
Giant sinkhole in Fukuoka, Japan, repaired within days

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Giant sinkhole in Japan repaired in a week

Japanese efficiency at it's most impressive: a giant sinkhole that swallowed part of a major road in Fukuoka has been completely repaired in just seven days.

A giant sinkhole that swallowed part of a five-lane road in the Japanese city of Fukuoka has been filled in with a speed almost as astonishing as its sudden appearance.

Before-and-after photos of the road show people walking across a pedestrian crossing that, just days ago, was a gaping hole roughly half the size of an Olympic swimming pool in the southern Japanese city's central business district.

The sinkhole, left, appeared on November 8. The road reopened a week later.
The sinkhole, left, appeared on November 8. The road reopened a week later.  Photo: AP

Despite the remarkable efficiency of the repair effort, the mayor of Fukuoka, Soichiro Takashima, offered an earnest apology to those who had been inconvenienced.

"We're very sorry for causing great trouble," he said in a statement.

The massive sinkhole appeared in Fukuoka's CBD.
The massive sinkhole appeared in Fukuoka's CBD. Photo: AP

"I sincerely express my gratitude to everyone for their efforts. From now on I will do my utmost to investigate the cause and compensate for the damage." 

The sinkhole, which appeared on November 8, spanned the width of the road, measuring roughly 30 metres wide and 15 metres deep.


It was thought to have been triggered by nearby underground construction to extend a subway tunnel. No one was injured when the road collapsed.

Road crews worked around the clock to reinstall damaged utilities, fill the hole and resurface the road.

Road crews worked around the clock to fix the damage.
Road crews worked around the clock to fix the damage. Photo: AP

Local media reported that, just two days after the sinkhole appeared, there was barely any sign that the hole had existed.

It took several more days of testing before officials declared the stretch of road safe. It opened at 5am on Tuesday, local time.

Some have expressed amazement at the efficiency of the repair effort.

"Manchester sink hole took 10 months to fix ... Japan fixes vast Fukuoka city sinkhole – in two days," tweeted Charlie Morrison.
