What if the Bill Gates and Gina Rineharts of the world gave their money to start-ups?

How many businesses could be created if local entrepreneurs received the fortunes of the wealthiest? Bloomberg created the 2016 Robin Hood Index to look into the question.

They took the richest individuals of 42 economies with different political regimes and regulatory environment for businesses, and compared their net worth to the procedural start-up cost for small- to medium-sized companies.

Billionaire Gina Rinehart's wealth could get more than 25,000 companies going, according to the index.
Billionaire Gina Rinehart's wealth could get more than 25,000 companies going, according to the index. Photo: Bloomberg

The index shows, hypothetically, how many businesses can be started with the net worth of each country's wealthiest individuals. The numbers were crunched using data from the Bloomberg Billionaires Index and the World Bank Doing Business 2016 report. Start-up costs was expressed in the original Doing Business report as a percentage of the gross national income per capital. They include all official fees and fees for legal or professional services to set up a company (if such services are required by law or commonly used in practice).

The net worth of Bill Gates, the world's richest man, would help create 137,296 businesses, at a cost of $US605 apiece ($805) if distributed to local entrepreneurs in the US. That could have huge implications for the labour market in the world's largest economy. In America, small businesses have contributed the most to job growth, adding 1.4 million new jobs in 2014, according to the US Small Business Administration.
Microsoft's Bill Gates would have enough to help create almost 140,000 businesses.
Microsoft's Bill Gates would have enough to help create almost 140,000 businesses. Photo: Bloomberg

Here in Australia, mining tycoon Gina Rinehart's fortune could get 25,198 businesses off the ground at a cost of $US420 ($559) each, while Kiwi packaging king Graeme Hart could kickstart 55,052 companies. 

Entrepreneurs from China, the world's most populous nation, would be able to get the most start-ups up and running than any other country - 596,303 to be exact thanks to Dalian Wanda Group's Wang Jianlin, whose own life story is an inspiration to fledgling entrepreneurs. In China, though, corruption and red tape are still obstacles to new businesses.


The costs of starting a business are ranked among the highest in South Korea and the United Arab Emirates -where the least businesses would be created, 2971 and 2345 respectively, according to the Robin Hood Index.

The gauge only takes into account the procedural expenses. There are plenty of other considerations to factor in, from the cost of labour, rent and paid-in capital to name but a few. Other costs are difficult to quantify such as bureaucracy, implicit bribery, enforcing legal contracts, and so on, but are also critical to getting a business off the ground.

Still, as an intellectual exercise, one can only imagine what the champions of 42 countries, with an estimated wealth of $US756 billion ($1 trillion) - a cool 1 per cent of the world's 2016 GDP - can do with their money that government and agencies can't.

The index is an adaptation of an original work by the World Bank. Views and opinions expressed in the adaptation are the sole responsibility of the author or authors of the adaptation and are not endorsed by the World Bank.
