
Photoshop extension

Questions asked by olivier.jully on Nov 11, 2016 14:57 EST

Hi, I am trying to install Visualizer photoshop convertion but it does not work with CC 2017. I can't downgrade my photoshop. Do you know when a new versionof the plugin will arrive ? Thanks very much, Olivier JULL

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Making an HTTP POST request and consuming the response in Mobile Fabric

Questions asked by bsaddik on Nov 11, 2016 13:49 EST

Hello Experts ,  I'm beginner in kony development , I would like to create simple kony application that does an HTTP post for login screen. The webservice takes a few parameters (username , password, action).  i tried to create the operation under integration server using Mobile Fabric , i have specified parameters using $ in...

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Login error

Problems posted by vikash on Nov 11, 2016 09:11 EST

cant access to login page

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Unable to recieve push notifiactions in iOS devices, when trying to send using Adhoc in KMS.

Questions asked by Thirumalai Veerasamy on Nov 11, 2016 06:45 EST

While developing an app for Push Notifications, I have   1). Created a valid .p12 file and successfully uploaded in KMS.   2). Got the KSID for the device from KMS.   3). Valid Provisioning Profile for the application. But I am unable to receive Push Notification in the registered iOS devices, when I try...

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Cant reach to Login page

Problems posted by vikash on Nov 11, 2016 02:37 EST

Issue in Konymobile fabric.Aftre stop n start aws instances we can't reach to login page showing "The connection time out"

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Why retype licence in Kony Studio when install new version without uninstall old version

Questions asked by ximatrix on Nov 10, 2016 14:03 EST

Actually I have Kony Studio 5.6 and I installed Kony Studio 6.5, when opened any IDE 5.6 or 6.5 always that retype license.

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Kony Inc Kony Studio

Navigation issue back button is not showing

Questions asked by Rambabu Nayudu on Nov 10, 2016 05:51 EST

I have developed the application in kony studio. Application working fine i have not get any issues. Now i have migrated application to kony visualizer enterprise. Application is working fine except one issue. When i am navigating from one screen to other screen back button is displaying. If i want to go...

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Visualizer Enterprise: Startup has encountered issues

Questions asked by jongsungfoh on Nov 10, 2016 01:47 EST

"Get the information said: Startup has ecountered issues. Please check log file for details and try again."   May I know how to solve this problem? Just the first run this software and using version at Windows 10 OS. Thank you

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Getting invalid providerName when using "userstore"

Questions asked by Steve Curry on Nov 09, 2016 19:08 EST

I get an error of 'Invalid providerName' when I trigger execution of the login function below.  (I have defined konyObject as a global variable.  Initialization is successful.)   function login() {    konyObject = new kony.sdk(); konyObject.init("290d811ac20ef031c73e6bdbe0963621","c06fbceb40a792d26fc1c3cb9cb5cd1b",                 "",                 initSuccess, initFailure);    }    function initSuccess(response)...

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Process to change database Details in Mobile Fabric(7.0.1)

Questions asked by suresh jallipalli on Nov 09, 2016 13:27 EST

Client has installed Kony Mobile Fabric (7.0.1) with Tomcat in Cent OS with DB details as IP. It is installed in Multi-Node with a Load Balancer. Now he wants to change the Database IP to a Hostname to manage the downtime.  Please provide the document or link on the process to...

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