Educational organizations love using WordPress because of its easy-to-use content management system and the ability to create dynamic, information-packed websites.

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Why Do Education Websites Choose WordPress?

Information For Students, Faculty, Staff

WordPress features one of the most user-friendly content management systems around. Uploading photos and video is as simple as dragging and dropping, and sorting content into different verticals is as easy as checking a box. To activate extra tools like calendars or comment moderation, just click “Activate” in the VIP Plugin directory.

Keep the Community Up To Date in Realtime

Every WordPress site can be made mobile-ready with a click, which means students and faculty accessing your site using a phone or tablet will see a mobile-optimized version. Your staffers can also use WordPress mobile applications to create and publish content from wherever they are.

Make It Easy for Your Website To Be Shared

WordPress helps your home page shine with high definition graphics and videos that tell your institution’s story. And since WordPress is fully integrated with popular social networking sites, it’ll be easy for your social media savvy students to share your information across the internet.

Spotlight Sites

The University of British Columbia

MIT Sloan Review

Nieman Journalism Lab at Harvard University

University of Missouri College of Engineering

University of Washington

University of Florida

Syracuse University, The Daily Orange

Boise State University

Bates University