Trump’s Code Orange has hit rural NSW

Trump’s Code Orange has hit rural NSW
The Orange by-election result is Donald Trump and Brexit writ small. The deplorables took their one chance in the ballot box to express their fury, writes Miranda Devine.

Nationals Lampoon will trigger shake-up

Nationals Lampoon will trigger shake-up
TROY Grant’s resignation represents a tectonic shift at Macquarie St, which will have a domino effect on the entire Baird government, according to Andrew Clennell.

You have my money. Now connect my damn phone!

You have my money. Now connect my damn phone!
Telcos must be taking us all for a ride. We give them our money and expect them to deliver. When they don’t, well, good luck contacting them. It’s soul destroying.

Five inconvenient truths about the US election

Five inconvenient truths about the US election
Dear women, don’t kid yourself that dancing on Clinton’s political grave is “brave”, writes Sarrah Le Marquand. Selling out your gender to appease men is anything but.

Ok to acknowledge the war within

Ok to acknowledge the war within
IT takes a huge amount of guts to put your hand up and admit you have depression. Too many men end their lives rather than risk the label of “soft” or “sook”, writes Catherine McGregor.

You have my money. Now connect my damn phone!

Telcos must be taking us all for a ride. We give them our money and expect them to deliver. When they don’t, well, good luck contacting them. It’s soul destroying.

Petitions can save lives. That’s nothing to yawn about

Calling to ban all petitions just because you disagree with one, is like calling to ban all tweets from Twitter because one offended you. Freedom of speech is when everyone can have their say.

I am voter, hear me roar because I’ve had enough

I am voter, hear me roar because I’ve had enough
There is no direct link between Britain’s Brexit vote, the election of Donald Trump in the US and the downturn in fortunes for Mike Baird’s Coalition government. But there certainly is a factor common to all three events.

Oh look, another petition. Yawn

Oh look, another petition. Yawn
It’s time to start a petition calling for an immediate ban on petitions so we can stop being offended by petitions demanding that we stop being offended.

Troy Grant fell on his sword as promised

Troy Grant fell on his sword as promised
TROY Grant promised senior colleagues last month that he would resign should he lose the Orange by-election and he has lived true to his word. Analysis by Andrew Clennell

Just whose side is Turnbull on?

Just whose side is Turnbull on?
MALCOLM Turnbull, you still don’t get it. You still don’t get that the vote for Donald Trump was a vote against people just like you, writes Andrew Bolt.

ABC clown Bozo Barrie has egg on face

ABC clown Bozo Barrie has egg on face
IF you think Hillary Clinton had a tough time last Wednesday, spare a thought for one of Clinton’s devoted Australian cheerleaders, the ABC’s Barrie Cassidy, writes Tim Blair.

If that’s our best, then cricket’s in serious strife

If that’s our best, then cricket’s in serious strife
THE Australian cricket team enjoyed its most successful day of the season yesterday, mostly thanks to Tasmanian rain that washed out all three Sunday sessions in the second Test. Otherwise, who knows what may have happened? Recently the Aussies are collapsing more often than Hillary Clinton, writes Tim Blair.

Depression only gets worse with alcohol

Depression only gets worse with alcohol
Depression and alcohol do not mix but seeking help is vital whether you recognise the issue yourself or you see it is someone else.

All hail Trump! Rescuer of Western civilisation

All hail Trump! Rescuer of Western civilisation
Trump’s victory signals something more serious than the neuroses of limp Leftists, writes Miranda Devine. Ignore the ‘forgotten men and women’ at your peril.

Wake up, Australia. Feminism is a voter turn-off

Wake up, Australia. Feminism is a voter turn-off
The millions of women who rejected victim feminism and voted Trump confirm they have more important concerns than breaking glass ceilings, writes Miranda Devine.

Take That and Trump: Why we’ll never trust polls again

Take That and Trump: Why we’ll never trust polls again
Trump and Take That prove we should never rely on opinion polls, writes Miranda Devine. It’s back to respecting judgment, gut feeling and courage.

A teenage boy’s guide to talking to girls

A teenage boy’s guide to talking to girls
As the former editor of teen magazines, here’s my Idiot’s Guide To Talking To Girls. Or: How Not To Be a Teen Trump, writes Kerry Parnell.

Who’s to blame for Hillary’s loss? Angry white women

Who’s to blame for Hillary’s loss? Angry white women
White men from rural backwaters did not thwart Clinton’s bid to be the first female US President. It was women who sold her out, writes Lauren Martyn-Jones.

Is ‘sharenting’ harming our kids?

Is ‘sharenting’ harming our kids?
The increasing prevalence of parents sharing photos and anecdotes of their children on social media could potentially be damaging.

Happiness is an empty dishwasher

Happiness is an empty dishwasher
My best free feeling is when I open up the dishwasher to put in a plate, and discover that it’s empty. The elation! The unbridled joy! The pure, ecstatic relief!

Visa posturing gives no credit to Shorten

Visa posturing gives no credit to Shorten
BILL Shorten slammed the government’s “desperate” lifetime visa ban for asylum seekers this week before walking straight into the House of Representatives to get stuck into foreign workers taking Aussie jobs.

Left whines as Trump bottles grapes of wrath

Left whines as Trump bottles grapes of wrath
PRESIDENT-elect Donald Trump has harvested the grapes of wrath and the vintage isn’t looking as bad as his media and celebrity critics ­predicted.

Let’s see if the tiger has claws

Let’s see if the tiger has claws
LIKE all populists, Trump has been much better at articulating grievances than devising solutions. His victory speech was a good first step, but we need to see more, Peta Credlin writes.

Suck it up, Lefties. We blew it

Suck it up, Lefties. We blew it
Until the inner-city Left stops trying to dictate how other people should feel it will get its arse handed to it on a platter again and again, writes Joe Hildebrand.

World waits for one man

World waits for one man
IT’S AS though Donald Trump somehow underwent a character and personality transplant. Suddenly everyone is being nice about him and he’s being nice about everyone else.

A letter to my sons on President Trump

A letter to my sons on President Trump
It is not just mothers of daughters around the world mourning Donald Trump’s presidential victory. We should also fear for our sons.

Why women should put up with the ‘pash rash’

Why women should put up with the ‘pash rash’
It’s November, the month of dudes sporting moustaches. I, like so many other women, dreaded the “pash rash”. Until I got a call from my friend Dave.

My kid loves Trump. And I get why

My kid loves Trump. And I get why
When I was in school I was taught geography. My son is learning about how unfair the world is for women and refugees. In his teenage rebellion, he’s turned to Trump.

Trump-ism, why it’s coming here next

Trump-ism, why it’s coming here next
THE working classes have delivered a massive political shock to the US, and a similar revolt is emerging here, writes Simon Benson.

Media failed to read silent majority on Trump

Media failed to read silent majority on Trump
IT’s impossible to overstate the scale of Donald Trump’s win. The mystery is how the US media failed to see this coming, writes Ray Hadley.

Donald Trump just might be in search of friends

Donald Trump just might be in search of friends
I DIDN’T pick these elections. The reaction to escalating inequality is the movement we now see unfolding across America, says Kevin Rudd.