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Refugee deal: Sex assault victims must return to Nauru, Manus for chance at US resettlement

Asylum seekers and refugees who have left Nauru and Manus for medical treatment in Australia, including sexual assault victims and mental health patients, will have to return to the islands if they are to have any chance of being accepted under the US resettlement deal. 

However, they risk being forced to stay on Nauru if they are rejected by US authorities or the deal is scrapped.

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Refugee plan unites political foes

Following the US refugee resettlement announcement, Labor leader Bill Shorten says it's welcome news, a clear sign of cross party unity but the Greens are still not happy. Courtesy ABC News 24.

Refugee advocates estimate that at least 10 women are in Australia receiving treatment for injuries sustained from sexual assault and rape while on Nauru.  Those receiving treatment for serious mental and physical health issues and their immediate family and children make up another 360.

Under current laws, those receiving treatment in Australia will not be considered for a US visa unless they return to Nauru to apply.

If their application fails or the agreement is reversed, they would be blocked from returning to Australia and would have to accept a 20-year Nauru visa, return to their country of origin or accept the Cambodian resettlement deal.

Immigration Department secretary Michael Pezzullo confirmed the refugee resettlement deal secured with the United States would not be completed before President-elect Donald Trump takes office on January 20.


The deal, struck with the Obama administration after almost a year of negotiations, has been thrown into doubt by the election of Mr Trump, who ran on an anti-immigration and refugee platform during the election.

US Homeland Security officials are due to begin processing refugees in the coming days, but in a Senate committee hearing, Mr Pezzullo confirmed it would take months for any accepted refugees to arrive in the US and that no "rush order" had been placed on the agreement.

"There will be ... no rushing in any event because these procedures are in many cases [contained] in US law – the checks have to be done under US law and the program, which is a very large program, 100,000 people, has got multiple priorities," he said. "You are dealing with people all around the world, and not everyone will be resettled by January 20, 2017. I think we can state that to this committee with absolute certainty."

Mr Pezzullo wouldn't rule out anyone being moved before Mr Trump took his oath, but said: "I think we can say without breaching any confidences with our US partners that this committee can take it as read, that the program will not be completely delivered by January 20, 2017."

Under further questioning from Labor senators, Mr Pezzullo confirmed the women who were in Australia for treatment after being raped and sexually assaulted on Nauru would have to return to be eligible for resettlement under the US deal.

Asked if the women risked being left on Nauru if the deal fell through or their application was rejected, he said: "Until other settlement options could be achieve, yes. Yes."

Mr Pezzullo would not add to Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull's comments about what would happen if Mr Trump decided to scrap the deal, other than saying the government would deal "with one administration at a time".

"We are dealing with the Obama administration. There is no capacity, there is no diplomatic means, in which you could be dealing with two governments – a government in waiting as well as a standing government," he said.

"We have an agreement between the two governments and should other contingencies or other eventualities arise, that is a matter that the Australian government will have to deal with at the time."

But there have already been rumblings that a Trump administration would ditch the deal, which Mr Pezzullo confirmed was not linked to Australia's acceptance of refugees from Central American detention camps.

California-based immigration and refugee law expert Niels Frenzen said Mr Trump was likely to scrap the plan.

Professor Frenzen, of the University of Southern California School of Law immigration centre, said the Republican could use executive powers of the presidency to end the deal, in part because many detainees are Muslim.

"I would assume that he would, so in all likelihood the only way that it's going to happen is if the refugees are actually transferred to the US before Inauguration Day.

"If the US has not already begun its own vetting or so-called background checks until now, if you look at the time the US has taken to vet Syrian refugees that have been coming to the United States, it's unlikely that it could be accomplished in a few months," he told ABC radio.

"If the US has been talking about this with Australia since January of this year, and if the vetting has been ongoing, then it's possible."

With Tom McIlroy