Saving Australian Dollars for the Mortgage

How to pay off your home loan sooner

DROPPING as little as $10 or $20 extra onto your home loan can result in savings of tens of thousands of dollars and cut years off a loan term.

Persistence pays off in bank negotiations

Persistence pays off in bank negotiations
THE set-and-forget approach to paying off your mortgage can cost you thousands — but discounts may require some dogged determination on your part.

Tune into super’s tax savings

Tune into super’s tax savings
SAVERS are ignoring superannuation because they don’t understand its tax benefits and can’t keep up with constant government rule changes.

How to score cheap flight deals

How to score cheap flight deals
JETSETTERS planning their overseas jaunts can save hundreds of dollars on airfares by carefully choosing their first travel destination.

Why spending to save makes sense

Why spending to save makes sense
BREAD machines and coffee machines are sometimes derided as the worst kind of ‘junk’ gifts, but they can be your ticket to saving a fortune in day-to-day costs.

Thousands join insurance campaign

Thousands join insurance campaign
MORE than 15,000 Australian households have signed up to chase a better deal on their home and car insurance.

Should you reveal your finances?

Should you reveal your finances?
REVEALING our financial situation to family and friends has become the new norm — but there is still one bit of information few of us feel comfortable sharing.

Smarter smartphone options

Smarter smartphone options
SMARTPHONE customers getting slugged by the high-cost of running premium devices on expensive plans are getting more choice than ever to help cull their costs.

Own a little slice of Westfield

Own a little slice of Westfield
SKY-HIGH housing prices are prompting Australians to invest their money in lots of other types of property.

What boomers can learn from milennials

What boomers can learn from milennials
THE generation gap can be huge but when it comes to learning about money there is a lot that youngsters can teach older people, say David and Libby Koch.

Will you have enough super?

Will you have enough super?
SUPER fund balances need significant fattening to catch up to the amount required to deliver a comfortable lifestyle come retirement.

Skip feeling that credit card pain

Skip feeling that credit card pain
CREDIT card customers are continuing to get gouged by exorbitant rates despite a small dip to the average card rate in the past year.

When it’s best to buy in bulk

When it’s best to buy in bulk
BUYING in bulk brings big discounts for grocery shoppers, and people prepared to look beyond the supermarket can also pocket significant savings.

Secret weapon against school costs

Secret weapon against school costs
PARENTS’ budgets are being squeezed by the rising costs of education, forcing many to employ a strategy that one finance expert described as a ‘dirty little secret’.

Friend cover shakes up insurance

Friend cover shakes up insurance
A NEW lending scheme that has taken the banking industry by a storm is about to sweep through the Australian insurance sector.

Taking control of family finances

Taking control of family finances
MONEY woes can end up splitting families apart once parents grow old, writes David and Libby Koch, who explain when you should take charge of parental finances.

Why funeral bonds are suddenly popular

Why funeral bonds are suddenly popular
THERE’S been a huge spike in the number of people investing in funeral bonds, and the trend is set to increase in the next couple of months. Here’s why.

Too lazy to look at the market

Too lazy to look at the market
CONSUMERS are potentially costing themselves hundreds if not thousands of dollars a year by failing to get a decent credit card interest rate.

Hold off on fixing home loans

Hold off on fixing home loans
HOME loan interest rates could be leaving many borrowers paying too much. But there are reasons why it’s not working locking in a fixed rate.

How to bet $20 on the Cup

How to bet $20 on the Cup
MELBOURNE Cup betting swallows hundreds of millions of dollars from Aussies every year. If you’ve set aside $20 to punt, here are some options.

How to find a better car insurance deal

How to find a better car insurance deal
CAR insurance customers could be paying up to nearly 80 per cent more by blindly renewing their policies without shopping around.

Beware of these scary money moves

Beware of these scary money moves
BAD money decisions can give you a bigger financial fright than the scariest Halloween horror movie.

Is your partner a financial cheat?

Is your partner a financial cheat?
IT’S that feeling in your gut, that intuition that something isn’t right financially. David and Libby Koch show you what do to next.

How to find the best super fund

How to find the best super fund
AN alarmingly high number of people are apathetic about switching super funds — but an expert is urging Aussies to look a little closer at their investment goals.

Keeping a financial eye on politics

Keeping a financial eye on politics
IT’S a small world after all, which is why economists say thrifty Australians should keep an eye on politics when making financial decisions.

The ups and downs of airline deals

The ups and downs of airline deals
AIRFARES are experiencing some heavy turbulence, new figures show, but these smart market tips can help you land some jumbo savings.

Proof that growth stocks are overrated

Proof that growth stocks are overrated
THEY call them ‘growth stocks’ — companies with the potential for higher future returns than they give today — but they may not be all they’re cracked up to be.

Dangers of merging finances

Dangers of merging finances
COUPLES are losing that loving feeling when it comes to pooling their cash with their other half.

Final countdown to avoid a tax hit

Final countdown to avoid a tax hit
TAX returns must be lodged a week from today — but fear not, procrastinators; changes to the MyTax tool mean many people can complete their forms within 15 minutes.

Battlers still chasing the Aussie dream

Battlers still chasing the Aussie dream
THE containing growth in the nation’s property prices hasn’t deterred potential investors with two in three Australians aspiring to own an investment property.