Federal Politics

Gillian Triggs backs changes to section 18C as government announces inquiry into freedom of speech

The President of the Human Rights Commission, Gillian Triggs, has backed a proposal to change section 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act.

Currently engaged in a public war of words with Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull, Professor Triggs has said the Human Rights Commission – a regular target of the Coalition's conservative free speech advocates – is open to any suggestions made by a parliamentary inquiry into the controversial section.

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Turnbull v Triggs

The PM and Human Rights Commissioner are in a war of words after Malcolm Turnbull accused the Commission of harming its credibility over a recent 18c case. Courtesy ABC.

The government confirmed on Tuesday that Parliament's human rights committee would examine freedom of speech, including possible legislation amending 18C and changes to the commission's complaints-handling process.

As it stands, the law makes it unlawful to "offend, insult, humiliate or intimidate" on the basis of race. Professor Triggs said removing offend and insult and inserting "vilify" would be a strengthening of the laws.

"It could be a very useful thing to do," she told ABC radio.

"We believe that the two provisions [18C and 18D] underpin both a balance of freedom of speech on the one hand and the reporting that is in good faith, that is reasonably good faith and in the public interest.


"But we also stand by the fact that you cannot and no civilised society should allow abusive statements made in the public arena because of a person's race."

She said the Human Rights Commission was "open to seeing what the inquiry might suggest. Whether the language could be clarified and in our view strengthened that enables us to support the multicultural society that we are".

Could Australian Human Rights Commission President Gillian Triggs come to Malcolm Turnbull's aid?
Could Australian Human Rights Commission President Gillian Triggs come to Malcolm Turnbull's aid?  Photo: Andrew Meares

On Monday, Professor Triggs accused the Prime Minister of being "deeply misleading" following his criticisms of the commission's conduct regarding the Federal Circuit Court's dismissal of a racial discrimination complaint made against three Queensland University of Technology students.

The Prime Minister told the Coalition party room meeting on Tuesday that the parliamentary inquiry would be about "consensus-building" and "getting the balance right between a successful multicultural society and the freedom of speech that is fundamental to our democracy".

In addition to 18C, it will also examine 18D, which outlines the broad exemptions for contributions to debate that are in the public interest and "said or done reasonably and in good faith".

The inquiry will consider whether the Human Rights Commission's process eliminates vexatious complaints, affords natural justice, is transparent, works efficiently, avoids unfair costs on the taxpayer or subjects of complaints, and impacts freedom of speech more broadly. 

Internal Coalition momentum for overhauling the Racial Discrimination Act has grown amid the Queensland dispute and the pursuit of News Corp cartoonist Bill Leak. The cases have energised the Liberal Party's diehard free speech advocates and cabinet ministers have joined them in publicly expressed concerns.

Eighteen MPs spoke on the matter in the joint party room meeting, with some emphasising law reform and others focusing on the complaints process.

Liberal frontbencher Ken Wyatt, the only Indigenous MP in the party and formerly a staunch opponent of watering down 18C, now says he is "probably leaning towards" backing a review with openness to the same proposal backed by Professor Triggs.

The government previously ruled out changing 18C, arguing it was not a priority, and Labor has consistently said they do not see any need for reform.

After promising to change the law at the 2013 election, the Abbott government ultimately withdrew a proposal that would have prohibited racial vilification and intimidation, removing protections against humiliating, insulting and offending.

The laws were most famously applied in 2011 when journalist Andrew Bolt was found to have breached the Racial Discrimination Act in two articles about "fair-skinned Aboriginal people".

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