Climate change


Analysis and Comment

Why there is no healing without grief

After Donald Trump's victory, a scholar says the biblical prophets can help show us the way forward: Just as there is no peace without justice, there is no healing without grief.

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Trump's win

The world reacts to President-Elect Donald Trump. AP Photo/Marco Ugarte

Donald Trump and the world: Five challenges

America appears as divided over key aspects of foreign policy as it is at home. So how does President-elect Trump hope to handle that divide, and what will be the major issues facing him?


Health care

Trump on the stump in 2015, talking about the “disaster known as Obamacare.” Via AP. Steven Senne/AP

Why repealing Obamacare may not be as easy as Trump thinks

President-elect Trump's distaste for Obamacare led him to say repeatedly that he would repeal it. Here's why that may not be so easy, even with Republican control of Congress and the White House.



All indications are that voting was not subject to a cyberattack. Ballot box via

This election was not hacked – but it was attacked

Though there is no indication hackers affected the outcome of the election, we still must act to improve the cybersecurity of American elections.



Cannabis is on display at Shango Premium Cannabis, in Portland, Oregon, Sept. 30, 2015. Timothy J. Gonzalez/AP

Marijuana legalization: Big changes across country

The trend toward marijuana legalization is growing, but the legality, or illegality, of cannabis at the federal level hasn't changed at all.


US Presidential election

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Most Read past week

  1. Five things that explain Donald Trump’s stunning presidential election victory
  2. Why repealing Obamacare may not be as easy as Trump thinks
  3. When ‘energy’ drinks actually contained radioactive energy
  4. Why the Trump effect could increase bullying
  5. Donald Trump tweeted himself into the White House

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