Jennifer Aniston felt ‘shamed’ after divorce from Brad Pitt

November 9, 2016 1:14am

Jennifer Aniston Frustrated with Media's Obsession with Her Personal Life00:23:15

Jennifer Aniston Frustrated with Media's Obsession with Her Personal Life

JENNIFER Aniston has opened up on her divorce from Brad Pitt saying she felt ‘whittled down to a sad, childless human.’

The former Friends star said the tabloids have shamed her for everything from not being married to her nipples.

“My marital status has been shamed; my divorce status was shamed; my lack of a mate had been shamed; my nipples have been shamed,” she said. “It’s like, ‘Why are we only looking at women through this particular lens of picking us apart? Why are we listening to it?’”

“I just thought: ‘I have worked too hard in this life and this career to be whittled down to a sad, childless human.’” she said.

Aniston and Pitt divorced in 2005 after he fell in love with his Mr and Mrs Smith co-star, Angelina Jolie.

Pitt and Jolie went on to marry and have six children together before announcing earlier this year that they too were divorcing — thrusting Aniston back into the headlines.

Aniston is yet to comment on the divorce but BFF Chelsea Handler

“There are rumours that part of the problem was Brad was allegedly drinking and smoking too much weed,” Handler touts. “I wonder why he needed to self medicate. Maybe because he could have been spending the last 12 years at Lake Como hanging out with George Clooney and Matt Damon, instead of being stuck in a house with 85 kids speaking 15 different languages?”

“Oh yeah, because he married a f**king lunatic, that’s why!”