Investors worry about what retreat from globalisation will mean for markets

Ray Dalio says Donald Trump's plans to boost the economy meant it was 'likely that the Fed (and possibly other central ...
Ray Dalio says Donald Trump's plans to boost the economy meant it was 'likely that the Fed (and possibly other central banks) will increasingly tighten and that fiscal and monetary policy will come into conflict down the road'. David Rowe

Investors in emerging markets are becoming increasingly nervous as leading fund managers, including Bridgewater boss Ray Dalio, hail Donald Trump's election victory as the dawn of a new era for markets that will see a retreat from globalisation and rising bond yields.

Dalio, who runs the world's biggest hedge fund, said in a note on Tuesday that "we believe that we will have a profound president-led ideological shift that is of a magnitude, and in more ways than one, analogous to Ronald Reagan's shift to the right".

The hedge fund manager, whose firm manages about $US150 billion ($198.4 billion) warned "there is a good chance that we are at one of those major reversals that last a decade", similar to the outbreak of stagflation in the 1970s and the shift back to strong, non-inflationary growth in the 1980s.

He warned that investors would have to adjust to the end of an era that had been characterised by increasing globalisation, free trade and global interconnectedness, relatively innocuous fiscal policies and sluggish domestic growth, low inflation and falling bond yields.

In contrast, he said, "the new period is more likely to be characterised by 1) decreasing globalisation, free trade and global connectedness, 2) aggressively stimulative fiscal policies, and 3) increased US growth, higher inflation and rising bond yields."

According to Dalio, "as for the effects of this particular ideological/environmental shift, we think that there's a significant likelihood that we have made the 30-year top in bond prices."

He also noted that the outlook for stronger growth and inflation meant that it was "likely that the Fed (and possibly other central banks) will increasingly tighten and that fiscal and monetary policy will come into conflict down the road."

What's more, he noted, "relatively stronger US growth and relative tightening of US policy versus the rest of world" is bullish for the US dollar.

But the prospect of rising US interest rates and a stronger greenback is sending shivers through the spines of investors in emerging markets – which had been among the best performing assets this year before Trump's surprise election win.

Since Trump's victory, investors have been dumping emerging market assets, which has sent bond yields higher, while share markets in Asia and Latin America have sold off. Emerging market currencies have also been battered on fears that rising bond yields in the United States, Europe and Japan will choke off the flow of capital into riskier, developing markets.

But some analysts warn that the fear that emerging markets will be whiplashed by rising US interest rates – as happened during the "temper tantrum" of 2013, when a brief spike in US bond yields caused investors to dump emerging market assets – is overdone.

They argue that the financial resilience of emerging markets has improved since 2013. Back then, many emerging countries were running large current account deficits, which left them very vulnerable to capital outflows. Since then, the external balances of emerging countries has generally improved, although there are some notable exceptions.

What's more, emerging countries have less to fear from a revival of protectionism. After years of stagnation in world trade, they've been forced to adapt their policies, and to rely more on domestic demand, or on trade with other emerging markets.

But one huge unknown is whether Trump will follow through with his oft-repeated threat to declare China a currency manipulator and to impose 45 per cent tariffs on Chinese imports, which have the potential to trigger a damaging trade war with the world's second largest economy.

And the case for declaring China a currency manipulator appeared to become even stronger after the People's Bank of China this week set its reference rate for the yuan against the US dollar at its lowest level since December 2008.

But analysts point out that the yuan's latest bout of weakness reflects the surge in the US dollar in the wake of Trump's election victory.

What's more, they note that although Beijing clearly kept the value of its currency artificially low for more than a decade, as it relied on strong growth in manufactured exports to transform itself into a major industrial power, China has now changed tack.

For the past few years, Beijing has spent nearly $US1 trillion of the country's foreign currency reserves propping up the yuan in a bid to stop it from falling too rapidly. And Chinese authorities have also introduced controls on foreign capital outflows, in order to reduce the downward pressure on the currency.

That's because, as Chinese growth has slowed and the opportunities for profitable local investment have dwindled, Chinese companies and individuals have tried to protect the value of their capital by sending it offshore.

Investors are concerned that if Trump follows through with his threat of trade sanctions on China, it will not only hurt the Chinese economy – which is already struggling with massive industrial overcapacity and a huge build-up in corporate debt – but will also spill over into other emerging countries, particularly in the Asian region, which are now integrated into the Chinese supply chain.

But even more alarming is the possibility that Beijing is likely to swiftly retaliate with trade sanctions on US companies, dampening hopes for a new era of robust US economic activity.