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Australia's number one women's website. Current events, politics, pop culture and lifestyle all with a gender-related twist.

Joined January 2012

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    'Remarkable', 'inspiring', 'a fighter': Meet our top 10 extraordinary women of the year, as voted by you

  2. Actress and socialite Zsa Zsa Gabor dies just shy of her 100th birthday

  3. "The message girls are getting from this is that their bodies remain the biggest hurdle to being taken seriously."

  4. "I've run out of excuses for not turning up to parties – there are only so many times I can say my aunt is unwell!"

  5. ICYMI: I wrote in on why “gender theory” is not Marxist propaganda. Take my toddler self’s word for it.

  6. All eyes will be on Melbourne's NGV next year for the House of Dior: Seventy Years of Haute Couture exhibition...

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