March For Enger-Land Total Flop!

by ‘Rosa’

For a national demo the March for England attempt today in Brighton was rubbish. I have only 1 word to say: utter humiliation. There were about 70 odd ‘patriots’ there who were outnumbered at least 10 to 1 if not more by antifascist protestors and completely surrounded by plod. If the police had not been there then the MfE would have been very worried indeed. Plod from Sussex needed help from Hampshire, Thames Valley and Surrey as they obviously cannot handle the workload and so a load of money was spent on outside forces’ overtime for which I am sure the locals will thank the local chief constable.

The march was to set off at 12 but they didn’t get going for ages and after antifascists blocked the road, the march was rerouted and stopped at least twice through militant action. Local anti-fascists outran plod who, being bussed in from elsewhere like the MfE, didn’t know about all the alleyways that criss-cross the town (and thanks to the mob flying the AFA flag for looking after me). After the march was redirected the MfE were halted (I don’t know what the street was) and then came under fire from bottles, crates, cans and anything else that came to hand. Sadly, plod took the brunt of if it and I wish to apologise on everyone else’s behalf for that. The MfE finally got to their site at 1.40 by which time they looked hopelessly lost, massively outnumbered and bereft of all their bravado – which basically consisted of shouting ‘who are you?’ and ‘fuck off’ for a couple of hours. They were then penned in totally surrounded for a couple of hours. We nicked off to the pub for a beer and then headed up to the station by which time plod shepherded the MfE onto the station concourse and everyone waved goodbye.

So, massively outnumbered, march delayed for at least 40 minutes, then stopped, then redirected, then stopped again, then bombarded, then humiliatingly protected by plod as they did their stupid speeches and then chaperoned rapidly back to whence they came. Result? I doubt it!


Muffin Top!



Toothless Gimmer!

 Black Block v. Plod Nags


About malatesta32

Malatesta aka M. Testa, undercover anti-fascist blogger, has analyzed the changing fortunes of the British far right for nearly a decade. He has given lectures on anti-fascism, published articles in Anarchist Studies and Freedom magazine and wrote Militant Anti-Fascism: 100 Years Of Resistance (AK Press 2015) which the Morning Star called a '‘Potent Primer On Europe’s Anti-Fascist Struggle … a useful source of information about the fight against fascism.’
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