RUMOUR CONFIRMED: New 'kick-in' crime trend emerges in home invasions across Melbourne


RUMOUR CONFIRMED: A new crime trend has emerged as Melbourne deals with a home invasion crisis.

Known as "kick-ins", offenders target homes without security screens on the front door.

A car reverses into the driveway of a home, before offenders get out and kick in the door.

The home is then raided.

With a driver waiting to take off quickly, the group then flees.

The Rumour File was alerted to the trend on Wednesday.

3AW Breakfast was then flooded with calls from victims.

Mill Park resident Mark said his home was hit on Sunday afternoon.

He returned home to find his front door kicked in, but those responsible fled without getting inside.

He said police had told him he wasn't alone.

"Basically from what they've told me is that these groups target homes without security doors," he explained.

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