Last updated: November 13, 2016

News chief blasts ads ‘mayhem’

The advertising market is in turmoil as a lack of transparency and traffic fraud in the online world hits brands.

News Corp embarks on cost cuts

News Corp Australia is setting out a new cost-cutting target of $40 million in the current fiscal year.

Obama gives up on TPP

Barack Obama’s administration has suspended efforts to win congressional approval for the free-trade deal.

Wall St edges to fresh record

The Dow posted its biggest weekly gain in nearly five years, but trade was calm as investors assessed the political outlook.

Sales fall at JC Penney

A day after Macy’s reported declining sales, JC Penney unveiled a soft result and cut its sales forecast for the year.

Trump win opens room for China

The prospect of a more protectionist America gives China a chance to widen its global economic clout.

Speed bumps for infra plan

Trump’s proposal to devote $US1 trillion of private financing to new infrastructure is likely to fall short, experts say.

Caution rules on Dodd-Frank

Trump has vowed to dismantle the post-crisis financial overhaul, but his team is tempering expectations.

Vote rocks emerging markets

Investors dumped stocks, currencies and bonds in emerging Europe, Africa and Latin America after the US election.

‘Fake news’: Facebook responds

Zuckerberg has defended Facebook against criticisms it harmed political discourse around the US election.

What result means for investors

Take care with your asset allocations as the dust settles.

Small caps to beat turbulence

Post the Trump victory, the riskier small to mid-sized sector suddenly presents an unlikely safe harbour for yield.

A major global market rethink

Investors are thinking twice on the market outlook after Donald Trump’s surprise US election victory.

How to invest in the Trump era

Australian investors suddenly face a very different investment landscape with Donald Trump in power.

A time to hasten slowly

A Trump victory was supposed to herald a wave of volatility but so far it’s been one-way traffic going higher.

Rio bosses blind to Africa risks

Compliance experts are asking why Rio did not raise potential governance concerns about a cash-for-influence payment.

Every cent matters: BHP exec

BHP Billiton executive Arnoud Balhuizen says sentiment behind commodity prices is ‘better than people expected’.

Trump policies risk trade war

The long-term impact of Donald Trump’s protectionist agenda could result in a trade war and a global recession.

Stock pickers warn of correction

Investors should be alert for a correction in toppy sharemarkets, according to leading fund managers.

Argus calls for ‘new way’

Corporate leaders suggest Donald Trump will be too smart to implement his contentious election campaign policies.

Rise of machines the next battle

The upside of the Trump win is what the markets have chosen to focus on since Wednesday: public spending and tax cuts.

Software fault strikes Centrelink

The Department of Human Services has restored services, refuting talk of a nationwide outage.

Keating in element with insults

Former prime minister Paul Keating has had a fun few days.

The Dow: It’s easy with ETFs

The easiest way for investors to play directly into the dramatic changes set to hit the US market is through ETFs.

Target set on Kew

Target chief operating officer Andre Reich has paid $4.1 million for a family home in Kew.

Hedge funds nominate targets

Leading managers say it’s not hard to find red flags in a list of companies that are ripe for a share-price hit.

Emerald City: Pacific penthouse

Allen Linz and Eduard Litver are expecting about $11m for the final penthouse in their Bondi Pacific apartment complex.

APRA’s push for strong bank rules

APRA has vowed to push ahead with tougher standards on banks than proposed global rules.

A fish bowl with a view

The Magids are ringed by politicians and business figures.

SPC seals deal with Woolworths

SPC Ardmona has confirmed it has signed a three-year deal with Woolworths to supply its home brand canned fruit.

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