Last updated: November 19, 2016

Trump protesters must keep calm

Those waving placards are railing against democracy itself.

Indonesia must reject extremism

The case against Jakarta’s governor will test political maturity.

When offence trumps truth

The ultimate racism depicts indigenous violence as cultural.

Airport must get off the ground

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull needs to fast-track Sydney’s second airport at Badgerys Creek.

ICAC cannot be a star chamber

Reforms to the organisation will make it more accountable.

CFMEU thuggery as costs soar

The 20 per cent pay hike is reminiscent of pre-Accord days

Making the media listen again

Trump’s triumph disrupted wishful thinking of journalists

Secret complaints stifle debate

The Australian Human Rights Commission is a star chamber on free speech.

Shorten’s gambit comes up short

The Australian Labor Party does not do a convincing as the coalminer’s friend.

This is what we want to say Bill

Section 18C is bad law running amok, restricting free speech.

Trump takes stock of the world

The president-elect must prioritise the Asia-Pacific region.

US deal a timely solution

The resettlement offer by John Kerry is a breakthrough.

Scrap pervasive, insidious law

Citizens can be pursued to the ends of the earth under section 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act.

Trump’s economic challenge

The US president-elect must help the aspirations of working families.

The 18C culture of complaint

Freedom of speech is put in the dock and on the defensive.

Trump’s team to make or break it

The Turnbull government is responding well to the change looming of US administrations to Donald Trump.

Great Democracy Trumps politics

The Donald has stunned the world and must unite America

Selling the idea of productivity

Jobs, opportunities and living standards are at stake

Labor abandons bipartisan claim

Coalition’s lifetime ban has practical policy implications.

Presidential race hit a low ebb

The contest for leadership of the free world was mediocre.

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