SAMfarmers Not Allowed to Bury/toprch Burned Trees

Insurance, come hell or high water

KATE BOOTH: Recent natural disasters have exposed that many homeowners have inadequate insurance cover.

Clearfelling leatherwood makes no sense

Clearfelling leatherwood makes no sense
LINDSAY BOURKE: Tasmanian forestry practices destroying icon honey industry.

Lowering prices not answer to global hunger

Lowering prices not answer to global hunger
JAN DAVIS: It is time to start thinking outside the square about the price of food.

Big weekend ahead for the South

Big weekend ahead for  the South
EDITORIAL: IT is billed as the world’s toughest half marathon — a withering 21.4km of unrelenting incline from sea level to 1270m.

Seize opportunity in city traffic fix

Seize opportunity in city traffic fix
REX GARDNER: Why are Hobart’s streets clogged up in peak hour? Simple answer: There are too many cars. Solution? Less cars.

Fish farm science is clear that big rise in production is dangerous

Fish farm science is clear that big rise in production is dangerous
LAURA KELLY: Latest research raises serious doubts about salmon expansion.

Cheap party politics hinder climate action

Cheap party politics hinder climate action
PETER BOYER: LAST Friday’s entry into force of the 2016 Paris Agreement raises pressure on all Australian governments to put in place long-term plans to cut carbon emissions.

Recognising the moment

Recognising the moment
EDITORIAL: NO more excuses Tasmania, this is it — the Second Test between South Africa and Australia in Hobart is one of the most anticipated cricket clashes in the world. It is huge.

A study in economic, social benefit

A study in economic, social benefit
GREG BARNS: The University of Tasmania is on the right track moving into cities.

Good planning can take sting out of projects

Good planning can take sting out of projects
EMMA PHARO: Key to better outcomes is to properly involve community.

Attack displayed poor knowledge of science

Attack displayed poor knowledge of science
PETER WILSON: Taking on journalists who present hyperbole as fact and beat up the story.

The need for one big plan

The need for one big plan
EDITORIAL: PRIME minister Malcolm Turnbull visited Hobart on Friday — the first time he has been to the state’s capital since the Liberals’ disastrous showing at the July 2 Federal Election.

Hotel proposal a tall order

Hotel proposal a tall order
CHARLES WOOLEY: EVEN scarier than the towering alien architecture of the near future might be the coercive means necessary to foist those high-rise hotel extravaganzas on our cityscape.

Back to basics for Libs

Back to basics for Libs
MATT SMITH: Tasmania’s next election will be won by capturing the hearts and minds of voters seen to occupy the middle ground — the space between the socially progressive Left and the conservative Right.

Swimming upstream on fish farms

Swimming upstream on fish farms
MARK RYAN: striking back at highly critical media reports, which he says failed to tell the full, and more positive, story about salmon farming in Tasmania.

Get onya bike and ride to health, wealth

Get onya bike and ride to health, wealth
GARRY BAILEY: incorporating cycling in the functioning of cities makes sense

Only a full Royal Commission can offer justice to bank victims

Only a full Royal Commission can offer justice to bank victims
HELEN POLLEY: the banks have avoided proper scrutiny over damaging practices.

Naturally, our scenic beauty wins

Naturally, our scenic beauty wins
EDITORIAL: Nature is yet again front and centre of Tasmania’s economic revival, especially when it comes to the boom in the tourism sector.

The mendacity of hope

The mendacity of hope
RANDALL DOYLE: The United States is experiencing a historic and unprecedented Balkanisation of its society.

We, the people, can choose to lead the way

We, the people, can choose to lead the way
KYM GOODES: Changing the world starts in our own backyard.

We should chase the big dream

We should chase the big dream
TASMANIA should be unapologetic and dogged in its efforts to try to get a team in the A-League. This state deserves its own guernsey in the national competition, and it should demand it.

I did not try to sue church for money or gain

I did not try to sue church for money or gain
MARTINE DELANEY: My legal challenge was never about silencing opposition. It was about respect.

About time we kicked an A-League goal

About time we kicked an A-League goal
NICK McKIM: Why Tasmania’s bid to join the A-League should be a winner.

Dragons, subs and metastasis

Dragons, subs and metastasis
BREAST cancer survivor MIRIAM FLETCHER marked the 10th anniversary of her diagnosis with a recent trip to China.

Very hard to swallow

Very hard to swallow
EDITORIAL: THE mere mention of the fact that staff in Tasmanian ministerial offices have wages above $260,000 a year is hard to swallow for the tens of thousands of Tasmanians struggling on or below the poverty line.

Footy, meat pies and ... academia

Footy, meat pies and ... academia
RICK MARTON: There are very good reasons why the public was not brought into the tent on the UTAS Stadium deal for Launceston.

Governor sailing close to the breeze

Governor sailing close to the breeze
PETER BOYCE: Vice-regal office carries in-built constraints.

National brand bid deserves more thought

National brand bid deserves more thought
JAN DAVIS: selling Aussie produce overseas under one logo has its issues.

We need to get this right

We need to get this right
TASMANIA’S aquaculture sector holds great promise as one of the industries which will help provide the state’s economy a secure and sustainable future.

New FBI probe sinks Hillary’s high

New FBI probe sinks Hillary’s high
RANDALL DOYLE: American voters moving closer to electing Donald Trump, in the wake of crime bureau joining campaign fray.