Narendra Modi stands firm as cash chaos rules in India

Indians queue to exchange discontinued currency notes at a post office in Hyderabad. Scenes like this having been ...
Indians queue to exchange discontinued currency notes at a post office in Hyderabad. Scenes like this having been playing out across the country since Prime Minister Narendra Modi effectively withdrew large notes as legal tender. Mahesh Kumar A.

As a bank holiday on Monday allowed Indians to take a break from the mad scramble to find cash, Prime Minister Narendra Modi staked his future on a bold plan to "demonetise" the economy by withdrawing large-denomination notes.

Speaking at a massive political rally, Mr Modi asked Indians for 50 days to see the fruits of his decision a week ago to suddenly scrap 500- and 1,000-rupee notes ($10 and $20 notes respectively) in a bid to tackle widespread tax evasion and corruption.

The ubiquitous denominations accounted for 85 per cent of total money in circulation, meaning the drastic move will immediately hit India's cash-driven economy through a short-term dip in daily consumption.

"I had no other option than to crack down on black money," Mr Modi said.

The ubiquitous denominations accounted for 85 per cent of total money in circulation
The ubiquitous denominations accounted for 85 per cent of total money in circulation Bloomberg, ANZ

"I want to assure you that your inconvenience will not go in vain."

As ATMs around the country are left with forlorn notices that they have no money, Mr Modi doubled down on the measure, attacking his detractors and opponents of his anti-corruption drive.

"I know what kind of forces and what kind of people are against me now. I am looting what they had accumulated over 70 years," he said.

"They will not leave me alive. They will destroy me. Let them do what they want. The nation should just help me for 50 days." 

In a nation where cash is king, it is currently impossible for anyone to exchange more than $90 in cash after lining up for hours. For those who survive the queue and are lucky enough to have a bank with enough eligible cash, there is a 20,000 rupee ($400) limit on withdrawals per week.

Narendra Modi: 'I want to assure you that your inconvenience will not go in vain.'
Narendra Modi: 'I want to assure you that your inconvenience will not go in vain.' Saurabh Das

The shock announcement has meant a widespread and chronic shortage of physical currency. The sudden withdrawal of the notes has meant chaos and massive lines for banks with empty ATMs, and tellers with no cash. Army guards are stationed at bank branches across the country, as citizens desperately try to get the much smaller denominations of cash needed to facilitate basic transactions.

Yet the move, designed to root out the estimated 40 to 60 per cent "black" portion of India's economy - mainly the proceeds of corruption and tax avoidance - has received widespread support. In 2007, the World Bank calculated that India's shadow economy accounted for 23 per cent of gross domestic product, or about $US450 billion today, according to ANZ Banking economists.

"While not all of it will be ploughed back into the formal economy, it will still be significant enough to help bridge the government's projected $US1-1.5trn spending on infrastructure such as roads, ports, power and others," the bank said in a note this week.

Nor is such a move unprecedented. The US stopped printing $US500 and $US1,000 notes decades ago, while the European Central Bank is discontinuing €500 notes because of their widespread use in large illegal or other tax-avoiding transactions.

Popular support

Even in cash-mad India, ordinary folk concede that Mr Modi's drastic action is warranted.

Lining up at a bank in the South Delhi Suburb of Malviya Nagar, dozens of locals spoke to the Australian Financial Review about the measure.

"I think it is a very good move; people should pay their taxes," one local said.

"It is an inconvenience for me, but will help stop the corruption," said another.

Analysts agree that, after the initial disruption, the measure will help lift banking liquidity, which will improve the tax take as it suppresses lending rates. In the short term, depressed consumer activity will keep a lid on inflation, argues ANZ Banking's south Asia economist Shashank Mendiratta. After that, improved income and demand will help neutralise the inflationary effects of higher government spending, he says.

"Additional fiscal space will allow the government to remain committed to fiscal rectitude," he wrote in note on Monday, "thus ensuring that inflation remains on the Reserve Bank of India's (RBI's) projected path."

Success rate

Because of the suddenness of Mr Modi's action, his attempt is expected to have a high rate of success.

Anyone swapping the old currency needs to fill in a form explaining where they got the money, and can only change 4,500 Rupees ($90) per day. Anyone depositing greater amounts will attract a tax and anything over the equivalent of $50,000 will have to pay a 200 per cent penalty on tax unpaid, plus face serious questions about where the money came from.

In short, anyone who had built up a fortune or a nest egg through graft, and kept it in cash, will now find it is useless. As the clean-up progresses, the RBI is introducing a new series of 500-rupee and 2000-rupee notes.

"I am not here just to occupy a chair," a defiant Mr Modi said on Monday.

"I left my home, I left my family to do something for the country."