

Ipsos poll shows what Australians feel about President Donald Trump

Australians have reacted apprehensively to Donald Trump's election as US president, with a significant majority saying it will hurt the economy, make the world less safe and worsen relations between Canberra and Washington.

A nationwide poll by Ipsos taken after this week's US election found two-thirds were opposed to Mr Trump's election as US President.

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However, there was a significant gender split, with 75 per cent of women opposed, compared with 57 per cent of men. More than eight in 10 young voters (18-24 years) were also opposed to Mr Trump's presidency.

Most of those interviewed think Mr Trump's victory will be negative for the economy and global security. Almost six in 10 felt the Australian economy would be worse off under a Trump presidency with more than a quarter of the total saying it will be much worse.



An even bigger portion think Trump's ascent to the White House will hurt the world economy, with 63 per cent saying it would be worse off and 36 per cent of the total saying it would be much worse.

During the election campaign, Mr Trump flagged policies that could disrupt global trade including the renegotiation of trade deals and action to prevent "all foreign trading abuses that unfairly impact American workers".


Two of Australia's top financial regulators warned on Friday of unintended consequences and market chaos resulting from Trump's victory. 

Australian Securities and Investments Commission chairman Greg Medcraft said  Trump's plan to replace the Dodd-Frank Act with new policies could have an impact on Australian markets.

"It's one thing standing for election and putting up proposals but when you're in government you have to look at the unintended consequences," he said.  

"It probably means taking on more risk in the financial system but you've got to weigh that up."

The Dodd-Frank Wall Street reform act was passed into law in 2010 after the global financial crisis revealed the cowboy antics of many financial services firms. It provides for much tougher regulation for financial institutions.

The chairman of Australia's banking regulator, the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority, Wayne Byres, said markets would continue to bounce around throughout the Trump presidency because of inconsistent policy statements.

"Almost every possible position has been put forward in the past 12 months," Mr Byres said. 

"It's hard to see what the plan is at this point. And the only thing that we can be certain of is there will be more volatility."

The Ipsos survey of 921 Australian voters showed 59 per cent felt the world will be less safe when Mr Trump moves into the White House while 14 per cent felt the world would be safer and 27 per cent felt there would be no difference.

Of those surveyed, 58 per cent felt relations between Australia and the US would be worse once Mr Trump becomes US president (23 per cent said much worse).

A majority of Australians also think Mr Trump's election has implications for local politics. The survey found 62 per cent believe Australia will see a rise in politicians and parties with similar views to Mr Trump.

When it comes to dealing with the new Trump administration, 45 per cent believed the Liberal National Coalition would be most capable of managing the Australia-US relationship, compared with 22 per cent saying the ALP would be most capable.

Another 14 per cent believed One Nation would be most capable.

A significant majority felt Mr Trump's presidency will be negative for America, with 62 per cent saying the country will be worse off and 41 per cent of the total saying it will be much worse.

Reserve Bank of Australia deputy governor Guy Debelle said it was too soon to say what a Trump victory would mean for global interest rates.

"There's a difference between what you say and what you actually do," Mr Debelle said. "Until you get into office, I think we're doing to have to wait and see.

"[Mr Trump's fiscal policy] will probably be somewhere else next week. Let's see what happens."

As markets rally on Trump's promise to put millions to work rebuilding roads, airports and bridges, former Prime Minister Paul Keating said the only way to boost domestic growth effectively would be through public infrastructure spending.

"What Australia desperately needs is a Reserve Bank of infrastructure, that is a public body that nominates the big projects and then gets them going," he said.

Mr Keating said that even if Mr Trump did get more infrastructure projects projects started, it would would not change the fact the world was in a "long down cycle" characterised by much less business investment. Mr Keating said he thought Mr Trump would be re-elected in 2020 if he was able to kickstart the US economy.

with Clancy Yeates
