Is There A Western Strategy For Libya?

From my VOA article August 5

“Some analysts worry that the current mainly covert military involvement of Western countries against IS [Islamic State] in Libya is adding to the chaos in the strife-torn country because the U.S., Britain, France and Italy are assisting opposing political alliances.

In the U.S. case, the airstrikes targeting IS extremists in Sirte this week have been supporting militias mainly from the western Libyan town of Misrata currently loyal to the GNA[ Government of National Accord] . British commandos have also been assisting Misratan militiamen against IS.

But France and Italy, as well as Egypt, have been working with the forces of General Khalifa Haftar, the military commander of a government in the east, one of the two rival governments the GNA was meant to have replaced in December.’

You can read the full article here