
From the Butcher to the Chef

From the Butcher to the Chef is a Cypriot diner located in a pretty obscure little strip mall on Bell St. It’s easy to overlook as they’ve seamlessly merged ...

The Dumpster

According to its Instagram bio “The Dumpster is in an orange building that has 'Pizza' painted on it, but there's no pizza”. Which is...

Top picks for Melbourne Music Week

So, let’s talk about Melbourne Music Week. It’s cool! A solid ~fun idea~ by City of Melbourne. Throw a bunch of cash at cool local and international musician...

Swampland Issue 01, launch

Swampland is a passionate ode to Australian music and music culture, in a thoughtful and honest format that (despite being named after a both a Scientist'...

A letter written to YOU every week for fifteen years

In 2001, a man from Melbourne sat down to write you a letter. I know it was for you because it began: “Dear You…"  Once he finished handwr...

Swampland Issue 01

When I was first interested in music there was no internet so I used to read a lot of print music magazines. My dad liked the idea of me 'getting into gu...

Moon Holiday's playlist for the supermoon

Alex Ward makes contemplative and emotional electronic music under the mo(o)niker Moon Holiday. Her latest release 'Out of Bounds' is an addictive ex...

The CERES Bee Group

From Hong Kong and Paris to San Francisco urban bee keepers are helping to maintain healthy bee populations, under threat from parasites, pollution and pesti...

Nathan Roche, ‘Behind the Curtain of Death’

Proudly donning the title of “The Only Person That's Ever Read Behind The Curtain of Death by Nathan Roche” I am writing this review without any fear of ...

Lovely Head, 'Always'

Lovely Head knew what was up when she started making music a few years ago. For one thing, she called herself Lovely Head, and it more than suits what the so...

Maggot Fest VII

It was a crusty four days at Maggot Fest VII. We sent Matt Neuman along to pick some scabs, jump with the punks and revel with Melbourne's best wastrels.

Tipo 00

On a scale of one to Chin Chin the wait for Tipo 00 pasta bar is like a seven, so if you’re heading in after like 6.30pm prepare to have a drink (and a snack...

~ The Thousands Horoscopes ~ Scorpio Season Oct 23 t...

Alright, here’s the deal: Scorpio season is a big one, but it’s a good one. Scorpio is the House of Sex and Death, but in a good way – sure, death isn’t grea...

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