Daily Life

Could Hillary Clinton continue Bill's record on breaking glass ceilings in cabinet?

It's well known that Hillary Clinton wants gender parity in her cabinet if she wins the White House. So it's worth remembering the positions where glass ceilings still exist.

Here's the rundown. Of all the cabinet and cabinet-level roles, only four have never been held by a woman: secretary of the Treasury, secretary of defence, secretary of veterans affairs and White House chief of staff.

Hillary Clinton.
Hillary Clinton. Photo: AP

Could Clinton - or Donald Trump - make a clean sweep and fill all of those positions with women? It's certainly possible.

A handful of women are rumoured to be under consideration as potential Treasury picks for Clinton, including Facebook chief operating officer Sheryl Sandberg (much to progressives' chagrin) and Federal Reserve Board member Lael Brainard. For secretary of defence, ex-Pentagon official Michele Flournoy is a perpetual favourite in conversations around town.

Sheryl Sandberg, chief operating officer of Facebook.
Sheryl Sandberg, chief operating officer of Facebook. Photo: Bloomberg

Female leadership could be longer in coming to the Veterans Affairs Department, and not only because the job is considered unattractive because of scandal.

That leaves the final position never held by a woman: White House chief of staff. Some of Clinton's allies think she will prioritise hiring a woman as her top aide for this reason. (Center for American Progress President Neera Tanden is sometimes mentioned in this context, along with longtime Clinton aide Huma Abedin.)


But most of the people known to be interested in the role (ex-Ebola czar Ron Klain) and those seen as potential candidates (Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack and Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook) are men.

Should Clinton win the White House and fill those four roles with women during her presidency, she would be second only to her husband in breaking the glass ceiling on Cabinet-level positions.

Hillary Clinton with her trusted confidante Huma Abedin in 2011.
Hillary Clinton with her trusted confidante Huma Abedin in 2011. Photo: AP

President Bill Clinton appointed five "firsts": the first female secretary of state (Madeleine Albright), attorney general (Janet Reno), energy secretary (Hazel O'Leary), Office of Management and Budget director (Alice Rivlin); and Council of Economic Advisers chair (Laura Tyson).

The first female Cabinet member was Frances Perkins, who President Franklin D. Roosevelt appointed to lead the Labor Department in 1933. It would be another 20 years before the next woman held that rank.

Washington Post