- published: 29 Feb 2008
- views: 152162
IIF may refer to:
IIF Dicas: Dicas Gratuitas de Fotografia para Fotógrafos Profissionais e Amadores O fotógrafo e professor do IIF, Daniel Avila da dicas sobre um dos princípio da fotografia: a exposição correta em fotografia profissional. Confira esse excelente dica de fotografia! Curta, comente, compartilhe! O IIF Dicas é uma iniciativa do Instituto Internacional de Fotografia, uma das melhores escolas de fotografia de São Paulo (SP), para oferecer dicas de fotografia grátis para os fotógrafos profissionais e amadores. Assine o canal e acompanhe essas dicas gratuitas oferecidos pelos excelentes fotógrafos e professores do IIF. Conheça tudo que o IIF oferece Cursos Presenciais de Fotografia: http://presencial.iif.com.br/ Cursos Online de Fotografia: http://online.iif.com.br/ Palestras Gratuitas de Foto...
In this Microsoft Access video tutorial, you will learn how to use the SWITCH function, which is an alternative to using multiple, nested IIF functions. Learn more about Switch and other functions like this in my Microsoft Access Function Guide here: http://599CD.com/XKO0B7
Using an IIF statement in your MS Access Expressions.
iif function in sql server 2012 iif function in sql server example sql server iif function example In this video we will discuss IIF function in SQL Server. IIF function Introduced in SQL Server 2012 Returns one of two the values, depending on whether the Boolean expression evaluates to true or false IIF is a shorthand way for writing a CASE expression Syntax : IIF ( boolean_expression, true_value, false_value ) Example : Returns Male as the boolean expression evaluates to TRUE DECLARE @Gender INT SET @Gender = 1 SELECT IIF( @Gender = 1, 'Male', 'Femlae') AS Gender Example : Using IIF() function with table data. We will use the following Employees table for this example. SQL Script to create Employees table Create table Employees ( Id int primary key identity, Name nvarchar(10), ...
The if statement that is used in Excel can be applied in Access databases. You do calculations or have text displays (make sure you use quote for text) based on the if statement. Done in Access 2013, this works with versions 2007 and 2010. microphone was not working very good so I apologize for audio quality.
New CHOOSE() and IIF() functions in SQL Server 2012 Check the whole "SQL Server 2012" series here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLU9JMEzjCv17Wwmn5iFbDs5kIyvn8M3xd Check my SQL blog at: http://sqlwithmanoj.com/ Check my SQL FB Page at: https://www.facebook.com/sqlwithmanoj
If I could see you would you still give me
Just hold me tighter and love me maybe
You'll be my thunder, I don't want saving
You don't fool me, oh no you don't fool me
One look at you it's easy to see
oh no you don't fool me, oh babe you don't fool me
I'll play along, just give it to me
You build me up now, you pull me down
You make me come on yeah, keep me around
I'll want to move you, I surely could
You don't fool me, oh no you don't fool me,
one look at you, it's easy to see oh no
you don't fool me, oh babe you don't fool me,
I'll play along, just give it to me
Just gotta have you, you drive me crazy, tell me you feel it, your honey give me ...
Here burns the fire, I feel your heat
You don't fool me, oh babe you don't fool me
One look at you, it's easy to see
Oh no you don't fool me, oh babe you don't fool me
I'll play along, just give it to me
Oh no you don't fool me, oh babe you don't fool me
One look at you girl, it's easy to see
Oh no you don't fool me, oh babe you don't fool me
I'll play along, just give it to me