- published: 28 Sep 2010
- views: 1121529
Content or contents may refer to:
YouTube Content ID
How To Deal With Copyright On YouTube: CONTENT ID Explained #WTFU
Culture Tube - Content ID
[Internet] FTW - YouTube announces changes to Content ID systems!
FUCK CONTENT ID | Dan Bull's YouTube diss track
Youtube Copyright Disaster! Angry Rant
Surprising New Problem With Content ID on YouTube
YouTube's Content ID System SUCKS
How Do I Enable Content ID On My YouTube Channel
APRIL 2016 update: THEY FIXED IT - https://youtu.be/eF4YQVnL8wo SHARE ON TWITTER: http://ctt.ec/_zr2c FULL TEXT script of this video: http://bit.ly/1cagwFK WATCH more "Jogwheel Originals" -- http://bit.ly/JogOriginals FAIR USE info -- http://bit.ly/1f6H1fK As one of the few (only?) professional YouTubers who deals with fair-use issues, *and* runs his own multi-channel network, Jon goes in-depth to carefully explain all of the nuances of YouTube's notorious "Content ID" system... explaining why the recent changes on YouTube have nothing to do with a change in any copyright policies, why gamers aren't the only ones affected, how best to deal with the system, and most importantly: what single fix could correct the entire system instantly. UPDATE: In January 2014, YouTube adjusted the dispu...
Avec Calimaq. Dans cet épisode, on aborde un sujet important pour les vidéastes mais aussi pour les viewers : le Content ID. Il s'agit du robot que YouTube utilise pour détecter les contenus appartenant à des tiers. Twitter : @MisterJDay S'abonner à ma chaîne YouTube : http://bit.ly/MisterJDay Facebook : http://www.facebook.com/MisterJDay Playlist Culture Tube : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLffNsVJ4AqKhdFcwH9l1RTsdv1t_3UH2K Le blog de Calimaq : https://scinfolex.com/ Calimaq sur Twitter : https://twitter.com/Calimaq Si vous le souhaitez, vous pouvez contacter les députés par le moyen de communication de votre choix, pour leur demander de sécuriser la citation audiovisuelle, pour permettre aux vidéastes de réutiliser des musiques et des vidéos, et éviter que les plateformes ...
Its good to see that Susan Wojcicki, and the rest of YouTube have decided to answer the complaints stressed from Where's the Fair Use? (#WTFU) and #MakeYouTubeGreatAgain. The Content ID problems have lasted for years, and this new change should help make things better. Its not a perfect system, but at least its a step in the right direction. http://youtubecreator.blogspot.com/2016/04/improving-content-id-for-creators.html ► Support me on Patreon - http://patreon.com/MundaneMatt ► Help me get new gear with Amazon! http://amzn.to/1TNr1E8 ► One time Paypal Donation - https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted;_button_id=DYJ3WP46USJJE Subscribe here: https://www.youtube.com/user/mundanematt?sub_confirmation=1 Got a great news tip? Submit here: http://mundanematt.com/submi...
YouTube's Content ID system needs urgent repair before it causes any more damage. ► MP3: http://bit.ly/1m7awP2 ► Dan Bull main channel: http://youtube.com/douglby ► Dan Bull gaming channel: http://youtube.com/DBGames ► FB: http://fb.com/itsDanBull ► Twitter: http://twitter.com/itsDanBull ► Spotify: http://spoti.fi/1vYoEkB ► T-shirts, hats & loot: http://itsdanbull.com/loot ► Become a patron of Dan: http://patreon.com/itsDanBull Come on YouTube, do the right thing by your content creators. If Content ID is destined to stay, I propose a compromise, as follows: If a video is flagged as copyrighted, then all accrued revenue is held from both claimants until the "defendant" either acknowledges or disputes the claim. If they acknowledge it, the "plaintiff" gets their cut of revenue, and if the...
After years of moaning, YouTube invited me this week to go and talk to them about my concerns about the Content ID system. And UPDATE: Bloody hell it might have worked! http://youtubecreator.blogspot.co.uk/2016/04/improving-content-id-for-creators.html Thanks to Google / YouTube for giving me the opportunity to talk directly with them about this important issue. Special thanks to Mike Masnick for his advice, support and tireless digital rights journalism over the years. Stock footage courtesy of videoblocks.com == LINKS == ► FB: http://fb.com/itsDanBull ► Twitter: http://twitter.com/itsDanBull ► Spotify: http://spoti.fi/1vYoEkB ► T-shirts, hats & loot: http://itsdanbull.com/loot ► Become a patron of Dan: http://patreon.com/itsDanBull
Youtube treating everyone like criminals. New Copyright Changes are hurting innocent people. Content ID flags are crippling Partner Channels. This isn't the way.
Just when you thought Content ID and Copyright on YouTube couldn't get any scarier, something new happens. 4 STRANGE POKEMON GO INCIDENTS ►► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9OHYQS7TM4k&list;=PL376vJF9hLjhsxnELfhAvuqWMDV-BNbPx&index;=40 SUBSCRIBE FOR YOUR DAILY DOSE OF HORROR ►► http://bit.ly/SubscribeCMP ------------- PATREON- ►http://www.patreon.com/CreepsMcPasta SIDE CHANNEL- ►"CreepsMcPasta Plays": http://bit.ly/SideChannel ►"Game Reviews": https://www.youtube.com/user/FullPackageReviews SPECIAL THANKS- ►MrCreepyPasta: http://bit.ly/MrCreepyPasta ►Dan McWilliams for their amazing donation on Patreon! ►MORE INFO: http://bit.ly/PatreonInfo NEW SHIRTS- ►http://shrsl.com/?~7tir FOLLOW ME ON- ►Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CreepsMcPasta ►Tumblr: http://creepsmcpasta.tumblr.co...
http://www.patreon.com/YMS DONATE: http://bit.ly/ZlAuEL http://www.yourmoviesucks.org Bitcoin: http://www.yourmoviesucks.org/2013/11/bitcoin.html http://www.facebook.com/YourMoviesSuck http://www.reddit.com/r/YMS http://www.twitter.com/2gay2lift http://www.anUnkindness.com http://www.youtube.com/anUnkindnessvideo http://www.youtube.com/AdumPlaze Copypastable Fair Use dispute for film reviews: This is my review of the film and not an upload of the film in its entirety. The clips used are heavily edited and most of them narrated over top of, showing only amounts that are necessary for me to be able to make my points about the film. My review is for purposes of commentary and criticism and is considered Fair Use by both YouTube and Federal Copyright Law. My usage of the clips does not lega...
How Do I Enable Content ID On My YouTube Channel -- David Walsh shows you how Content ID is enabled on your YouTube Channel. Share this Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4_5lPJ5kFBs Subscribe To My Channel and Get More Great Tips http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=DavidWalshOnline David Walsh is an expert in video marketing, information marketing, high end membership site creation and product launches. If you are looking to drive traffic to your business with YouTube check out David's tutorials to help you become better! If you are not, check out David's tutorials to help you create a better YouTube Channel for more viewers and subscribers. How Do I Enable Content ID On My YouTube Channel 0:00 If you are wondering why content ID isn't showing up green on your acco...
Yes I know some deep shit but like, life is life. https://www.gofundme.com/luckys-medical-fund So Alive by Gill Bondy https://soundcloud.com/gillbondy Creative Commons — Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported— CC BY-SA 3.0 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/b... Music provided by Audio Library https://youtu.be/G31SyzhuoUg Credits: The gameplay used in this video came from FTU Gameplay! Get your FTU (free-to-use) gameplay at ➜ https://www.youtube.com/ftugameplay
Content ID Configuration Vulnerability and Exploit in Palo Alto Network Firewall
Die EU-Kommission erwägt eine Content-ID-Pflicht für alle Plattformen.
This training video will help you to be familiarized in Palo Alto firewall Basic App id and Content id.. Btw guys, I am not an expert nor an instructor but a technical support guy. I just want to share my knowledge on the subject and hoping that you will learn even just a little.
If you want to put Content ID on videos that are full songs/albums, movies, gameplay that is not only not abiding by "Fair Use" laws but people that don't own the content and in some cases try profiting off it, that's perfectly understandable. If you want those videos removed, that's fine too. If content is being uploaded for "Fair Use" reasons, with permmision, and/or you just showing a sample of something and promoting it while giving proper credits, that's complete and utter BULLSHIT for Youtube to pull this policy. It's time us content creators and us as a community fight back and show that we're not going to be pushed around. [Shout out to MDA for the awesome thumbnail] http://www.youtube.com/user/iMustDestroyAll [Shout out to Doodle Sauce for introducing me to DailyMotion's program]...
CALL OF DUTY: Infinite Warfare Movie: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PUX48xhPtxU Follow GLP on Twitter - http://twitter.com/glittlep Follow GLP on Instagram - http://instagram.com/glplaygr0und Like GLP on Facebook - http://facebook.com/gLpLayground This is a looooooong commentary. I spliced in some edits I have made so the screen wouldn't just be the Youtube homepage. This is about everything Youtube, on the business end. This is the second part to the commentary I did yesterday. This is not for everyone, but if you've wanted this information, it's all here for you. Enjoy! P.S. This will be the last upload in this fashion. If I do any commentaries from here on out, they'll be regular commentaries about gaming. I'm done talking about this issue, and am ready to just go back to ma...
¡Ponle un ME GUSTA Y COMPARTE el vídeo, me ayuda bastante! Toda la información necesaria en el vídeo chicos. Les hablo de: 1. Google, YouTube y Nintendo 2. ¿Qué es el Content ID? 3. Mis respuestas 4. El futuro y posibles soluciones Confío en todos ustedes para el apoyo en los vídeos que volveré a subir, lo necesitaré bastante. Un abrazo! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONÓCEME MEJOR! Redes sociales: Ponle ME GUSTA a mi Facebook Fan Page! http://www.facebook.com/diepiify Agrégame como amigo en Facebook! https://www.facebook.com/diepiify.lps Agrégame a mi Facebook personal (Diego)! https://www.facebook.com/diegopitabarrenechea Agrégame en Skype o Hotmail! diepiify Agrégame a Steam! http://steamcommun...
Huge changes are coming, and other changes are already here. I've made a very in-depth video explaining these changes (and possible changes, too). 0:29 - Changes are coming to YouTube Networks! 1:43 - What do networks offer? 5:59 - Without a network? 9:30 - Monetization (without a network) 14:19 - Monetization (with a network) 15:38 - What's changing? 21:52 - The same review? 28:47 - Who to blame? 32:14 - What do we (MCN channels) do? 34:39 - Content ID Madness 43:01 - Content ID & Networks 47:22 - Worries for the future 48:43 - How does this affect creators? 54:51 - The Incoming Shift 57:46 - Actual value of gaming content 1:02:05 - How does this affect viewers? 1:03:59 - What are we doing? 1:06:14 - Wrapping up ==YEARS PAST== 1 Year Ago: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KxII-Fw5mls 2 ...
i can't shake this feeling from my head.
there's a devil sleeping in my bed.
watching you from across the way.
i cannot make this feeling go away
i know it's not the right thing.
and I know it's not the good think.
but kinda i want to.
i'm not sure of what i should do.
when every thought i'm thinking of is you.
all of my excuses turn to lies.
maybe God will cover up his eyes
why does it have to be this way?
why does it have to be?
why does have to be this way?
kinda i want to.
maybe just for tonight.
we can pretend it's alright.
what's the price i pay.
i don't care what they say.
i want to.