Meet the boss: Lifeline's Pete Shmigel

Meet the boss: Lifeline's Pete Shmigel

If there's been a turning point in Pete Shmigel's live, it was around six years ago. "My son, between the time he was 15 and 17 years old, made three attempts on his own life," says the CEO of Lifeline Australia.

"We had to learn a lot about ourselves, and learn about talking responsibility for a lot of our own stuff, in order to be there for him. Technically, it was the ethic of Lifeline which helped us to help Tim: that's listening, unconditional support and absolute compassion," Shmigel says.

Pete Shmigel says his son's attempts to take his own life motivated him to take the job as CEO of Lifeline.

Pete Shmigel says his son's attempts to take his own life motivated him to take the job as CEO of Lifeline.Credit:Hilary Wardhaugh Photography

Prior to his role leading Australia's largest crisis support and suicide prevention service, Shmigel's career was fairly evenly split between high level politics (he was chief of staff to government ministers and a leader of the opposition) and the corporate world, where he held roles in companies like Telstra and Veolia and various consulting roles.

But all that changed when the Lifeline job came up a year ago.


"I almost would have said I'd do it for free. It's my opportunity to put back some of the energy that helped Tim get better, and to help do for others what they did for our family," he says.

His personal experience has proven beneficial when it comes to leading the organisation which received more than a million calls last financial year to its 13 11 14 crisis line.

"Understanding where people in crisis or suicide are coming from, and understanding the impact of suicide on oneself, makes me - I hope - more empathetic to where our health seekers are at," he says.

Shmigel says many of the Lifeline's 45 full-time staff and its 9000 volunteers have some form of connection with suicide, mental health issues or crisis in general.

"It's very cause driven for many of us." He also believes the techniques which make Lifeline's phone support so successful, are helpful in his role as a boss.

"What we do on the phones is a specific method involving rapport, unconditional listening, and not giving any advice. It's about letting that person work through issues and aspects to find the dignity within themselves to get out of that crisis and move beyond it ... I try to apply that same kind of method with our stakeholders, our staff and our volunteers." The approach means taking time to understanding an individual's perspective, really listening, and reflecting back.

"I think good managers today are good coaches - they ask the questions and try to bring out what people inherently have in them," he says.

While the culture at Lifeline Australia is undoubtedly different to his former life in the political and corporate arenas ("It's one of the few places I've turned up where everybody hugs before a lot of meetings. It's lovely.") Shmigel says the very nature of the work makes the environment inspiring.

"Lifeline volunteers are the elite of Australia's volunteers. To get on the phones you have to do 92 hours of training, pay $500, maintain 92 hours in your first year, do group supervision and professional development, and then everything you hear on the phone can be extremely challenging. So these are really wise, compassionate beautiful people. Being around them on a daily basis is a privilege and an absolute pleasure."


Name: Pete Shmigel.

Current position: CEO, Lifeline Australia

Responsibilities: Work with Lifeline's 3500 volunteers / crisis supporters to save lives and stop Australia's national suicide emergency.

Education: Masters of Arts, Columbia University; Bachelor of Arts, State University of New York.

"They are worth nothing compared to the humility that my son's experience and recovery have taught me to aspire to." Additional training/courses: Lifeline's Crisis Support Worker Training, an intensive 92-hour course plus e-learning, that prepares all volunteers to listen to, respect and support people in crisis.

Professional associations: "On the board of Baseball Australia — and struggling to get to my G grade games with the Carlingford Cardinals."

Honourable mentions: "The best one I ever experience is when members of the public thank me on behalf of Lifeline for saving their lives. It's a very rich and undeserved privilege but I accept it for our amazing volunteers."

Strength: "Listening is probably the greatest sign of respect we can have for anybody. I'm the first to say that I'm always at my best when I'm the dumbest person in the room: I can hear good opinions, facts, data and solutions. My strength is hearing that stuff and figuring out how to do something with it."

Weakness: "I need to show more constraint. I tend to think out loud a bit much."

Management style and tips: "I want to create an office and an organisation where everybody is extraordinarily proud to say the best choice they made in their professional life was to work at Lifeline ... That's my ethic in everything I do - is how do we get to that place where, collectively as a team, we have managed to create a workplace that is unlike any other, and is doing amazing work for our clients."

Work motto: "Always forward. That's the motto of my former battalion from the US army and it's stuck with me."

Lifeline crisis line: 13 11 14.