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National High-tech R&D; Program (863 Program)
National Key Technologies R&D; Program
National Basic Research Program of China
National Science and Technology Infrastructure Program
Environment Building for S&T; Industries
Mega-projects of Science Research for the 10th Five-year Plan
China Science And Technology Statistics Data Book (2007)
Science and Technology Newsletters(2012)
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MOST and Gates Foundation Promote Strategic Cooperation

Minister Wan Gang met with Bill Gates-led delegation from Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation at MOST on December 7th, 2011...
1st White House Arctic Science Ministerial Held in Washington D.C.[2016-11-15]
Minister Wan Gang Meets with ITU Secretary-General Zhao Houlin[2016-11-15]
Report on G20 National Innovation Competitiveness and Economic Focus Released[2016-11-15]
Minister Wan Gang Meets with Cambodian Senior Minister and Minister of Industry and Handicrafts Cham Prasidh[2016-11-04]
Vice Minister Yin Hejun Met with Liga Lejina, State Secretary of Latvian Ministry of Education and Science[2016-11-02]
China and U.S. Advance Cooperation in Health and Environmental Science and Technology and Sign MoU on Health and Medical Sciences Cooperation[2016-11-02]
MOST and USDA Sign MoU on Agricultural S&T; Cooperation[2016-11-01]
9th International Youth Nuclear Congress Held in Hangzhou[2016-11-01]
29th Symposium on Fusion Technology Held in Prague[2016-11-01]
Vice Minister Yin Meets HKPASEA Delegation[2016-10-25]
Call for Papers for the 4th International Symposium on Soft Science[2006-06-16]
Notice on Issuing the Guidelines for Application of 973 Program in 2006[2006-01-09]
Notice on Collection of Sino-Polish S&T; Cooperation Projects[2005-07-18]
Notice on Collection of Sino-Hungarian S&T; Cooperation Projects[2005-06-30]
International Training Programs 2004
Major Events in 2003
Key International S&T; Cooperation Projects