[ Brisbane Times ]

Malcolm Turnbull turns attack on ABC and the 'elite media' for distracting people

Date: November 15 2016

Fergus Hunter

The ABC and "elite media" are to blame for distracting people from the government's focus on economic growth, Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has said, at pains to emphasise that he is in touch with the concerns of real people.

Grilled by the ABC's Leigh Sales on 7.30 about the persistence of Coalition MPs seeking to amend section 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act, the Prime Minister agreed that the issue is not a priority for the electorate.

"How many Australians do you reckon sat around on Saturday night and said: 'Geez, you know what I am really worried about? Section 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act'," Sales asked on Monday night.

"Well it isn't a subject on everybody's lips, I can assure you of that but it is, it raises, there are important issues relating to free speech but you're right, it is not – the big issue Leigh, is the one that I spent eight weeks of the election campaign talking about which is the economy, it is about jobs and growth," Mr Turnbull said.

Sales pressed on, observing that Coalition MPs were spending a lot of time on the issue and asking why it got so much attention when voters have more pressing concerns such as medical expenses, suicide rates and childcare costs.

"Leigh, this is a question you should address to your editors at the ABC – very seriously. 18C is talked about constantly on the ABC, talked about constantly in what's often the elite media. I have focused overwhelmingly on the economy," he said.

Following sustained pressure from free speech campaigners in the Liberal party room, the government recently announced an inquiry into freedom of speech that that would examine the Racial Discrimination Act and the Human Rights Commission.

"I take your point about the media but it also many members of your own parliamentary team," Sales offered. But Mr Turnbull wasn't finished.

"By all means engage in some self-criticism of the ABC or other media outlets or indeed other people in Parliament. Overwhelmingly I focus on the big issues of concern to Australians and they are economic issues, and they are issues of national security," the Prime Minister said.

On being in touch with real people: "Well one of the greatest assets of a politician, indeed of any leader, is empathy and of course you have to break out of the bubble. Again, I often get – on the elite media like the ABC – I often get criticised or sent up, and I don't object to that, by the way, for catching public transport a lot."

On his poor polling, currently a feature of his government and one of his stated reasons for ousting Tony Abbott: "I would have thought, after this last election in the United States, people might focus less on the polls and less on the opinions of commentators on the ABC, or other elite media outlets and focus more on what people are actually saying."

Mr Turnbull was joined in criticisms on Monday night by Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce, who said "people do believe that Canberra and other areas, and to be honest the ABC at times, get fascinated in questions that are inside the beltway that have zero and nothing to do with our lives out there".

"We see it occupying more and more oxygen. It creates a frustration, not only towards the political class but towards the ABC as well," the Nationals leader told the ABC's Q&A.

Following the shock victory of populist presidential candidate Donald Trump, major party politicians in Australia are scrambling to show they are not disengaged from mainstream concerns about jobs and economic insecurity. Since last week, Opposition Leader Bill Shorten has ramped up his rhetoric about protecting Australian jobs.

Targeting the "elite media" was a prominent feature of Mr Trump's presidential campaign but marks a new tone for the Prime Minister, previously seen as a darling of the ABC.

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