REAL ESTATE: Rugby union brothers Anthony and Vili Fainga’a are looking to rent out their Seven Hills property.

Fainga’a brothers look for tenants

LOOKING to rent in Seven Hills? Rugby’s Fainga’a brothers are taking in tenants.

Where all the rental properties are

Where all the rental properties are
NEW figures show just how hard it is to find a rental property in some Australian capital cities.

Schoolies trained to not be strife of party

Schoolies trained to not be strife of party
Clampdown on Schoolies damage as close to 25,000 teens prepare to converge on the Gold Coast.

Gen Y tops property investment

Gen Y tops property investment
Gen Y has topped the property investment ladder ahead of Gen X and Baby Boomers, with national figures showing 22 per cent of them own at least one rental property.

Public push for pet-friendly housing

Public push for pet-friendly housing
LANDLORDS should be forced to allow pets in rental properties with animal owners citing unfair restrictions when house hunting.

The Qld suburbs where rents are set to fall

The Qld suburbs where rents are set to fall
FEAR not if you don’t have a rung on the property ladder yet, it’s a great time to be a tenant. Vacancy rates are at a record high, so rents are likely to fall – as long as you’re in one of these suburbs. FULL LIST

TV personality wants beach guests

TV personality wants beach guests
FANCY a weekend at the beach? Television personality Jillian Whiting can help you out.

Where it’s hardest to find a rental

Where it’s hardest to find a rental
THIS capital city is a property investor’s dream. With Australia’s lowest vacancy rates their properties should not be empty long.

NRL star searches for tenants

NRL star searches for tenants
KEEN to rent off a league star? Parramatta-bound Josh Hoffman needs tenants for his Brisbane home.

The tenants stole what?

The tenants stole what?
TENANTS pinch everything from light bulbs to door knobs when they move out, but you won’t believe what one managed to take from their rental home.

Aussie renters like 2nd-class citizens

Aussie renters like 2nd-class citizens
YOU have given up on The Great Australian Dream of owning your own home? It turns out that renting isn’t great either.

International-style homes on our doorstep

International-style homes on our doorstep
CAN’T afford the airfare to holiday overseas? Turns out you don’t have to travel long distances to feel like you are staying far from home.

More bang for your rental buck

More bang for your rental buck
BUYING in this capital city might be outside your reach, but it’s where you’ll get more bang for your rental buck.

What to rent if money is no problem

What to rent if money is no problem
TIRED of your shared rental house with just one bathroom and mould on the ceiling? Maybe it’s time to trade up to one of these luxury rental properties.

Will millions be stuck renting?

Will millions be stuck renting?
NEW research warns more than 3 million Aussies could end up renting forever. That’s a big call, is it true?

Priciest suburbs to share a home

Priciest suburbs to share a home
ALL but two of the 100 priciest suburbs to rent a room in a sharehouse are concentrated in one region. And the rents there on single rooms now cost more than rents on entire houses elsewhere.

Is now the perfect time for renters?

Is now the perfect time for renters?
RENTING has become more affordable in the past year, as capital city rents drop and wages hold steady.

Live in a dream home... for a night

Live in a dream home... for a night
THEY’RE the multi-million dollar houses most people could only dream of owning, but one company has made it possible for the ordinary Aussie to taste the the high life. Here’s how.-

Jobs set to save apartment pipeline

Jobs set to save apartment pipeline
NEW rental vacancy rate data has challenged the question of whether Brisbane’s apartment market is oversupplied.

This is what renters have to deal with

This is what renters have to deal with
AMID Australia’s property frenzy, there’s something even more inflated than the prices - real estate agents’ huge egos. Here’s the infuriating proof.

What landlords want

What landlords want
LANDLORDS might be characterised as money hungry investors, but when it comes to what they’re looking for in tenants they’d rather good renters than extra cash, according to a new report.

Good news for renters

Good news for renters
FINDING a rental property has gotten a little bit easier with new figures revealing a lift in vacancy rates, particularly in this capital city.

Proof renting doesn’t have to suck

Proof renting doesn’t have to suck
WITH more Aussies forced to rent because of rising house prices, there are ways to make it not suck so much for tenants.

You could be living in a gold mine

You could be living in a gold mine
FANCY earning $10,000 a day just for leaving your house for a few hours? Growth in the local film industry means production companies are on the hunt for “real houses” — and will pay big money to film in them.

Housing dilemma dividing our suburbs

Housing dilemma dividing our suburbs
AS BOOMING prices put home ownership out of reach for most ordinary Australians, the experts are worried we’re going to be living in cities divided.

Landlord’s insane rent increase

Landlord’s insane rent increase
NEIL Hutchinson is facing eviction after his landlord upped the rent by nearly 400 per cent with no explanation.

Why you should live in a ‘hipster suburb’

Why you should live in a ‘hipster suburb’
WHERE hipsters go, high home ­prices follow. New research shows Sydney’s most popular hangouts have recorded extreme house price ­increases in recent years. SEE THE TOP 10 LIST.

How Chinese students can boost the property market

How Chinese students can boost the property market
A REVAMPED student visa system beginning next month is being lauded as a strategic move by industry experts to ramp up Chinese property buying.

Couple’s shocking, smelly discovery

Couple’s shocking, smelly discovery
MOVING in together should be a time of great excitement, not one of abject horror - as this couple found out after a note was left behind in a cupboard.

What women complain the most about

What women complain the most about
THERE is one thing about renting that women will overwhelmingly complain about more than men.