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Photo of Taylor Swift's alleged assault released without her consent

Back in 2013, Taylor Swift was allegedly groped by a radio host during a fan event backstage at one of her shows, a legal battle ensued and last week the Shake It Off singer requested hundreds of documents attached to the case be sealed from public access.

Now tabloid site TMZ has gone against her requests and published a photograph of the incident involving former Colorado radio personality David "Jackson" Mueller. 

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Taylor Swift is named the highest-paid woman in music, The Big Bang Theory is censored and famous television personalities are farewelled.

"Right as the moment came for us to pose for the [meet-and-greet] photo, [Mueller] took his hand and put it up my dress and grabbed onto my ass cheek and no matter how much I scooted over, it was still there," Swift said in a videotaped deposition. "It was completely intentional, I've never been so sure of anything in my life."

In 2015, the DJ, who was subsequently fired, filed a lawsuit against Swift claiming her allegations were false and cost him his job.  

Swift countered his claim citing she had photographic evidence of him groping her.

"I remember being frantic, distressed, feeling violated in a way I had never experienced before," Swift said.  


"A meet-and-greet is supposed to be a situation where you're thanking people for coming. You're supposed to be welcoming people into your home, which is the arena for that day, and for someone to violate that hospitality in that way, I was completely stunned."

TMZ published the photo with the caption, "It's hard to see how this pic unduly prejudices anyone" after Swift, via her lawyers, requested the photo be kept confidential as "her privacy outweighs the public's interest in disclosure," according to The Denver Post.

A photo Taylor Swift requested be kept private in the lead up to legal case regarding her alleged assault has been ...
A photo Taylor Swift requested be kept private in the lead up to legal case regarding her alleged assault has been published by TMZ. Photo: Getty Images

"In addition to the likelihood of these documents swaying a jury, it is all but assured that the photograph will be shared for scandalous and prurient interests - reasons that have nothing to do with the public's interest in the Court's decision making," court documents read.

Publications like Refinery29 and SELF magazine were quick to denounce TMZ's actions. 

"We're stunned that TMZ is taking this so lightly and acting as judge and jury on the case - oh, and poisoning the jury pool for a crime that's notoriously difficult to prosecute," a Refinery29 article titled: "TMZ Posted The Photo Of Taylor Swift Allegedly Being Groped & It's Not Okay" read.

"This turn of events is very troubling. Even if you're not a Taylor Swift fan ... Sharing a photo may seem very small in comparison to the greater threats against women's safety in this world, but it signifies a much larger societal problem. Women - and all survivors of assault - deserve to feel safe and valued in this country. We can do a whole lot better than this," SELF stated. 

Fairfax Media has chosen to not published the image. 

It is not the first time Swift's privacy has been breached. 

In July, Kim Kardashian West released video footage of what the singer thought was a private phone conversation with rapper Kanye West regarding the lyrics of his song Famous, which includes references to Swift. 

She responded by posting a statement on Instagram. 

"Where in the video of Kanye telling me he was going to call me 'that bitch' in his song? It doesn't exist because it never happened. You don't get to control someone's emotional response to being called 'that bitch' in front of the entire world," the post began. "Of course I wanted to like the song. I wanted to believe Kanye when he told me that I would love the song."

She continued, "I wanted us to have a friendly relationship. He promised to play the song for me, but he never did. While I wanted to be supportive of Kanye on the phone call, you cannot 'approve' a song you haven't heard."


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