birth mother, now a well-rounded, successful septuagenarian who had been forced by an unsympathetic, unkind society to relinquish her child at birth is unlikely to be repeated in the coming decades.

We met one of our children's birth mother. Before we brought them home.

Looking Back Into The Future

When I quit my job last year, I didn’t have a plan b, in fact, I didn’t have a plan a. I just knew I had to go.

Looking Back Into The Future
I was so caught up in the system; I'd forgotten what was important. I was a preoccupied stranger in my family home during the week. My son only got to see me at weekends when I was shattered and yet so propelled with guilt that I should have more 'Quality Time'. I tried to pack far too much in on a Saturday, or 'our day' as it was. A few short hours from which to help shape, teach and learn from one of the most amazingly imaginative humans I have ever met.

15 Famous LGBT Families Who Are Thriving

Non-traditional families are becoming increasingly prevalent in modern society.

15 Famous LGBT Families Who Are Thriving

At a time when visibility of LGBT people is at an all-time high, and the fight for equality is becoming more and more prevalent in our modern society, the way we view traditional families is also changing.

Just as single-parent families have become the norm as the years have gone on, an increase in LGBT parenting also means that different types of non-traditional families are becoming more and more accepted.

This Yoga Mum Was Made Redundant On Maternity Leave, Now She's Having The Last Laugh

‘I started teaching classes in my spare bedroom.’

This Yoga Mum Was Made Redundant On Maternity Leave, Now She's Having The Last Laugh
When Cheryl MacDonald gave birth to her son, Caelen, in 2009, motherhood was not the fairytale she'd imagined. She was made redundant after going on maternity leave but a bigger tragedy was to fall on the day Caelen was born. Her best friend, who was also pregnant, passed away.

Feeling at her most vulnerable, MacDonald, from Glasgow, was diagnosed with postnatal depression. "One of the ways I really coped was yoga," she tells The Huffington Post UK.

Open for Summer: A Postcard From A Working SEN Household

I want to fast forward the prolonged hiatus of the summer, even if I love the warmer weather.

Open for Summer: A Postcard From A Working SEN Household
Many parents seem to have the luxury of time this summer, hosting barbecues, taking their children to playdates or birthday parties. But for our family of three, two working parent household with one child with additional needs, summer is even more of a juggling act than usual.

Why Being A 'Different' Parent Is Amazing

'We choose our parental roles as individuals, not as defined by our gender'.

Why Being A 'Different' Parent Is Amazing
Our parenting experience is sometimes different because my partner and I, who are both legal parents to our daughter, are in a same sex-relationship. I believe that most of these differences, the important ones anyway, are positive. That's not to say that being a parent in a same-sex relationship is better than being any other kind of parent, but it does have unique elements that should be celebrated.

Why Everything You Think About PTA Members Is Wrong

No, it doesn’t stand for ‘People To Avoid.’

Why Everything You Think About PTA Members Is Wrong
There's a common misconception that members of parent teacher associations (PTAs) at primary schools fit a certain stereotype. They're "busybodies", they have "too much time" on their hands or they're part of a "clique" demanding cash from parents.

However, the reality is these mums and dads work selflessly to improve not only their child's time at school, but the experiences of the rest of the pupils there, too.

Meet The Dads Who Took Shared Parental Leave

‘To say I enjoyed it is an understatement.’

Meet The Dads Who Took Shared Parental Leave
Eight dads have opened up about their experiences of shared parental leave in an attempt to dispel the misconceptions many fathers have. From calling it the most "amazing" experience to explaining how it increased admiration for their wives, these dads made it clear it was time well spent.

Shared parental leave (SPL) was introduced in the UK in April 2015, with the aim of giving mums and dads more flexibility in sharing the care of their child.

Worried About Your Child's Mental Health? Here's What To Do Next

You do not have to be an expert to talk to your child about mental health.

Worried About Your Child's Mental Health? Here's What To Do Next
No one knows your child as well as you do and as a parent you can often tell when there's something wrong because you notice small changes in their behaviour.

Broadly speaking, this will come to your attention if your child becomes withdrawn, quieter than usual and generally disengaged with the family, peers and their schooling. 'Acting out' is common too, whereby the changes that you can't help notice are more aggressive actions, defiance and confrontation.

My Filter-Free Instagram Feed

I want to remember the days I felt overwhelmed as well as the ones where I managed to get the routine right

My Filter-Free Instagram Feed
I've always loved photography and really enjoy taking photos of my family and our life in Brighton. So it didn't take long for me to get completely addicted to Instagram and it's fast become my favourite social media platform. However there's one thing about it that bothers me. I look at some of these gorgeous profiles, their idyllic settings and picture perfect smiling kids and it's just not us.

What It's Like To Experience Stillbirth

‘It’s a moment you never really forget.’

What It's Like To Experience Stillbirth
Every year, more than 3,600 babies are stillborn in the UK, yet it's a topic not many feel comfortable talking about. One couple shared their experience of stillbirth with The Huffington Post UK in an attempt to break the silence surrounding baby loss.

Heidi Eldridge was almost 37 weeks pregnant when the midwife told her that her baby would be stillborn.

Why Comedian Taylor Glenn Wants To Destigmatise PND

The mum-of-one devised comedy show 'A Billion Days of Parenthood'.

Why Comedian Taylor Glenn Wants To Destigmatise PND

Postnatal depression didn't just make Taylor Glenn anxious, it also undermined her whole identity as a comedian. She felt part of her had been "amputated" because "nothing was funny anymore".

The 38-year-old mum was low and irritable but downplayed her symptoms to avoid having the "PND label" and the perceived consequences of it. But now, the comedian is determined to rebrand the label of PND, so women don't feel ashamed and can get the support they need.

How To Be A 'Good Enough' Parent

Put yourself first, some of the time

How To Be A 'Good Enough' Parent
We all worry about whether or not we're a good parent. You only have to go onto Instagram to see the hoards of inspirational quotes proclaiming 'you're good enough', to realise we're a little bit obsessed.

Are we doing enough? Are we giving them enough? It's hard to know, isn't it? When is enough, enough?

Six Things I've Learned About Commuting With A Toddler

You’ll often be late to work because your toddler wants to hug you for just a little bit longer.

Six Things I've Learned About Commuting With A Toddler

When I was choosing a nursery for my daughter, I thought it made sense to put her in one near my office. I was going there anyway, right? I'd just take her on the commute with me and drop her off on the way to work. We would have fun. It would save time.

Let's just say that it's not going exactly to plan.

Guilty Dad? Not Me... But Regrets, I Have A Few

The absence of guilt is storing up trouble for later.

Guilty Dad? Not Me... But Regrets, I Have A Few
Now I have reached that point in my life when I try to remember what it was like to watch one daughter see off all-comers at netball, and the other complete her gymnastics routine in a packed hall. The memories are there, because there were rare occasions when I did tear myself away from work. But they are not as sharp as I would like, perhaps because my mind was often on other things, my mobile phone clutched tightly in my hand.

Four Steps To Recreating The Perfect 1980s Summer

Each new day was a blank canvas waiting to be painted with new adventures.

Four Steps To Recreating The Perfect 1980s Summer
For me an 80s summer consisted of chilled out parents who weren't bombarded from all sides with information about what they should and shouldn't be doing with their kids. And kids who were never bored, despite the fact their parents weren't helicoptering around them all day.

Why Family Is All About the Team

It felt strange and almost surreal when you open your doors, hearts and life to a stranger.

Why Family Is All About the Team
I've heard a lot of about the importance of a team. Andy Murray, Chris Froome and Lewis Hamilton all refer to their recent successes by paying homage to the team around them.
The essence of having a great squad of people around you to be your advisors, support group and confidants also transcends into the family unit. Without help to relieve the family pressures, bringing up kids would make life almost unbearable.

You Are Doing A Great Job

Being a parent means adapting to circumstances which can change not just daily, but hourly.

You Are Doing A Great Job
I don't want to succumb to guilt and pressure this time, I don't want to run myself into the ground. Having our two children is all we've wanted, we are so in love and complete. I don't want to miss this, to forget the important parts of raising our boys by getting lost in impossible and ultimately unimportant standards which are completely self-imposed.

Because I am already doing a great job, and so are you.

'Selfish Mother' Founder On Why She Felt Motherhood Needed A Makeover

'Having kids doesn’t mean life has to be all about the kids.'

'Selfish Mother' Founder On Why She Felt Motherhood Needed A Makeover
No matter how many prenatal classes you go to, nuggets of advice you receive or books you read, quite simply, parenting can be a minefield. That's what Molly Gunn, 38, realised after becoming a mum in 2011.
"The rules around parenting felt too patronising and 'perfect'," she said. "Like women were meant to have personality transplants the second they had kids and not confess how hard it was."

Why EastEnders' Carter Clan Are Soapland's Ultimate Thriving Family

The Carters have been through a lot, but somehow they always find it in their hearts to forgive

Why EastEnders' Carter Clan Are Soapland's Ultimate Thriving Family
In the two years they've been on screen, Mick, Linda, Lee, Nancy and Johnny (and not forgetting little Ollie) have weathered rather a few storms, but have always managed to come out of it stronger and more together than ever. Of course, they're by no means perfect (what family is, eh?), but that hasn't stopped them from becoming one of the most-loved telly clans of all time.

Comparison Is The Thief Of Joy

'When other people get it, it’s truly a real tonic.'

Comparison Is The Thief Of Joy
One thing I've always hated hearing from professionals is how old Brody is cognitively. It's not something I need to hear. So, if I can - I avoid it. After all, he is who he is - a beautiful, happy boy. His cognitive age doesn't change that. I've watched since his arrival four years ago, children close to us tick off milestones that he has yet to meet. I've watched the developmental delay grow wider - from six months to a year to a number of years. I've known deep down roughly where he was sitting on that age chart. And I've told myself age is nothing but a number.

Fatherhood And Farming: Raising A Family In The Countryside

'I’ve seen first-hand how growing and nurturing produce affects young lives. '

Fatherhood And Farming: Raising A Family In The Countryside
Now that my wife Chloe and I have a 2 year old son, we have no doubt that country living is an excellent lifestyle for both him and us to thrive in. Managing our farm day to day isn't easy and, as I don't come from a farming background, there are plenty of challenges from having to handle and rear my pigs, to maintaining our land to accommodating and nurturing over 200 turkeys. T

More Struggling Single Parent Than Thriving Family

'This week I decided to master that fear.'

More Struggling Single Parent Than Thriving Family
To the outside world I guess you could say that I'm doing alright. On paper (or perhaps rather on social media) I probably appear to be someone who throws himself into life and lets little hold him back. It couldn't be further from the truth though; I've been scared of life every day for the last three and a half years.

Jamie Oliver Urges Theresa May: Please Act On Child Obesity

'What do I have to do Theresa?'

Jamie Oliver Urges Theresa May: Please Act On Child Obesity
Jamie Oliver has urged Theresa May not to water down a planned anti-obesity strategy for children, declaring he will "do anything" to help. Oliver said May could save the country billions in NHS costs and improve the nation's health and productivity if she tackled the obesity crisis, by keeping the sugar tax and implementing other measures.

Jamie Oliver Admits 'Parenting Is Really Hard'

'We’re all in it together.'

Jamie Oliver Admits 'Parenting Is Really Hard'
Jamie Oliver reassured a room full of mum and dad bloggers that "we're all in this together" as they discussed the things they feel guilty about as parents. The celebrity chef and soon-to-be dad-of-five guest edited The Huffington Post UK on Friday 15 July 2016 to highlight how parents and children can thrive in today's society.

Things Parents Learned From Their Childhood Diets

‘I suppose I would do things a little bit differently.’

Things Parents Learned From Their Childhood Diets
Feeding children healthy food can at times be difficult, especially when you have to juggle everything else that goes along with being a parent.

We spoke to three parents, all from different walks of life, about what they ate as children and what they feed their kids now.

Parents Are Fibbing About What They Feed Their Children And This Is Why

Nearly a fifth of mums and dads are feeling the pressure about feeding their kids.

Parents Are Fibbing About What They Feed Their Children And This Is Why

Parents are lying about what they cook for their children because they feel guilty about their kids' meals, worrying new research reveals today.

Nearly a fifth (18%) of mums and dads have fibbed about what they make for their children's meals, a new study conducted by YouGov for The Huffington Post UK shows.

Teen Pregnancy Changed My Life... For the Better

There is a need for fresh and positive voices, young voices who are living it, and they need to be heard.

Teen Pregnancy Changed My Life... For the Better
Getting pregnant at 18 didn't mean my life was over. It meant that I get to live life with Reuben. Of course I spend most of my time doing all of the dinosaur and Fireman Sam related activities but I also still do everything I used to... but I do everything with Reuben. And I wouldn't have it any other way.

Special Needs Parents - All in the Same Boat

Each parent passenger is unique, just as our children aren’t created like neatly-stacked boarding passes.

Special Needs Parents - All in the Same Boat
I clearly recall thinking we'd never travel as a family again as Natty's diagnosis of Down's syndrome was delivered, and that it was bitterly ironic to try to explain our new life path with a travel story. Telling us that our life wasn't heading where we'd planned was crushing at that time... I for one am glad I'm in this boat. And I am grateful for the friendship of my wonderful travelling companions.

What Makes the 'Perfect Single Parent'?

‘Winning’ in single parenthood strikes me as being as easy as winning the lottery.

What Makes the 'Perfect Single Parent'?
A single parent is a manager; a manager of lives, time and of an environment and we have to divide our time and energy up amongst those who rely on us, the means to fund the process and the fuel to keep us going. It's the toughest job in the world, but also the most rewarding.

Why Empowering Parents to Cook With Their Kids Helps Families to Thrive

'We still have a very long way to go when it comes to inspiring parents to cook better food for their kids.'

Why Empowering Parents to Cook With Their Kids Helps Families to Thrive
Cooking together is such a joy (OK, it's messy but you've just got to embrace that before you start - the results are worth it) and it's also one of the main reasons why some children have a wider variety of foods in their diets. If kids are involved in growing and cooking food, then they're far more likely to eat it.

The Psychology Behind Your Child's Fussy Eating

Dealing with picky eating as a parent is never fun, so where does it stem from and how can you deal with it?

The Psychology Behind Your Child's Fussy Eating
Parents of fussy eaters usually deal with the debacle of dinner time in two ways. They either accept that their child will never eat their greens and move on, or demand they sit at the table until their plate is completely empty.

For us adults, it's easy. If we don't like a certain food, we don't eat it. But for kids who are unable to articulate why they're refusing to put it in their mouths, things are a little harder. Putting yourselves in their shoes is possibly the only way to understand how to effectively deal with food fussiness.

How Food Waste Is Tackling Child Hunger In Schools

'Fuel For School' uses food destined for landfill to feed its pupils and nourish its community.

How Food Waste Is Tackling Child Hunger In Schools
Imagine turning up to school so hungry that you're unable to concentrate on learning in the classroom. It might sound like something out of a third world country, but this is a reality for many school children across the UK right now.
That's why headteacher Nathan Atkinson made it his mission to combat pupil hunger and remove it as a barrier to learning. But on an already tight budget, he had to think outside the box.

The Compelling Reason Why More Of Us Should Cook With Our Kids

'Learning to cook opens children’s eyes to food.'

The Compelling Reason Why More Of Us Should Cook With Our Kids
The parents in nearly 1.5 million families* in the UK have never cooked with their children, according to a new study commissioned by The Huffington Post UK.

Cooking may now be a mandatory part of the National Curriculum, but we begin teaching our children other vital life skills - such as reading and counting - long before they ever step foot in the classroom. So why are we not also equipping them with the ability to feed themselves?

5 Incredible Initiatives Helping Kids Build Better Relationships With Food

'By getting children eating well today, we’re creating the healthier adults of tomorrow.'

5 Incredible Initiatives Helping Kids Build Better Relationships With Food

In the UK, there is a lost generation who cannot cook and who do not know where their food comes from or what constitutes a balanced diet. The shocking reality that today's children will live shorter lives than their parents could, however, be prevented with simple lifestyle tweaks.

Here we champion five organisations teaching children about their food and encouraging them to make healthier changes.

The 'Heartbreaking' Reality Of Sugar-Induced Tooth Decay In Children

'It not unheard of for me to take all 20 baby teeth out.’

The 'Heartbreaking' Reality Of Sugar-Induced Tooth Decay In Children

Monday mornings are pretty bleak for Claire Stevens. As an NHS dental consultant, she has to prepare herself for yet another week of pulling out children's teeth.

"I'll see around eight children every week who need to have multiple teeth taken out under a general anaesthetic because the decay is so bad," she tells The Huffington Post UK.

"I find it heartbreaking that these children are going through a procedure that could have been prevented."

8 Parents Share Their Quick And Easy Packed Lunch Ideas

'Sadly I’ve not quite mastered the bento box. Maybe by the time they are 40.'

8 Parents Share Their Quick And Easy Packed Lunch Ideas
Making packed lunches week in, week out can be time-consuming, costly and difficult to keep your kids excited about them. To help inspire your food choices, we spoke to eight parents and bloggers about their realistic packed lunch choices, as well as what works for them and their kids when it comes to eating well.