- published: 27 Sep 2016
- views: 1460
Recorded on September 8, 2016 Hoover Institution fellow Thomas Sowell discusses inequality and how it is part of the human condition. Sowell notes that political and ideological struggles have led to a dangerous confusion about income inequality in America. We cannot properly understand inequality if we focus on the distribution of wealth and ignore wealth production factors such as geography, demography, and culture. What is important is not inequality but human capital; once human capital is unleashed it creates an enormous amount of wealth for people of all classes. In addition there needs to be a sense of humility and gratitude for the generations that have gone before us for the prosperity we have today.
Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia visits Uncommon Knowledge for a wide ranging interview including the living constitution, Roe v. Wade, Congress' relationship to the court, and to discuss his new book Reading Law: The Interpretation of Legal Texts. To listen to an mp3 of the interview go to: http://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/uncommon-knowledge-audio-edition/id384420950 http://feeds.feedburner.com/UncommonKnowledgeAudio
In this episode, Uncommon Knowledge is honored to have retired four-star General James Mattis. General Mattis retired from the Marine Corps as a full general in 2013, where he served as the eleventh commander of the United States Central Command. He also served as the commander for NATO supreme allied transformation, and as commander of the United States Joint Forces Command. Mattis is now an Annenberg Distinguished Visiting Fellow fellow at the Hoover Institution.
A publisher, columnist, and blogger, Andrew Breitbart is the founder of the Breitbart network of investigative news websites including Breitbart.com, Breitbart.tv, Big Government, Big Hollywood, Big Journalism, and Big Peace. Breitbart's new book is Righteous Indignation: Excuse Me while I Save the World! Beginning with his college years at Tulane University, Breitbart unfolds his gradual awakening to conservativism, which culminates in an embrace of Rush Limbaugh. Taking on the challenge to combat the "Democrat Media Complex" he explains what he is fighting for. "I want a center-right nation to fight for its soul, and its soul is represented in the arts; its soul is represented in a world in which media is everything." He further explains his strategy. "My business model is to aim...
Recorded on August 15, 2016 Hoover Institution fellows Terry Moe and Peter Robinson have a lively discussion on whether the Constitution is outdated and thus incapable of dealing with societal and structural problems facing government today. For example, immigration has been broken for decades, yet Congress has been incapable of passing new laws to keep up with the reality of the needs in the twenty-first century. So we have an immigration policy that does not make sense and laws that are not being enforced. To solve this, Moe would shift power in the direction of the president so the president could make a proposal for fast-track legislation: Congress would then vote up or down, thus expediting immigration reform. This shifts legislative power to the president so he or she can particip...
On April 6th, 2005, Thomas Sowell was interviewed on CSPAN's Q&A; show about his book Black Rednecks and White Liberals which traces the history of Scotch-Irish and African American culture in the USA to the English borderlands during the colonial era. He also discusses his experience at the Hoover Institution, the 9-11 Terror Attack, his evolving work on Intellectuals and Society and deflating the myth of Trickle Down Theory. Purchase the book related to this interview, Black Rednecks and White Liberals, here: http://amzn.com/1594031436 Audio and video have been digitally enhanced. Promoting the work for educational purposes. This is nonprofit activity and the video has not been monetized. Fair Use Disclaimer This video contains copyrighted material the use of which has not alway...
Recorded on January 30, 2015 On Uncommon Knowledge, Richard A. Epstein, the Peter and Kirsten Bedford Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution, discusses inequality, taxes, globalization, free markets, politics, health care, and gay marriage. Epstein states that the central theme of his book The Classical Liberal Constitution is to develop sufficiently stable government structures and individual rights to raise everybody simultaneously when the government has to regulate or tax. The prevailing politics is “I win, you lose,” and the Supreme Court has done nothing to slow this trend. Epstein notes that a shrinking economic pie is always a losing proposition. He refers to the famous quote concerning his philosophy, “May justice reign even if the heavens fall.” Epstein also discusses other Supr...
This week on Uncommon Knowledge President George W. Bush discusses postpresidential life and his work at the Bush Institute. To listen to an mp3 of the interview go to: http://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/uncommon-knowledge-audio-edition/id384420950 http://feeds.podtrac.com/raBAhhrHEQY$
Recorded on July 13, 2016 James Buckley discusses his life and upbringing as well as the genesis of Firing Line and the success of his brother Bill. James describes Bill as a fresh spirit who wanted to meet all types of people and listen to different viewpoints. Bill loved a good debate. James notes that his parents were literate and that education and speaking well were important. They trained their children to work hard, be genteel, and listen to the other side. James notes that we make progress in society, such as during the Reagan years, if someone can demonstrate the causes and effects of socialist-type policies so that people are more apt to understand, embrace, and thrive in the free market. James ends by saying that although we may become pessimistic about the American experime...
Khan, the founder and executive director of the Khan Academy, gave the keynote address at the Hoover Institution's symposium on Blended Learning in K--12 Education on January 16, 2014. Blended learning is the integration of classroom teaching with online lectures, exercises, and tutorials (such as those offered by the Khan Academy) that can viewed either at home or in the classroom at the student's own pace. Peppered with witty anecdotes and self-deprecating humor, Khan documented his journey from hedge fund analyst and part-time tutor to the creator of an Internet giant, and he laid out his vision for "education reimagined."