- published: 03 Jan 2014
- views: 1115835
The alb (from the Latin Albus, meaning white), one of the liturgical vestments of the Roman Catholic, Anglican, Lutheran, and Methodist churches, is an ample white garment coming down to the ankles and is usually girdled with a cincture (a type of belt, sometimes of rope similar to the type used with monk garments). It is simply the long, white linen tunic used by the Romans.
As a simple derivative of ordinary first-century clothing, the alb was adopted very early by Christians, and especially by the clergy for the Eucharistic liturgy. In early Medieval Europe it was also normally worn by secular clergy in non-liturgical contexts.
Nowadays, the alb is the common vestment for all ministers at Mass, both clerics and laypersons, and is worn over the cassock and under any other special garments, such as the stole, dalmatic or chasuble. If the alb does not completely cover the collar, an amice is often worn underneath the alb. The shortening of the alb for use outside a church has given rise to the surplice, and its cousin the rochet, worn by canons and bishops. Post-Tridentine albs often were made with lace. Since then, this detail has fallen out of style, except in parts of the Anglo-Catholic movement and some very traditional Arab Catholic parishes.
Extrait de l'album « Come Out! It's Beautiful » Fnac CD : http://bit.ly/1iXERAp Fnac Vinyle : http://bit.ly/1jpRy9L Digital : iTunes: http://smarturl.it/jvoq65 Qobuz (24 bit) : http://bit.ly/1iou6EA Musique de la pub Peugeot 3008 Crossover : http://bit.ly/Kq4UmA Vivez l’expérience interactive ici : http://albwhispers.com/ Director CASPER BALSLEV Director of photography NIELS THASTUM Production FRENZY PARIS Producer WILLY MORENCÉ Author/ Creative JULIEN BOISSINOT KEVIN SALEMBIER CAST : Helen Sørensen LYSE RUCHAT Teacher ISIK MEMET Wife CATHERINE BRUNETEAU ZAVLAV
Muzica: Emeric Imre Versuri: Adrian Păunescu Acum sunt mai pustiu ca totdeauna De când mă simt tot mai bogat de tine Și-mi stau pe tâmple soarele și luna Acum mi-e cel mai rău și cel mai bine Și uite n-are cine să ne-ajute Abia-și mai ține lumea ale sale Și-ntr-un perete alb de muze mute Nebunii negri caută o cale Refren x 2: Și te iubesc cu milă și cu groază Tot ce-i al tău mi se cuvine mie Ca un nebun de alb ce capturează Regina neagră pentru veșnicie Prin gări descreierate accidente Marfare triste vin în miezul verii Iar eu sunt plin de gesturi imprudente Ca să te apropii și ca să te sperii Jur împrejur privelisti aberante Copii fragili ducând părinți în spate Bătrâni cu sănii gri de os pe pante Și albastroși venind spre zări uscate Refren x 2 Mi-e dor de tine și iți caut chipul Î...
ALB - THE ROAD - Directed by Julien Lassort - www.julien-lassort.com Extrait de l'album "Come out! Its Beautiful" disponible http://smarturl.it/ComeOutiTunes ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Abonnez-vous à la chaîne: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=albVEVO ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Suivez ALB Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/albalbalbalb?fref=ts Twitter: https://twitter.com/alb_music Site officiel: http://www.albofficiel.com/ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Video Producted by Solab www.solab.fr Motion productionby ELM0 www.elm0.tv Produced by Nicolas Tiry Mo...
Here are some other places you can find me on the interwebs: http://instagram.com/albinwonderland http://www.facebook.com/albinwondertoot http://albinwonderland.com/ https://twitter.com/albinwonderland MY PO BOX: ALB PO Box 43157 Sheppard Centre PO Toronto, ON M2N 6N1 Canada My Amazon Wishlist: http://amzn.com/w/2I71K1M0BW98Y
CONTACT 0744.222.129
Videoclipul oficial al piesei Luna Amară - "Pietre în alb" de pe albumul "Pietre în alb" (2011). Clipul "Pietre în alb" a fost realizat de către echipa Resize Media, http://youtube.com/ResizeMediaTV, în regia lui Dorin Marcu. Filmările au avut loc la Cluj, iar pe lângă trupă mai apare actorul Ovidiu Ghiniţă, tatăl solistului Mihnea Blidariu. Regia: Dorin Marcu Asistenţi regizor: Andrei Aron, Gábor-Áron Fetykó Director de imagine: Dorin Marcu, Andrei Aron, Gábor-Áron Fetykó Montaj: Dorin Marcu Tehnician lumini: Andrei Aron VFX / Colorist: Gábor-Áron Fetykó
| Subscribe for more: http://bit.ly/blogosubs The band ALB perform their song 'Whispers (Under The Moonlight)' for La Blogotheque's Take Away Shows. This video was filmed at night on the football field of the empty Stade de Reims. It was filmed with a drone, in one continuous shot, flying around the band. All music was recorded live during the take. | Directed by Colin Solal Cardo Sound direction by François Clos & Etienne Pozzo Drone Cinematography by Cédric Nussli (Adronaline Prod) | Like us on Facebook: http://bit.ly/blogoFB | Follow us on Twitter: http://bit.ly/blogoTwitter | Website : http://www.blogotheque.net | Adronaline: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Adronaline/1437908613113883
Official music video by Alb Negru performing the single "What You Want". (C) & (P) 2016 Sprint Music & Sprint Media Publishing https://www.facebook.com/SprintMusic https://www.facebook.com/AlbNegruOficial https://www.facebook.com/KamaraGhedi Management: Marius China | 0723.315.180 | marius.china@sprintmedia.ro Music: Paduraru Silviu Marian, Alstani Victor Razvan Lyrics: Kamara, KIM D.O.P: Octavian Lucian Montaj şi Colorizare: Kamara & Octavian Lucian Regie şi Scenariu: Kamara Video by LUKA Film Licensing: office@sprintmedia.ro PR: Dana Popa | pr.danapopa@gmail.com Label: Sprint Music brand registred at O.S.I.M, property of S.C Sprint Media Center S.R.L SC Sprint Media Center SRL is a member of U.P.F.R . All rights reserved. Unauthorized reproduction is a violation of applicable l...
Este un film rusesc despre război, în care eroii au devenit firescul cotidian!... Pentru cei ce știu despre ce este vorba este doar un prilej de a-și reaminti ce înseamnă devotamentul și patriotismul, iar pentru cei ce nu știu ce înseamnă acest lucru, este un bun prilej de a afla!...
half past ten in the morning
there's something humming in my head
i wonder how long i could switch it off and switch it off again
It may be shame that i'm feeling,
but it makes me get out of my bed,
and then, I... Watch my face in the mirror
And try to recognize a friend...
it's nice to see you again
IT's better better than nothing
Take off your golden chains
It's something you can give in...
being some wheel in the engine
it's a notion that i can defend, and yet,
it's tough to play the part so hard and finally
disappear from the scene
Move to the city move in there
And find myself in another place i swear,
That among the reason for loosing confusion...
I find the proper solution... Come back and THEN
it's nice to see you again
IT's better better than nothing
Take off your golden chains
It's something you can give in...
it's nice to see you again
IT's better better than nothing nothing nothing
Take off your golden chains
It's something you can give in...