Sirqul IoT Platform

Sirquls approach to providing platform solutions is novel. The company distilled common application features found in the most popular applications into core ingredients and ensured these services work seamlessly with each other. This approach enables developers, to combine these ingredients into custom IoT recipes faster and more cost effectively to generate more engagement and revenue. Learn more by taking a look at our documentation, tutorials, guides, use cases and recommendations. IMPORTANT: It is highly recommended that this product be launched using the Multi-Tier Enterprise IoT Solution Delivery method. This is an enterprise solution that is optimized to have auto-scaling and dedicated hardware for every tier of the stack. Detailed instructions on how to launch and access the stack are available at

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Latest Version


Operating System

Linux/Unix, Amazon Linux 2012.09

Delivery Methods

    • Single AMI
    • 64-bit Amazon Machine Image (AMI) (Learn more)
    • Single box deployment of the product
    • Multi-Tier Enterprise IoT Solution
    • CloudFormation Template (View)
    • Sirquls multi-tier IoT enterprise solution has a suite of services that communicate with RDS, Cloud Search, and S3 to ensure speed, stability, and reliability to all users of the stack.

AWS Services Required

Amazon CloudFormation, Amazon EC2, RDS, S3, CloudSearch


  • Launch an enterprise IoT application stack on the AWS Marketplace in a matter of minutes with the same internal buy-in and approvals you already have to run your cloud on AWS.
  • Build and release fully functioning IoT applications in weeks instead of months while owning your Customer and user data end to end.
  • Reuse, repurpose and augment applications with ease because all Sirqul elements interoperate harmoniously with each other.

Product Description

Sirquls approach to providing platform solutions is novel. The company distilled common application features found in the most popular applications into core ingredients and ensured these services work seamlessly with each other. This approach enables developers, to combine these ingredients into custom IoT recipes faster and more cost effectively to generate more engagement and revenue. Learn more by taking a look at our documentation, tutorials, guides, use cases and recommendations. IMPORTANT: It is highly recommended that this product be launched using the Multi-Tier Enterprise IoT Solution Delivery method. This is an enterprise solution that is optimized to have auto-scaling and dedicated hardware for every tier of the stack. Detailed instructions on how to launch and access the stack are available at

Product Details

  • Version: 1
  • Available on AWS Marketplace Since: 02/19/2016


Usage Instructions

IMPORTANT: It is highly recommended that this product be launched using the Multi-Tier Enterprise IoT Solution Delivery method. This is an enterprise solution that is optimized to have auto-scaling and dedicated hardware for every tier of the stack. Detailed instructions on how to launch and access the stack are available at AMI access instructions:1. Pick the launch single AMI option from the marketplace.2. Pick a supported server size (the r3 series), click next.3. Leave instance details as is (Ignore if not seen).4. Expand the Advanced area and enter the following into the UserData field. Replace the parameters with the correct information. Once done click next.#!/bin/bash/ebs/prod/ dbUsername dbPassword emailUsername emailPassword authNetId authNetToken s3Bucket accessKey secretKey5. Leave add storage as is (Ignore if not seen), click next.6. Add a tag Name=SirqulStack, click next.7. Configure a security group as follows then click next:HTTP TCP 80 TCP 3306 YourIPAddress/32Custom TCP Rule TCP 8080 TCP 22 YourIPAddress/328. Review and then click Launch.9. Select key pair and then click Launch.10. Wait for setup process to complete (~30 minutes).11. Verify the service is available, go to http://ServerIpAddress/Sirquls approach to providing platform solutions is novel. The company distilled common application features found in the most popular applications into core "ingredients" and ensured these services work seamlessly with each other. This approach enables developers, to combine these ingredients into custom IoT "recipes" faster and more cost effectively to generate more engagement and revenue. Sirqul's IoT Solution comes with our documentation, tutorials, guides, use cases and recommendations to get started or you can preview them at

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Support Details

Sirqul IoT Platform

Please feel free to email us at if you have any questions and we'll be sure to respond within 24 hours.

AWS Infrastructure

AWS Support is a one-on-one, fast-response support channel that is staffed 24x7x365 with experienced and technical support engineers. The service helps customers of all sizes and technical abilities to successfully utilize the products and features provided by Amazon Web Services. Learn more

Refund Policy

We do not currently support refunds, but you can cancel at any time.

End User License Agreement

By subscribing to this product you agree to terms and conditions outlined in the product End User License Agreement (EULA).


You will have an opportunity to review your order before launching or being charged.

Pricing Details

For Region

Delivery Methods

Hourly Fees

Total hourly fees will vary by instance type and EC2 region.

EC2 Instance Type Software EC2 Total
r3.large $11.50/hr $0.166/hr $11.666/hr
r3.xlarge $14.64/hr $0.333/hr $14.973/hr
r3.2xlarge $17.78/hr $0.665/hr $18.445/hr

EBS General Purpose (SSD) volumes

  • $0.10 per GB-month of provisioned storage

Assumes On-Demand EC2 pricing

Learn about instance types

Data Transfer Fees not included

Learn more about Data Transfer Fees

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