Tag Archives: british peoples party

Far Right Sex Offenders List

10/6/15: Latest updates: Shaun Jones, Liverpool ‘Scouse Nationalists’ jailed for grooming and raping a 12 year old girl http://www.liverpoolecho.co.uk/news/liverpool-news/jailed-army-cadet-sergeant-groomed-9400037 He is a ‘racial comrade’ of Liam Pinkham who we exposed as a groomer: Robert Ewing, ex-BNP and EDL member charged … Continue reading

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The Vultures Of Rotherham #3

What a depressing and thoroughly expected surprise that the EDL’s demonstration in Rotherham over the child abuse scandal ended up in public drunkeness, infighting, confrontations with police and a breakaway group rampaging through the town causing damage. 1 EDL member … Continue reading

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Unite The Right? Yeah, Right!

In the long struggle against fascism it is fair to say that fascism’s worst enemy is itself. When they are not busy slagging each other off or, even worse, physically attacking each other, there is nothing they like more than … Continue reading

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Dignity Found Dead In Rochdale

Crivvens! Jings! And Help Ma Boab! What a total failure for both the English Defence League and the Infidels this weekend. The EDL called a ‘national’ demo in Leicester and managed to get a paltry 700, which is rubbish, but … Continue reading

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BNP Latest

Crivvens, Jings and Help Ma Boab! We seem to have been criminally overlooking the current plight of the BNP of late. We hope they’re alright. No. They’re not. So what’s going on then? We trawl the sewers so you don’t … Continue reading

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