Federal Politics

Lifetime visa ban for refugees in doubt as crossbenchers baulk

Malcolm Turnbull's "ring of steel" asylum seeker arrangements designed to buttress his new US resettlement deal could be weakened by Labor, Greens and crossbench opposition to a proposed lifetime visa ban on post-2013 boat arrivals.

The Prime Minister warned that Labor "vacillation" would quickly become a marketing opportunity for people smugglers eager to convince desperate asylum seekers that the resettlement of the Manus Island and Nauru refugees represents a lowering of Australian resolve.

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Refugee plan unites political foes

Following the US refugee resettlement announcement, Labor leader Bill Shorten says it's welcome news, a clear sign of cross party unity but the Greens are still not happy. Courtesy ABC News 24.

With the Nick Xenophon Team and others also likely to vote against the visa ban, crossbench uncertainty adds to the raft of unknowns about the separate US transfer agreement, including suggestions it will be swiftly vetoed by the incoming Trump administration.

The resettlement of offshore detainees in the US has been welcomed by all sides of politics, but the Prime Minister's hopes of imposing an Australian lifetime visa ban on any of those refugees ever returning looks like going down.

Mr Turnbull and Immigration and Border Protection Minister Peter Dutton say the visa ban is crucial as a statement of intent as they turn up the heat on Labor.

Labor voted against the legislation in the lower house, despite claiming it is otherwise on a "unity ticket" with the Coalition on border protection.


"Last week Bill Shorten abandoned the national interest when he voted against the legislation to strengthen the integrity of our nation's borders," Mr Turnbull said.

"If Bill Shorten and Labor need an excuse to correct their mistake, this resettlement deal provides the opportunity.

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has warned over Labor's "vacillation".
Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has warned over Labor's "vacillation". Photo: Peter Rae

"Now more than ever Mr Shorten should show the strength to stand united with the government in the national interest before his vacillation becomes used as a marketing ploy by the people smugglers as they seek to restart their evil and deadly trade."

While not a condition of the US deal as the government originally foreshadowed, the ban is a deliberately harsh and inflexible statement calculated to dispel any hope of those in offshore detention ever getting to Australia.

The Nick Xenophon Team and other crossbenchers are likely to vote against the visa ban.
The Nick Xenophon Team and other crossbenchers are likely to vote against the visa ban. Photo: Andrew Meares

The government remains upbeat about its agreement to resettle the 1600 refugees housed in Manus and Nauru holding up despite the change of presidents in the US.

Mr Turnbull admitted he had not raised the controversial agreement with President-elect Donald Trump in their post-election telephone discussion.

"Well, because we deal with one administration at a time," he told Nine's Today show. "And you don't discuss confidential matters with one administration with a future administration. Look, it's fairly straightforward, because we deal with one president at a time."

Washington has not provided any further details of the deal, but after a brutal US election campaign, in which "illegal" immigration was the most bitterly contested policy, Mark Krikorian, executive director of the influential Centre for Immigration Studies, predicted a "firestorm" of opposition from anti-immigration activists.

"This is the kind of thing the Trump administration will nix on day one," he said. "It's so difficult to justify.

"I don't expect any Republicans will defend it. I can't see a lot of Democrats defending it either. My sense is that when the word gets out on this, it will be dead on arrival."

Despite the resettlement deal, the cost of offshore detention is likely to eclipse $5 billion by 2019.

A report by UNICEF and Save the Children, released in September, found the total cost to the public of operating the detention system on Nauru and Manus Island had cost $3.6 billion since the reintroduction of offshore processing by Labor in 2012.

That equates to $400,000 for each asylum seeker transferred to those islands since the centres were reopened.

An Australian Audit Office report of 2016 put that figure even higher, at $573,000 per asylum seeker.

At $200,000, locking up a prisoner in an Australian jail costs about a third of that.

The projected cost to 2019-20 is a further $1.9 billion, even with a shrinking detainee count in each location.

The UNICEF report found a complete and immediate shutdown of detention facilities on Manus and Nauru would save taxpayers $2 billion over four years.

But there is little likelihood that Manus will be emptied of all detainees through the US agreement alone, and the cost of maintaining turnbacks at sea will continue throughout that period.

Turnbacks are estimated to have cost nearly $300 million since Operation Sovereign Borders began.

Other costs associated with the offshore processing system include $40 million on the all but failed scheme to resettle refugees in Cambodia, and $275 million spent on "regional co-operation activities" which aim to strengthen relationships with other governments around deterring asylum seekers from attempting to get to Australia by boat.

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