Last updated: November 19, 2016

Saturday 19th November 2016

It’s going to be a bumpy ride

It’s going to be a bumpy ride

An international shift is under way, but the US is not about to disintegrate.

Shimmying to a new world order

Shimmying to a new world order

Malcolm Turnbull’s plan to engage the US president-elect is shared by many leaders around the world.

Elites smashed by ‘parochials’

Elites smashed by ‘parochials’

The Left doesn’t get Donald Trump’s victory over political correctness.

Blame the thick, irrational mob

Blame the thick, irrational mob

Sneerers are disgusted with democracy for giving people a voice.

Building confidence is key

Building confidence is key

Is confidence in sport like pregnancy? Can you be half confident? Some would suggest not. You’re either confident or not.

Trump opens doors to distraction

Trump opens doors to distraction

The president-elect’s ‘forgotten people’ formula is being cynically exploited here.

Drama goes close to history

Drama goes close to history

There’s a lot of history in this lustrous new series and a superb gallery of players.

Morning glory sees Scott climb

Morning glory sees Scott climb

Here was a smug morning just begging to be beaten up. Comfortably warm to allow players to keep their cool.

Trump agenda a basis for growth

Trump agenda a basis for growth

Hopefully, diplomacy can avert a trade war with China that could harm Australian interests.

Populism no fix for insider cartel

Populism no fix for insider cartel

Modern politics is caught between populism and a political insider class, neither of which is very palatable.

Saturday 19th November 2016

The right to die with dignity

The right to die with dignity

The baton passes to Victoria to be the only state to allow elective euthanasia.

Shameful bid to silence religion

Shameful bid to silence religion

An individualistic creed couched in terms of new “rights” can’t tolerate rival views.

Deface value

Deface value

A range of posters has appeared in Energy Minister Josh Frydenberg’s Melbourne seat of Kooyong.

Trump, rugby, thanks to Fairfax

Trump, rugby, thanks to Fairfax

You can connect just about anything to the US president-elect if you believe in yourself.

Trump opens doors to distraction

Trump opens doors to distraction

The president-elect’s ‘forgotten people’ formula is being cynically exploited here.

Drama goes close to history

Drama goes close to history

There’s a lot of history in this lustrous new series and a superb gallery of players.

Morning glory sees Scott climb

Morning glory sees Scott climb

Here was a smug morning just begging to be beaten up. Comfortably warm to allow players to keep their cool.

OK by them in America

OK by them in America

We should all rejoice that offshore refugees could soon be off to the US.

Friday 18th November 2016

A bumper Trumper issue

A bumper Trumper issue

Plus: when Hendo met the ABC chairman on a super-moon night; and the Red Bandannaed One debunked.

Cardinals ‘game on’ against Pope

Cardinals ‘game on’ against Pope

Allying himself with the international left, Pope Francis is risking an unprecedented challenge from angry cardinals.

Turnbull’s NBN dilemma

Turnbull’s NBN dilemma

Canberra’s decision to help fund the NBN shortfall points to existing problems with its business model.

Murder most foul

Murder most foul

Pasquale Barbaro’s murder is proof that in Australia’s underworld the rules of engagement have changed and no one is safe.

What about hairyman rights?

What about hairyman rights?

Sam Dastaryi is the latest victim of follicle analysis that I too have suffered from and it needs to be called out.

JM Lean linked army to the people

JM Lean linked army to the people

He is not forgotten, this man who shouldered so much grief during World War I’s dark days

Keating stirring the possum

Keating stirring the possum

A clear majority of Australians still support our relationship with the US.

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