Data-Related Requirements

  • Federal Source Code Policy

    Federal Source Code Policy: Achieving Efficiency, Transparency, and Innovation through Reusable and Open Source Software

    Federal Source Code Policy
  • OMB Policy Guidance: M-15-12

    Increasing Transparency of Federal Spending by Making Federal Spending Data Accessible, Searchable, and Reliable

    OMB: M-15-12
  • DATA Act Playbook

    The Treasury has created a DATA Act Playbook with eight key steps that, if followed together, will help agencies leverage existing capabilities to drive implementation of the DATA Act.

    DATA Act Playbook: Summary
  • Federal Spending Transparency: Data Standards

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  • Federal Spending Transparency: GitHub Collaboration Site Home

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  • Federal Spending Transparency: Data Elements

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  • Federal Spending Transparency: Data Exchange (Schema)

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  • Section 5 Pilot to Reduce Recipient Reporting Burden (HHS)

    Grants Information Gateway

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  • Common Data Elements Repository (C-DER) Library

    The HHS DATA Act Program Management Office (PMO), part of Office of the Assistant Secretary for Financial Resources in the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Office of the Secretary, manages the C-DER Library. The PMO is tasked with coordinating the implementation of the DATA Act for HHS and engaging the government-wide Interagency Advisory Committee for the DATA Act.

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  • Federal Register Notice on Upcoming Opening Dialogue Tool

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Government Mandates