Closure of BM Box 3641

tl;dr – don’t send things to the BM Box any more. I’m not renewing it for 2016. If I’ve sent you anything through the mail in the last 20 years, it’s probably had a rubber stamp imprint on it as in the photo above. In the 80s and 90s all the cool kids in the …

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January updates

Generally you can find me here again on a daily basis. Work continues on the next issue of Turbulent Times, but knackeredness and other battles are taking priority. Libbe Matz Gang “Infantilised Britain” 7″ EP out now. I use and fully endorse this new noise/electronic/experimental record shop in Kentish Town. You can even see a …

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other places you will find me online

These are now re-listed on the sidebar. Twitter – waffle, interesting links, records I have played whilst doing the ironing Youtube – videos I’ve uploaded to illustrate blog posts This Is My Jam – one tune a week Mixcloud – stream (some of) my mixes online Shop – various bits I am selling on amazon, …

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All of the websites I host got seriously hacked last week. I’m not entirely sure how it happened but all of my wordpress installations got messed up and people who looked at them were redirected to an amazing variety of scam and porn sites. Apologies if you were affected. The Woofah and Babylon sites are …

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Ten MORE Tigers

1. Tony the Tiger Frosties Icon. Nowhere near as awesome as the Weetabix Skinheads, but still loads better than the Honey Monster or those goody goody Rice Krispie goons. 2. Tiger Woods Troubled golfer. Macka B did a song about him which came out as a seven inch on Mad Professor’s Ariwa label:

3. …

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Poll Tax Riot: it was 20 years ago today

Q: How is the Council like a Pelican? A: They can both stick their bills up their arses. I suppose this counts as history now? That’s definitely a sign of getting old. A bunch of us headed down to Kennington Park and marvelled at the massive turnout. It is the second biggest demo I have …

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rhythmplex interview: Bryan Lewis Saunders

rhythmplex » Blog Archive » Interview: Bryan Lewis Saunders. Bryan does incredibly intense spoken word. He sent me some CDs out of the blue a few years back. I played one of his pieces on RSI Radio vol 2 which got some good reaction at the time. We’ve stayed in touch and I’m pleased to …

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