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Perth mum claims she found maggots in her Coles Frankfurters

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A Perth mum has posted a squeamish and disgusting video of maggots crawling over what she says are Coles Frankfurters, which she only had just fed to one of her kids.

Fiona Van Dam said she brought the pre-packed sausages from a Coles store in Pinjarra late last week.

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Perth woman claims Coles sausages full of maggots

A customer bought a packet of cocktail franks from Pinjarra Coles, but appears to have got some unwanted guests.

The footage, which she posted on Coles' Facebook page, shows the mother-of-six peeling back the Frankfurters to reveal maggots crawling around a sandwich she had made for one of her children.

"If you have a weak stomach I strongly suggest you don't watch the video," she said.

Perth woman claims maggots were crawling over her Coles frankfurters.
Perth woman claims maggots were crawling over her Coles frankfurters. 

"Bought pre-packed cocktail franks from Pinjarra Coles yesterday and this is what they are like and all Coles Pinjarra could offer as compensation was a $6 dollar refund. Several of our children and my husband and I ate them before we found this one which we had given our 2 year old!"

A Coles spokesperson cast doubt over the stage at which the maggots might have got into the sausages.


"Our national quality team has advised the contamination appears to be consistent with common housefly larvae. This has most likely occurred after the frankfurt was cooked at home, as larvae could not survive the heat of the cooking process.

"We encourage customers to return any item that they are not satisfied with to their nearest store for a full refund or replacement."

Only two months ago, Perth mother-of-one Morgan Kahuroa posted a video of maggots sliding on a cooked chicken which she brought from a Coles store in Rockingham.

"Just picked up a hot chicken for lunch, and it's got things crawling on it," she wrote. "Thanks Coles".

Ms Adams told WAtoday at the time she couldn't believe her eyes when she opened the sealed bag with the chook inside.

"I thought I was losing my mind," she laughed.

"The only reason I posted the video on Facebook was to warn other people who may have brought a chicken.

"I didn't want anyone to get sick."

The 26-year-old said she took the chicken back to Rockingham Coles so staff could inspect it.

She was offered a new chook, but took the $8 refund instead.

Ms Adams wasn't sure if the incident had turned her off cooked chicken.

"I don't know...I won't be buying hot chickens from Rockingham Coles," she said.

"It hasn't put me off chicken though."

Coles has been contacted about the Frankfurter situation.
