Federal Politics

Fergus Hunter

Fergus Hunter is a breaking news reporter for Fairfax Media in the federal press gallery at Parliament House

Immigration Minister Peter Dutton and Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull announce the refugee deal on Sunday.

Dutton reinforces 'one-off' nature of US deal

Immigration Minister Peter Dutton has stressed that the United States resettlement deal is a "one-off" and will only apply to refugees currently held in the Manus Island and Nauru detention centres, including those temporarily in Australia for medical care.

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull announced a resettlement option for refugees held in Nauru and Manus Island with the ...

Turnbull turns attack on ABC, 'elite media'

The ABC and "élite media" are to blame for distracting people from the government's focus on economic growth, Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has said, at pains to emphasise that he is in touch with the concerns of real people.

Immigration Minister Peter Dutton and Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull announce the deal.

Turnbull defends Dutton and Morrison against 'vicious attacks'

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has used the breakthrough refugee resettlement deal with the United States as an opportunity to heap praise on Immigration Minister Peter Dutton and his predecessor in the portfolio, Treasurer Scott Morrison, whom he says have been unfairly maligned.

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull says Immigration Minister Peter Dutton (right) has suffered constant, often vicious attacks.

Everything you need to know about the US refugee resettlement deal

In a one-off deal, the United States has agreed to take resettlement referrals for refugees residing at the Nauru and Manus Island offshore detention facilities. The opportunity is only available to those who have already arrived and will not be offered to people who do not attain refugee status or come in future.

Race Discrimination Commissioner Dr Tim Soutphommasane seeks to rationalise why there are so few formal complaints of ...

Human Rights Commission split on section 18C

A split has emerged inside the Human Rights Commission over the latest move to amend section 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act, with Race Discrimination Commissioner Tim Soutphommasane not on board with a proposal backed by commission president Gillian Triggs.