EDL Finally Admit, It’s Over!

On Saturday in London, over 10,000 people were protesting about Brexit, austerity, and the Tory government mess, as well as expressing solidarity with the Black Lives Matter campaign in the USA. Elsewhere people have been mobilising in support of Jeremy Corbyn and protesting against the Parliamentary Labour Party’s devious machinations. These Blairite arse-jam-munching-fuck-beagles want to keep politics heading in an even further right direction and are desperate to remove Corbyn. Their latest move is to charge £25 for people to vote in the leadership challenge which, like the Tory policies Labour should be opposing, obviously hits those out of work or with little extra cash the most. I don’t know about you, but I don’t have a spare 25p let alone 25 quid!

Andrew Edge, ‘A New Fresh Leader!’ 

But anyway, to cheer you all up in what has been the most bizarre and fractious time in UK politics in our memory, here is a report on the disastrous EDL march in London by our old chums EDL News which shows that the far right walking dead have been completely unable to capitalise on Brexit and the immigration panic and can barely mobilise 50 people.

http://www.edlnews.co.uk/2016/07/18/edl-declare-their-london-demo-an-embarrasment/                                                       And news just in …                                              Oh deary me, it looks like more misery for the EDL as nazi-clown Andrew Edge is about to stage a putsch with ‘Big People’ and ‘A New Fresh Approach’ which means, instead of a bunch of mouthy drunks who are fucken clueless, we can expect a slightly smaller bunch instead. Andrew Edge was involved in that shambles protest at Rotherham plod shop when they all got Argos Wendy Houses for kids and camped outside with hilarious results.

Andrew Edge looks set to launch English Defence League Leadership Coup


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